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How to Unmask the Insanity of War on Gaza and Arab-Muslim Leadership Complicity?

12-8-2024 < Global Research 20 1414 words

Global Leadership Failure to Stop the Insanity of War

For over ten months, ferocious conceptions of good and evil push mankind to a tragic abnormality of human suffering being witnessed across Gaza and the West Bank, Palestine. American and Western European leaders use violent assumptions and vivid language to reflect on catastrophic humanitarian cataclysm happening in Gaza, plagued with delusional ideas to spearhead a warmongering culture across the Middle East. They installed modern puppets across the Arab world to follow their dictums.They no longer supply weapons but export full fledged war as the US is doing to support Israel. They know the truth of war and peace but offer paper-based condemnation when massacres of civilians are carried out by Israel. The US and few West European leaders masked their evil-mongering not knowing the consequences of their own viciousness against humanity. When life and human survival faces critical challenges, the thinking people and global institutions should respond with collective will to stop the insanity of war. Not so, in-waiting are the Arab-Muslim leaders to see if anything would happen out of nowhere to stop the Israeli carnage of planned killing and destruction of Gaza and the rest of Palestine. Please see: “How Arab Leaders Betray Islam and Defy the Logice of Political Change, Peace and Security.”

For millions of people nowhere to go, nowhere to find a place of safety and life protection. Even the so-called designated “Safe Zones” are the regular bombing zones under the false pretext of hitting terrorists but essentially targeting the civilians. Israeli forces scorched even Gaza’s cemeteries to dishonor dead bodies. Pretending to be smart leaders like smart opportunists across the globe – be it the Western world or Arab-Muslim authoritarian regimes contend with issuing fake statements of condemnation when reality on the ground warrants swift action to prevent human casualties and safeguard life and the innocents. Tonight, the Al Tabin School was hit by Israeli missiles at dawn prayer to massacre 100 or so children and women taking shelter in its compound. The UNO, global leaders become silent spectators as if the people of Gaza are not human beings but something else to be bombed and killed by Israeli war machines.

Why did the UNO or the EU or the Arab-Muslim world fail to devise a plan to protect the civilians in the war zones? If the UNO is a living entity to “save the succeeding generations from the scourge of war”, its primary and Charter’s based obligation was to have organized a civilian force to ensure the safety of civilian population of Gaza and Palestine.The war scenario emboldens Netanyahu‘s political absolutism – an egoistic leader with controversial profile will do utmost to regain unbridled ambition either by manipulation, violence or new conflicts. The current paradigm links directly to PM Netanyahu  affiliated with extreme Jewish Ultra Nationalists to deny the Palestinian people their rights of existence as an independent State and to dismantle the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Please see: “Al-Aqsa Mosque Waiting for the Arab Leaders.

Arab-Muslim Leaders Are  the Puppets of America and Complicit in Israeli War on Gaza

There are no Arab leaders having moral and political integrity to represent the masses and no Arab armies to defend Islam. Simply put, they are puppets and hired agents of the Western imperialism. Israel bulldozed and occupied Egyptian Rafah crossing to Gaza but Egyptian leaders failed to act in defense. The Saudi, the UAE and others stooges kept silent profile while massacres of innocent embolden Israel to put finishing end on Gaza. The foreign mercenaries protect their palaces, not the people. Several thousand of Israeli citizens regularly protest against the Netanyhau Government in Tel Aviv’s military defense complex calling for an immediate ceasefire and return of the 120 hostages and peace talks. Are the historic Israelities (progeny of Jacob) and the followers of Moses versus the Zionists, the same? Avigail Abanenail, a Jewish Peace Activist spells out the problem and looks at peaceful means to a better future. Jews for Peace (USA) organization questions Israel’s motives for war against Gaza and calls for an immediate ceasefire and recognition of equal rights of Palestinians to an independent State.

Why Do Israeli Leaders Want Perpetuated Animosities as the End Game? 

Those bombing and causing catastrophic events to destroy the planet Earth and mankind and all of its treasures and enrichments are not normal human beings. The followers of Moses – the generations of Israelite are reminded by God (Quran 2: 84-85 )

And remember, We took a Covenant from the Children of Israel (progeny of Jacob), Worship none but God; ….shed no blood amongst you, Nor displace people from  homes: and Ye solemnly ratified, And to this ye can bear witness…. It was not lawful for you to banish another party, then it is only a part of the Book that ye believe in…. And on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty,For God is not unmindful what ye do. 

The Israeli leaders and the US Biden administration have ignored the ICJ demands for a ceasefire and to stop crimes against humanity. They plan to conquer the whole Arab Middle East after Gaza. By the Divine injunctions, Israelities and Arabs had more things in common than political animosities. “We have revealed for you (O men!) a book in which is a Message for you, Will ye not then understand?” (Quran: 21: 10). Was the animosity built-in to the Israeli extreme political psyche and ideology to expel Palestinains from their homeland? Are the Israeli leaders driven by the lust of American weapons and economic power to commit genocide? Those doing so are not conscious of their own end game. PM Netanyahu and his extremist regime would try to put an end to the freedom of Palestine. Gaza is the experimental lab for that end game. We, the People of knowledge speak logically about the Nature of Things affecting lives and our hopes for future to inspirations from the Divine Revelations – the truth and nothing but truth (Quran: 11: 116-117):

Why were there not, 

Among the generations before you, 

Persons possessed of balanced good sense, prohibiting (men)

Form mischief in the earth

Except a few among them

Whom We saved (from harm),

But the wrong-doers pursued the enjoyment of good things

Of life which were given them and persisted in sin.

Nor would thy Lord be the One to destroy communities for a single wrongdoing; If its members were likely to mend.

Caitlin Johnstone (“Opposing The Gaza Genocide While Supporting Biden Is A Dishonest” 04/29/24), sharpens the human intellect of rational thinking.

You really couldn’t put together a more incoherent position if you tried. You can’t acknowledge that Israel is committing genocide without also acknowledging that the Biden administration has been actively participating in that genocide. If you acknowledge that Biden is guilty of genocide, then you are acknowledging that he is guilty of the most horrific crime a state leader can possibly commit short of initiating a nuclear exchange…..Those who are supporting Biden while opposing the destruction of Gaza do not have any kind of integrity. They’re just wearing whatever mask is politically convenient based on the way the winds are blowing on a given moment, while continuing to support the US-centralized empire which cannot be sustained without nonstop tyranny and bloodshed. 

Animals live and do not reflect on the imperatives of life whereas, we, the human beings cannot act like animals as we are supposed to be intelligent and responsible species on this Earth. At the edge of reason, the notion of evil leads to realization of evil and tyranny of war must be stopped by all means and those responsible for the genocide and crimes against humanity must be held accountable to restore the manifestation of a sustainable human future.


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One Month Before Global Research’s Anniversary 

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in international affairs-global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: One Humanity and the Remaking of Global Peace, Security and Conflict Resolution. Lambert Academic Publications, Germany, 12/2019

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from UNRWA
