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Myanmar’s Bleak Future: Civil War and Ethnic Strife

14-8-2024 < Attack the System 28 1114 words

Myanmar doesn’t often catch my attention, but with the ongoing civil war, I figured it was time to throw it into the mix. After years of civil unrest, is there a clear path to stability?

A quick look back at Myanmar’s history will show a fractured population divided by demography and ethnic lines. The majority is made up of the Burmese people, which comprises two-thirds of the population. The Burmese live in the most favorable location and have the best infrastructure.

The Burman majority currently also makes up the vast majority of the military, which is the backbone of the ruling junta. In addition to stymying domestic democracy movements and mismanaging the country (and its resources, and its economy), the pro-Burman regime has a long history of abuses against various minority groups. These groups have increased their violent confrontation with the junta in recent years, and the military has struggled to retain control.

So, after 15 years of civil unrest and conflict, can they see the light on the other side? Unfortunately, the future remains bleak until there is some form of political resolution to regain control of the country and the disconnected population.

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