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U.S. is Sending America’s Children to Die in the Middle East Fighting a Religious War Defending Israeli Forces Who Proudly Rape Their Prisoners

13-8-2024 < SGT Report 22 810 words

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

World War III is now expanding in the Middle East, with a full blown battle all but certain in the days ahead, as the U.S. is deploying National Guard troops and rapidly deploying America’s young men and women to the Middle East, where many of them are sure to die fighting a religious war as they defend Israel.

States have been training and deploying National Guard troops to the Middle East since the beginning of this year (More than 300 Illinois National Guard soldiers prepare for deployment to Middle East – Hundreds of Army National Guard members deploy to middle east), with the latest deployments this past week occurring in Oregon and Pennsylvania.


Many of these National Guard members have never even been outside the U.S. before.

Pa. National Guard soldiers prepare to deploy to Middle East: ‘It’s a mixture of nerves and excitement’

Over the next few months, dozens of U.S. soldiers with the Pennsylvania National Guard’s 213th Personnel Company will be deployed to Kuwait and Jordan.

The soldiers, who range from teenagers to those in their early 40s, will be deployed in three different groups for nine to 12 months and will support U.S. Central Command and partner forces with security objectives in the region.

First, there will be a period of pre-mobilization training in the U.S. before soldiers deploy to the Middle East.

Soldier Alyssa Wenger, 23, of Chambersburg, a four-year member of the Pennsylvania National Guard, like Danner, will be deploying for the first time.

“It’s a mixture of nerves and excitement,” she said.

She said she will miss her family back home but considers those she is deploying with family as well.

For Wenger, a Wilson College graduate who commuted to school, this is the longest time she will be away from her family.

“That’s going to be my biggest challenge. I’ve never really been away from my parents and my siblings,” she said.
And this is also the first time that Watkins, a mother of three, will go through deployment as her husband is being deployed.

“So as a wife, I’m just trying to keep my family in line — emotions are OK. It’s OK to cry but at the same time, we have to keep moving forward. And we have to keep doing what we would normally do on a daily basis,” she said. (Source.)

In Oregon, the part-time soldiers are being told that deployment to the Middle East will enhance their careers.

Oregon National Guard sends off 230 soldiers to Iraq and Syria

The Oregon National Guard says it is continuing its legacy of serving both at home and abroad, as 230 guardsmen prepare to deploy to the Middle East during contentious times in the region. The unit will serve as the primary artillery defenders for the United States and its partners in Iraq and Syria.

Among them was 28-year-old Beth Biggs, who said she has been mentally preparing for this moment for the past year.

“I’m really confident that we’re going to go over there, learn a lot before we go, and gain a lot of skills while we’re there,” Biggs said.

Initially, Biggs’ parents were not very supportive of the news, but now they are prouder than ever.

“She will return in 11 months stronger than today and with a lot of experiences that she will be able to use in her future career,” said Amy Briggs, Beth’s mother.

Other soldiers are feeling more emotional, like single mother Latonia Emerson, who is leaving behind her only child.

“It’s a hard decision, but there’s going to be lots of support. We’ll all just try to stay busy to get through it. Hopefully, the time flies by,” said Sgt. Emerson. (Source.)

Americans are sending their children, or in some cases leaving their children behind, to fight a religious war that is based on the belief that Israel and the Jews are the “chosen people” and more valuable than people from other countries.

America did not even start this war, but it has now developed into a full blown Middle Eastern war that far exceeds Israel fighting the Palestinian Hamas group, as the Israeli Zionists have continually provoked Iran to draw the U.S. into this conflict.

And for this, Americans are willing to send their children, or leave their children, to potentially die defending an Israeli military that rapes and abuses their prisoners, and is proud about it.

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