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Children To Be Taught In School How To “Spot Extremist Content And Misinformation”

13-8-2024 < SGT Report 17 292 words

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Curriculum to be changed to “arm children against “putrid conspiracy theories”

The new leftist government in the UK has announced it will change the school curriculum in order to teach children what “extremist content and misinformation online” looks like, in order to “arm them against putrid conspiracy theories.”

The Guardian reports that the education secretary Bridget Phillipson “said she was launching a review of the curriculum in primary and secondary schools to embed critical thinking across multiple subjects.”


Ok, critical thinking sounds good.

Read further though and you find out that what that critical thinking entails is thinking exactly what the government wants kids to think.

The report notes that “One example may include pupils analysing newspaper articles in English lessons in a way that would help differentiate fabricated stories from true reporting.”

That old chestnut.

It continues, “In computer lessons, they could be taught how to spot fake news websites by their design, and maths lessons may include analysing statistics in context.”

What constitutes a ‘fake news website’ is, of course, whatever the government says it is.

‘Analysing statistics in context’ translates as analysing them in order to come to a pre determined and ‘approved’ conclusion.

They wouldn’t want those pesky statistics and facts backing up the ‘fabricated stories’, so they must be ‘placed in context’.

Respondents on X quickly highlighted how Orwellian this all is.

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