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Protests Cause a Mass Exodus of Bangladesh

12-8-2024 < Attack the System 17 1265 words

This is a follow-up video to the one I sent out on July 23 – linked below.

The situation in Bangladesh has worsened, forcing the Prime Minister to flee the country. Let’s recap what led us to this point and look at what the future might hold for Bangladesh and India.

The youth in Bangladesh began protesting the lack of job opportunities, since government jobs were reserved for those who fought in the revolution and their descendants. The alternative jobs available are working in the textile industry for pennies or risking their lives ship breaking. Not a ton of solid opportunities…

A history of corruption and political incompetence has led the Bangladeshi people to this point, and taking a page out of the Prime Minister’s book wouldn’t be the worst idea for many. That means millions of refugees could be fleeing Bangladesh and most of them would likely be heading to India. But is Modi’s government ready to handle this kind of international crisis?

India hasn’t had to to deal with many international incidents in recent years, so they lack the infrastructure and resources to effectively manage a major crisis like this. When millions of people come knocking on the border door, it will definitely be cause for concern for the Modi government.

Please click below to watch today’s video

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