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Geneva Court: Parents May Not Prevent Their 16-year-old Daughter’s Sex Change

12-8-2024 < Global Research 16 1194 words


This case describes a crime imposed upon the world by the international WOKE agenda, which is against all common laws, superseded by the so-called Rules-based Order — or better, the Rules-based Disorder, made up by a small ultra-wealthy elite, self-declared rulers of the world.

The story is a concrete case happening right on the doorsteps of the Swiss citizenry, but hardly anyone knows about it. The mainstream media does hardly cover it.

This crime – most likely there are others, similar ones, throughout Switzerland and Europe – is taking place right on the doorstep of Swiss citizens, but is hardly covered by the mainstream media. The Swiss Court is citing Article 30b of the Swiss Civil Code, according to which gender changes for persons age 16 and above, do no longer require parental approval.

However, what this Article 30b does not cover is that the LGBTIQ+ propaganda in public schools started at least three years earlier, when the girl was a mere 13 years old, certainly an illegal move, either coming down from the highest level of the Swiss Government, or tolerated by it.

This Woke Agenda is playing out throughout Europe, the United States and the Western world in general.

Why? Is it because Queers and transgender people do not have children?

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset, as well as the Club of Rome, headquartered in Winterthur Switzerland, outlined in its first infamous report, “Limits to Growth” (1972) that the world is overpopulated and requires a massive population reduction.

See this recent video (also below) by one of the original authors of Limits to Growth – Dennis Meadows, who is also a member of the WEF.

Since this topic is scarcely covered by the media, this concrete case should be brought to international attention, so that citizens of the world may identify with their own cases and resist.

Peter Koenig, 12 August 2024


Geneva court: parents may not prevent sex change for their 16-year-old daughter

By Christoph Pfluger, 4 August 2024, translated from German

The parents are forced to hand over the necessary documents. A year ago, the daughter – then 15 – was separated from her parents by court order.

The drama began in 2021 when the then 13-year-old daughter expressed that her gender identity was male. This, in connection with psychological difficulties at the end of the pandemic.

The parents sent her to psychotherapy. “But the school, together with the youth welfare office and the state-funded transgender lobby organization Le Refuge, carried out a ‘social transition’ against the expressed wishes of her parents.” So, writes the Alliance Defending Freedom International (ADF). The daughter was given a new name, male pronouns and was treated as a boy.

After the parents refused the medically prescribed use of puberty blockers, their daughter was taken away from them by court order in April 2023 and placed in a home. However, she apparently remained under the influence of Le Refuge, a “drop-in center for LGBTIQ+ young people in difficulty”, which is financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and the Canton of Geneva, among others.

Today, at the age of 16, her daughter apparently wants to undergo gender reassignment surgery. For it to be carried out, identification documents are required, which the parents are now being forced to hand over by the Court of Appeal of the Canton of Geneva.

According to Article 30b of the Swiss Civil Code, the consent of the legal representative is not required for a gender reassignment if the person concerned has reached the age of 16. The court argued that the decision about one’s own identity is a purely personal right that must be granted to the daughter.

According to the ADF, the parents’ defense countered that the long-term health consequences of a “transition” could not be assessed by a teenager with mental health problems. This circumstance could have been taken into consideration under the applicable law.

Felix Böllmann, German lawyer and responsible for the case at ADF International, said:

“The court should uphold the best interests of the child and the rights of the parents instead of using ideological concepts to tear children and parents apart. The Swiss authorities would do better to look to the UK, where the Supreme Court has just upheld the ban on puberty blockers. Switzerland should follow the British example: Child welfare and parental rights take precedence.”

The parents are considering an appeal to the Federal Supreme Court.

A scandalous case. In the background is the ideology that gender is no longer determined by biology, but by an emotional self-perception, which is then to be turned into a biological reality through medical interventions. A study from Denmark in 2023, the first nationwide study of its kind, shows that this is not a good idea.

Results of the study show that transgender people are eight times more likely attempting to take their own lives than non-transgender people, and completed suicides are three and a half times more common. Once again, that would be a piece of science that should be taken seriously.

Sources (in German – for the links see link to German article, at beginning of this English version):

ADF Int: Swiss court orders parents to hand over ID card for 16-year-old daughter’s legal “gender change”. 31.7.2024

ADF Int (youtube): Parents lose daughter to trans ideology: “They took our daughter away”

Infosperber: The undesirable consequences of gender reassignment. 30.8.2023

NZZ: More and more girls want to be boys – and doctors are giving in to the transgender trend despite the risks. 5.11.2020

Emma: England bans puberty blockers. 14.3.2024

Univadis: Highly increased rate of suicide attempts among transgender people. 29.7.2024


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

