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New MASS MEDIA NARRATIVE in effect where the LEFT refers to everything Conservative as “WEIRD”

14-8-2024 < Natural News 24 679 words

New MASS MEDIA NARRATIVE in effect where the LEFT refers to everything Conservative as “WEIRD”

Across all mass media, including local networks and national news, every shill pundit for the Left is suddenly calling Trump, Vance and all Conservatives “weird.” Using different sentences and intonations to make it seem like a natural thought that just comes to them in the moment, the ultimate weird party of sex-crazed, mask-loving, climate change cultists keep referring to the rest of us as “just weird.” It’s like watching television and some corporation is trying to brand their slogan in your mind so you get brainwashed into buying it, or in this case, buying in.

One YouTuber out of Texas named Chad Prather was quick to recognize this trend and did a great parody, like a quick two-minute stand up comedy routine, and he flips the script (literally) on the Left, and he reveals the ultimate hypocrisy in lightning speed (podcasted from inside his car).

Hilariously, the political party that claims men can get their period, give birth to babies and should have the right to use girl’s bathrooms… THEY are calling conservatives weird. Yes, the puppets on the news are all getting their strings pulled to use the word "weird" when describing Trump, Vance and the Right.

Ironically, the sex-crazed, God-denying Liberals who claim men who pretend to be women can and do fairly compete in women’s and girls’ sports (they call it non-discrimination), including the Olympics, where wrestling, boxing, weightlifting and cycling competitions are massively lopsided when it comes to the average male having more strength and speed.

The party chock full of climate change cultists, who swear the earth is getting so hot that we all must stop driving gas-powered vehicles, end gas stove use and use paper straws from Starbucks, and help the cows stop farting or we’ll all burst into flames walking down the street… yes, that party, is claiming conservatives are “just plain weird.” Plus, the leaders of the climate change cult fly around the world in private jets and sail the globe on their fuel-burning yacht; while preaching to everyone else to eat bugs and worms (and eventually each other) so we can end all hurricanes, earthquakes, droughts and tsunamis forever.

The Party that wants to “have the right” to abort babies up until the day of birth claims Republicans are “weird”

There’s no more negotiating when it’s too late for a woman to get an abortion, because the Left says even if the baby is born, if the mom doesn’t “like it,” it should be terminated. All she needs to do is express this to the doctor, that she made a mistake and it’s too much of a burden. That’s a woman’s right, according to the Left, even though they also claim there is no such thing as a woman, or a man, because everyone is supposedly gender fluid, and can change back and forth by just thinking about it. Still, the Left is “normal,” and the Right is “weird?”

This is the Left. The Party that calls rioting in every metropolitan city, including burning police cars, robbing merchants at gunpoint, beating innocent people to death in the streets, and spray painting building and monuments with “Black Lives Matter” graffiti… that’s all referred to as “peaceful protesting.” Yet, when Conservatives and Independents call out the hypocrisy, the lies and the violence, we are deemed “domestic terrorists” and spewers of “hate speech” who want to “destroy democracy.” Sure.

Bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about day-of-birth-abortion cultists, climate change freaks, gender “fluidity” pervs and “peaceful protests” that destroy cities and lives, while the Left calls the Right “weird.” Now that it’s been pointed out by truth news, notice how many times the fake news industrial complex uses the word “weird” to describe Trump, Vance and the people who want to save America from Communism.

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