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A Forgotten Atrocity: The Manchester Arena Bombing

12-8-2024 < Counter Currents 17 1726 words

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The fire-breathing imams of the Muslim international diaspora that have taken up residence in the West preach one shrill message: hate. The hatred for “Crusaders,” their children, and their way of life, is a tool that has been leveraged to perpetrate heinous acts of barbarity. Their congregations of young, fighting-aged men, gathered in countless mosques across the United Kingdom, are empty vessels into which this ideology of conquest, hatred, and violence is poured.

Men must be taught to hate in order to kill. Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) bandy about the term “hate” as if they read the term in a journal article about safe spaces; they do not know the meaning of the word. In organized military establishments throughout the twentieth century, it has been deemed appropriate to inculcate hatred in men whose job it is to kill. Many psychologists have argued that hatred was an important way of sublimating feelings of “fear, disgust, and self-abasement that arose during combat.”[1] Hatred was believed to stimulate aggressiveness, the most effective antidote to fear and anxiety.

The terrorist violence perpetrated against youthful concert goers in Manchester, England, seven years ago was not combat; however, it does not take much of a leap to realize that killing children and young adults was an act of virulent hatred and violence. Hatred that has been justified by Islamic holy text. As Spencer J. Quinn wrote at the time “. . . the Manchester bomber was following the orthodox, anti-infidel cant found in the Qur’an.” It is not senseless violence; there is a dark power associated with such acts.One of the most blatant concomitants of atrocity is that it is a powerful tool of intimidation. To put it quite simply: it scares the wits out of people. The horror and savagery of such rapine acts causes victims to flee, hide, and defend themselves feebly and sometimes causes victims to respond with stunned, mute passivity. This method of brutal intimidation through atrocity is a potent weapon and has been institutionalized by Muslim groups to dominate the societies in which they live. [2]

On the night of Monday, May, 2017, 22-year-old Salman Ramadan Abedi blew himself up when he carried out the suicide attack in the foyer area of Manchester Arena that killed 22 people and injured 1,017 others. When the terrorist detonated, he caused fatally catastrophic damage to the crowd of mostly young people that were leaving the arena following Ariana Grande’s performance. Those caught in the blast suffered shrapnel wounds consistent with the pressure cooker bombs unleashed on Boston Marathon participants.

Abby Mullen from Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, Scotland shared her first-hand experience on social media:

Just out of the Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, I thought we would leave seconds before the last song finished in order to get home quicker instead of waiting longer for a taxi. As we were leaving a bomb or explosion went off meters in front of me. People’s skin/blood & feces were everywhere including in my hair & on my bag, I’m still finding bits of god knows what in my hair. I am fine & back in my hotel I hope everyone involved and in front of me is okay. We are being told it was a balloon/sound system but I can assure you it was not. You never expect these things to happen to you but this proves it can happen to anybody. That sound, the blood & those who were running around clueless with body parts & bits of skin missing will not be leaving my mind any time soon or the minds of those involved. . . I understand these images might be upsetting however I feel as though people need to be shown just how cruel this world really is. [3]

According to a report that was produced by the Manchester Arena Inquiry, a witness called the North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) shortly after the attacker detonated his explosive device:

At 22:32, a member of the public, having called 999, was connected to NWAS Control. The caller stated: “I’m at the MEN [Manchester Evening News] Arena in Manchester there’s a bomb just gone off in the foyer.” The caller said that he had been in the “foyer” when the bomb had gone off. He confirmed that the address was Hunts Bank. He identified the location of the detonation as “in the main reception near the box office”.  He went on to say: “[T]here’s people everywhere, blood everywhere.” The call ended, after just over two and a half minutes, with the caller saying he needed to find his daughter. [4]

A montage comprised of multiple video clips captures the mayhem just prior to and after the initial explosion; panicked concert-goers are shown fleeing for the exits onto Manchester’s streets amid screams and chaos. During the public inquiry into the terrorist attack, video evidence was shown of Salman Ramadan Abedi carrying a heavily-laden backpack containing the improvised explosive device.

