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NY Times: Feds Naturalizing Illegals To ‘Reshape Electorate Before November’

14-8-2024 < SGT Report 24 425 words

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The New York Times reports that the federal government is accelerating the naturalization of illegal immigrants in America as part of a process of “reshaping the electorate” before the election this November.

“The federal government is processing citizenship requests at the fastest clip in a decade, moving rapidly through a backlog that built up during the Trump administration and the coronavirus pandemic,” reports the newspaper.

TRUTH LIVES on at reports: One Honduran woman marveled at the fact that authorities were able to process and approve her application in as little as six months.

The story highlights how many of these new citizens will immediately become eligible to vote in key battleground states, including Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

The piece includes a very revealing quote from Xiao Wang, chief executive of Boundless, a data analysis company.

“The surge in naturalization efficiency isn’t just about clearing backlogs; it’s potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election,” said Wang.

“Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency,” he added.

In other words, knowing that immigrants are far likelier to vote Democrat, the Biden administration is importing them at breakneck speed in order to tip the scales for Kamala Harris.

3.3 million immigrants have become citizens during Biden’s time in office, with data showing that more will vote Democrat than Republican.

This has partly driven the Trump campaign’s efforts to appeal more to “Jamal” and “Enrique,” and not so much “Karen,” although the strategy has caused division amongst Trump’s base.

The legacy media has consistently denounced the idea of mass migration being a deliberate ploy to increase the voter base for Democrats as part of the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, while simultaneously admitting it’s happening.

A poll conducted by YouGov in 2022 found that 73 per cent of Trump voters believed Democrats are “trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color” who overwhelmingly vote for Democrats.

According to the media, when people on the right talk about it in a negative way, it’s a horrendous form of extremist radicalization, but when leftists celebrate it, it’s a progressive virtue.

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