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Will the U.S. Continue to Help Israel Kill Palestinians and Steal Their Land Right Up to the November Election?

12-8-2024 < Global Research 21 1132 words

With coverage of the Paris Olympics and the novelty of a woman presidential candidate, and her ever provocative rival former President Trump vying for public attention, it will be some time before much CIA-overseen main stream media attention, if any, will revert to modest coverage of the colossal loss of Palestinian life in Gaza and the West Bank. 

Will Any Powerful Global South Media Source Arise in the Meantime to bring public attention… 

– to the Israeli slaughter of Palestinians with U.S. weapons and ammo? – to the Israeli seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem? – to the generations long  illegal Israeli military occupation of Palestine? – to Israeli ‘right’ to imprison all of Gaza’s population? – to Israeli denial of Palestinian freedom as a nation. 

BBC, Jun 7, 2024 — The UN has added the Israeli military to a list of offenders failing to protect children. 

CNN, June 7, 2024 — UN adds Israel to global list of offenders that harm children

Will the Global South  See the Murderous Nature of the U.S. Gov. in the Many Thousands of Murdered and Maimed Dear Palestinian Children

Quoting from “Gaza genocide enters month 11 as Israel provokes regional war in Palestine” by Maureen Clare Murphy, 08/08/2024, Counter Currents, Kerala, India

The government media office in Gaza says that since the beginning of Israel’s offensive in early October, more than 39,650 fatalities had been received at hospitals, including 16,365 children and more than 11,000 women, indicating that the vast majority of Palestinians killed were civilians. An additional 10,000 people remain missing under the rubble or their bodies not yet recovered from the streets or inaccessible areas.

The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimates that at least an additional 51,000 Palestinians have died as a result of Israel’s siege on Gaza and its deliberate collapse of the medical sector in the territory, as well as the widespread destruction of infrastructure and mass displacement of civilians, leading to the spread of disease.

Nearly three dozen hospitals and 68 health centers in Gaza have been knocked out of service due to Israel’s assault. Israel’s military offensive has inflicted $33 billion in “direct initial losses” overall, the government media office added.

After more than 300 days of genocide, the media office said, more than 91,500 people in Gaza had been injured, at least 36 people had starved to death, while nearly 900 medical workers and nearly 80 civil defense members were killed.

That the Israeli military had dropped 82,000 tons of explosives on Gaza, according to the office, destroying homes, universities, schools, mosques, churches, government buildings, sports and recreation facilities, water and hygiene infrastructure, and archaeological and heritage sites.

Meanwhile, Gaza has gone 300 days without electricity, the government media office said on Friday after Israel cut off the supply of power on 7 October and the only power plant in the territory was forced to shut down four days later after running out of fuel.

In what is widely cited as proof of Israel’s genocidal intent, Ghassan Alian, the head of the military body that deals with the civil administration of the occupation, said back in early October that “Israel has imposed a total blockade on Gaza, no electricity, no water, just damage.”

The absence of electricity has prevented the normal operation of vital infrastructure and services for Gaza’s population, which before the war stood at 2.3 million Palestinians. This includes health, water and sanitation facilities, schools, flour mills and bakeries. The resulting environmental catastrophe has allowed for the spread of diseases and the emergence of the highly infectious polio virus and meningitis.

The devilish commander of this living hell, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, was recently given standing ovations by most of the senators and representatives of a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

About 90 percent of children in Gaza lack nutrition and face “severe” threats to their “survival, growth and development”, according to the United Nations children’s agency, UNICEF.

The petty suppositions and calumny floated from all angles on mainstream media during the usual U.S. TV exaggerated extravaganza of a presidential election will not make the world at large forget the continuing genocidal inhumanity of the governments of U.S.A. and Israel.

Western media presenting U.S.A. election as of paramount importance will not diminish the ever growing outrage over the ghastly extirpation of the children of Gaza as this genocide gains more and more world wide shocking attention shaming the self-centred preoccupation of Americans and Israelis.

Bombing famine malnutrition disease deaths could reach near million proportion by November.

By November will not most all Jewish American voters will feel shame for the monstrous Israeli/U.S. Palestinian genocide.

On the other hand, will anti-semitism play a role in Trump voter turnout?

As he continues to super champion Israel, might Trump not come to realise that he could awake considerably long-standing traditional anti-Jewish fervour inherent within his far right constituency and thus might lessen voter turnout for Trump in November?

Your writer as a 93 year old is able to remember painfully and calculate approximately how many tens of millions of dear children in poor countries have been put to death by the military forces of his American government during his lifetime, always of course excused as not having been accomplished intentionally, but as “collateral damage” even if it is done day after day, year after year for decades past and/or an indeterminate time in the future in Gaza.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

This article was originally published on Countercurrents.

Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist,  musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Greanville Post, Dissident Voice; Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents; Minority Perspective, UK,and others; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign, and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign, which contains a history of US crimes in 19 nations from 1945 thru 2012.  

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