The Manchester Arena Inquiry began in September 2020 and concluded in June 2023. The inquiry produced three comprehensive reports on the terror attack that highlighted failures in the United Kingdom’s security apparatus. Sir John Saunders, who chaired the inquiry, officially concluded that Abedi’s death was due to “suicide while undertaking a terror attack.”

According to an October 18, 2023, article, Saunders further stated:

The deceased died at 10.31pm on May 22 2017 in the City Room of the Manchester Arena in the Victoria Exchange Complex in Manchester.

The deceased died near to the entrance doors to the Manchester Arena, when he detonated an explosive device that he had made with his brother and carried into the City Room in a backpack as part of a planned terror attack.

In detonating the device the deceased murdered 22 innocent victims and injured many others.

There is, however, a more insidious form of hatred that made this atrocity possible, which is subtle, ceaseless and all-pervasive. A contemptuous loathing that arguably brought about Britain’s present multicultural hell. A relentless dismantling of English identity that has facilitated these horrific acts of terrorist violence. That is the ideology of Britain’s anti-white elite.

Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor since 2016, is but one of many such hostile elites. Khan notoriously said that terror attacks were “part and parcel of living in a big city.” And that it was up to individual citizens to look out for their own safety.

According to Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin, the horrific terror attacks in London and Manchester “forced officials to acknowledge that there were 23,000 jihadist extremists in Britain, 3,000 of whom were under investigation or active monitoring.” [5]

In his journal article entitled “The War on the English: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique,” Brenton Sanderson explores in detail the nature of the dismantling of English culture. [6] Every aspect of English society was put under the vindictive gaze of this hostile microscope. In this piece, Sanderson examines the role of critical theory in pathologizing any modicum of what could be perceived as white racial consciousness, the scientific examination of race or English nationalist thinking.

It is anathema, for example, to those on the Left —the social, political, academic, and media elite— to entertain any notion of controlling immigration or instituting some form of border controls. Even the reasonable demand of maintaining British sovereignty has been met with contempt, derision, and professional exile. Hence the importation of hostile ethnic groups from the Middle East, Africa, and beyond to foment multicultural chaos.

The metapolitical and cultural softening up of Britain’s cultural controls has given way to a war of all-against-all as hostile ethnic groups with high levels of group solidarity have taken up residence. They also have the advantage as white English/Scottish/Welsh people are forced to act as individuals rather than as members of a cohesive group with their own corresponding group interests.

The solution to Britain’s problems with Muslim terrorists seems elementary to most reasonable citizens: close the borders, deport foreigners, punish perpetrators, and stop engaging in reckless international conflicts on behalf of Israel. And yet it is nearly impossible to achieve these ends because of the constraints of Leftist orthodoxy that pervades not only the institutions presided over by the ruling elites, but the wider social culture in Britain.

The situation seems bleak, but there is a ray of light piercing the gloom: as nationalists mobilize in the street protests this summer, there is hope that Britain can be reclaimed. After we realize who we are, it will be second nature to assert our group interests in the lands of our ancestors.

We owe that to the young people and their loved ones who were murdered and maimed in Manchester.


[1] Joanna Bourke, An Intimate History of Killing: Face-to-Face Killing in Twentieth-Century Warfare (New York: Basic Books, 1999), 139-140.

[2] For a discussion on the dark power of atrocity see Dave Grossman, On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2009), 208-209.

[3] Abby Mullen’s original social media post was widely quoted at the time of the incident. I have edited this passage slightly for the sake of clarity. Her original post along with photos can be viewed here “2017 Manchester Bombing – Abby Mullen’s post”.

[4] Sir John Saunders et al., Manchester Arena Inquiry Volume 2: Emergency Response Volume 2-1 (United Kingdom: HH Associates Ltd on Behalf of the Controller of His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 2022), 430.

[5] Roger Eatwell and Matthew J. Goodwin, National Populism: the revolt against liberal democracy (London: Pelican, 2018), 154.

[6] Brenton Sanderson, “The War on the English: A Case Study in the Culture of Critique,” The Occidental Quarterly 12, no. 1 (Spring 2012): 11-29; Kevin B. MacDonald, The Culture of Critique: an evolutionary analysis of Jewish involvement in twentieth-century intellectual and political movements (Bloomington: 1st Books, 2002).
