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ORWELLIAN: AfD Economist Detained by Police, Interrogated for 10 Hours, Phone Confiscated in Chicago Airport

13-8-2024 < SGT Report 21 537 words

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

Alternative for Germany (AfD) economist Jurij C. Kofner was apprehended at a Chicago airport, his phone seized, for allegedly possessing an meme.

Kofner was detained last month after flying in from Germany and interrogated for 10 hours. He was at the Chicago airport because he was headed to Springfield, Ill to attend a seminar on “Classical Liberalism and Business” at the University of Springfield, Illinois, organized by the American Institute of Economic Research and the Academy on Capitalism.


But Kofner’s plans unfortunately would be upended. The officials harassed Kofner about being a supposed right-wing extremist. The AfD has been demonized in recent months as they have gained in the polls, with some Germans even calling for the party to be banned.

Ultimately, Kofner was refused entry into the U.S. The offending meme on his phone that was deemed too extreme for his entry featured U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as soldiers on D-Day with the caption: “Warmongers in the front row, as it should be.”

“Like Trump, the AfD is right-wing but discredited by the mainstream media as supposedly far-right because, not unlike Trump and his faction in the Republican Party, it is the only real political alternative willing and able to curb the globalist corporate-media-state conglomerate, restore national sovereignty, stop illegal immigration, preserve people’s cultural identity, and bring peace to Ukraine,” Kofner said in response to his expulsion.

“There is no systematic Russian influence on the AfD. In Germany, the only methodical foreign influence comes from the US, i.e., the regular financing of compliant journalists and party conventions of the established political parties and the fact that German politicians, journalists, and top managers have rapid career advancements as ‘Young Leaders’ and participants in US Democrat think tanks such as Atlantic Bridge, the Marshall Fund, or the Aspen Institute. Sporadic participation of AfD politicians in public celebrations at the Russian embassy and observation of Russian elections are relatively harmless and thus cannot be considered systematic influence,” Kofner added.

Kofner also pointed to the AfD’s good relations with “New York Young Republican Club, Republicans for National Renewal, and former advisors of the US State Department.” He stated empathetically that his party is not a threat to America and to be characterized as such is a travesty.

“The ten-hour interrogation with mostly stupid questions, the confiscation of my phone, and my subsequent denial of entry at the US border due to a meme only reveal the weakness of the Biden administration and the forces behind it. This is probably the price some German patriots have to pay for fighting for Germany’s national sovereignty. On the other hand, I am glad to be back home and not in some cell in Guantanamo,” Kofner said.

The injustice inflicted upon Kofner is just another example of the Orwellian Nightmare manifesting itself in Western Civilization. The globalist regime is getting desperate and wants to make examples of humble economists like Kofner in a vain attempt to prevent dissidents from make their voices heard.

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