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How Democracies Have Degenerated into Aristocracies

11-8-2024 < SGT Report 16 685 words

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

One way is by means of coups that are either initiated by the U.S. Government such as happened in Ukraine in February 2014, or else are initiated by the local aristocracy (which American propaganda refers to instead as “oligarchs” so as to be able to hold America’s oligarchs as being superior to that) but then granted international ‘legitimacy’ by the U.S. Government, such as happened during June through August of 2009 in Honduras. In both instances, the U.S. Government changed what had been (though only briefly) a democracy into instead an aristocracy, in which the control of the Government passed from the country’s citizens (as in any democracy) and into, instead, control by America’s aristocracy using that local aristocracy so as to appoint the leaders of that nation’s Government. However, when the U.S. Government has itself initiated the coup (instead of merely adopted the local aristocracy’s coup), it is the American regime, and not the local regime, that appoints the new leaders (such as happened in Ukraine — and here is when that happened, and here is the broader context in which it happened).


But in the cases where the local aristocracy has initiated the coup, the local aristocracy does the picking of whom will be the nation’s leader, and America’s aristocracy (via their agent the U.S. Government) either allows or disallows that chosen person to be installed there. But, in either type of coup, the result is that the U.S. empire has acquired an additional ‘ally’ or colony: that country (which had been a democracy).

The other way in which democracies have degenerated into aristocracies is by means of that democracy’s super-rich buying off enough politicians so as to (by means of the ones they’ve hired into the Government) appoint a Deep State who rule the country, such as has happened starting on 25 July 1945 in America, after which the U.S. Government has been an aristocracy building its empire, instead of even the limited democracy that the U.S. Government had previously been. And this creation of the new imperial America then spread its tentacles into and took control over other countries, such as by subversion, false-flag terrorism, sheer buying-off of European politicians, and carrying out coups there and elsewhere, and so created and expanded NATO, the EU, etc., and became the largest empire in all of world history.

Once a country becomes a colony, it loses its most-basic freedoms; especially it loses its freedom internationally, because all of its foreign policies are controlled from the center of the empire, the imperial aristocracy, which rules supreme over each local aristocracy. This is one reason why a country that has been grabbed directly by the U.S. regime, such as Ukraine did in 2014, is much more locked-into the empire than is a country whose own aristocracy had initiated the coup is, such as Honduras. The U.S. regime places especially high value upon a colony to the extent that capturing it had been long planned by America’s Deep State — that is, by the bureaucratically institutionalized persons whose careers have consistently been sponsored by the profit and non-profit corporations that America’s billionaires control. This is why the U.S. regime and its colonies refuse to allow Ukraine to go back to being what it had been — a neutral country on Russia’s (the actual target’s) border.

Brian Berletic is one of the giants in applied political science, who — unlike the academic political ‘scientists’ (all of whom depend largely upon America’s billionaires’ organizations that fund their work) — doesn’t rely at all upon any such super-rich funding source. He published on 7 August 2024 the best article that has yet been done on a crucially important title and topic, “Who Really Controls US Foreign Policy?” I suggest you read it, because it brings together almost everything, though the article is only 1,879 words.

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