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The Abstract episode 42 “The Secrets of Majors Field”

11-8-2024 < Activist Post 19 1698 words

By Peter A. Kirby

Dr. Marvin Herndon, my science advisor Ginny Silcox and I will be presenting as part of the second annual Children’s Health Defense ‘Attack on Food and Farmers’ online symposium Sept. 6 & 7. Our talk will be about how geoengineering harms food production. Other presenters include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., James Corbett, Dr. Meryl Nass, Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. This is going to be BIG!

Majors Field in Greenville, Texas (known today as Majors Airport) is heavily implicated in the production of chemtrail spraying aircraft. For many decades aerospace businesses operating there have had only the most serious implications for what is referred to here as the New Manhattan Project. To this day it appears that businesses operating at Majors Field are cranking out the chemtrail sprayers. It all started with something called Temco. For the whole story, please buy and read my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

Immediately following WWII, two aeronautical engineers by the names of Robert McCulloch and H.L. Howard founded the Texas Engineering and Manufacturing Company (Temco) on November 17, 1945. After attracting some investors, McCulloch and Howard leased from the federal government the same gigantic, 5-year-old, government-built, $30M production facilities in Dallas, TX where the two engineers had run military aircraft production operations during the war. The founders of Temco also leased the vast majority of their tools (some $850K worth) from the federal government. From the beginning, the U.S. Government had a huge stake in Temco. Of the two Temco founders, the more notable is McCulloch. Robert McCulloch was widely known in the industry as an astute executive as well as a sharp aeronautical engineer.

David Harold Byrd (1900-1986) was one of the original investors in Temco. David Harold Byrd, cousin of the famous Admiral Richard E. Byrd, was an aircraft enthusiast who, over the course of his lifetime, among many other aircraft-related activities, owned 58 aircraft and organized and operated three commercial aircraft services. He helped found the Texas Civil Air Patrol and his picture hangs on the wall of the Civil Air Patrol ‘Hall of Honor’ at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. Byrd was famously good friends with the driving political force behind the creation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the then Majority Leader of the Senate Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ). In fact, in July of 1957, one year before the bill that created NASA was signed into law, Byrd had fortuitously organized and become chairman of the board of something called Space Corporation. Space Corporation specialized in aerospace ground support equipment. As detailed in an article and episode a few weeks ago, NASA and their many former Nazis have apparently played a central role in the production of the New Manhattan Project. Equally as curious, Byrd was the owner of the book depository building in downtown Dallas where Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly fired the magic bullet that killed President John F. Kennedy.

Temco’s combination of McCulloch and Byrd garnered the critical support of the local Texas congressional delegation which helped bring lots of business to the fledgling Temco. In 1945 the new Temco began producing the Fairchild F-24 aircraft as well as engaging in the conversion of surplus military aircraft. In late 1946, the firm was incorporated as TEMCO, Inc.

It is worth mentioning that Fairchild Industries, which developed the Fairchild F-24 and sub-contracted the production of said airplane to Temco, is the company where the famous Operation Paperclip Nazi Wernher von Braun went. In the early 1970s, not long before his death, von Braun was the Fairchild vice president for engineering and development.

Following the Korean war in 1953 Temco Aircraft moved to Majors Field.

We are primarily concerned with Temco Aircraft due to their connections to LTV Electrosystems. LTV Electrosystems was partly a product of the Temco Aircraft Corporation.

In 1960 the Temco Aircraft Corporation merged with an electronics company called Ling Altec. The resulting company was known as Ling-Temco. The following year, Ling-Temco absorbed the Chance Vought Corporation which produced Corsair aircraft for the Navy. After this absorption, the resulting company was known as Ling-Temco-Vought. LTV Electrosystems was a publicly traded spin-off from Ling-Temco-Vought, hence the ‘LTV.’ In fact, although it was cobbled together from a few different internal sources, the biggest part of the new LTV Electrosystems came from the old Temco Aircraft.

From the mid-1960s to the early 1970s LTV Electrosystems contracted for the United States Air Force in the repair, overhaul and modification of aircraft. Might these modifications have had anything to do with aerial spraying of substances and the collection of atmospheric data? The Air Force and the Navy have been ubiquitous throughout the development of the New Manhattan Project.

Furthermore, beginning in 1970, on the LTV Electrosystems board of directors sat Navy Vice Admiral William F. Raborn (1905-1990) who, for all the world, appears to have been a very central player in the historical development of today’s New Manhattan Project. In 1972 LTV Electrosystems was bought and taken private by a group of investors led by a man by the name of John W. Dixon. The company subsequently changed its name to E-Systems. Throughout this transition, Raborn stayed on the board.

John W. Dixon was a Kentucky native and a longtime employee of LTV Electrosystems before he became the first E-Systems CEO in 1972. Gregg Jones of The Dallas Morning News writes, “From the beginning, E-Systems sought top-notch engineers and experts with connections to the intelligence community. Drawing on contacts made as deputy Pentagon comptroller and at LTV, Mr. Dixon hired men such as a former CIA deputy chief of science and technology and a National Security Agency signals-intelligence expert.” As mentioned last week, in 1975, after congress ordered the CIA to divest itself of their airlines, E-Systems bought Air Asia for $1.9M. With this purchase, E-Systems got the largest aircraft repair and maintenance facility in Southeast Asia and loads of CIA affiliations. Peter A. Marino, a former director of the CIA’s technical services division and a defense industry executive became an E-Systems senior vice president in 1991.

In Reagan’s first year in office (1980), E-Systems’ order backlog went up 34 percent, topping $1B for the first time. It was only upside from there. Jones writes, “In an 18-month period in 1985-86, the company hired 2,100 people in the Dallas area alone. Revenue broke the $1 billion mark for the first time in 1986, the year that earnings topped the $100 million plateau.” Because of all their insider connections, Dan Peterson, a senior vice president at Martin Marietta said that E-Systems is, “Able to win contracts no one else even knows about.”

Because of all the history detailed here, it most probably has been the Temco Aircraft Corporation and all of its mutations over the years which have been responsible for the production of many airplanes used in today’s New Manhattan Project. One of those mutations is still operating today. That mutation is known as L3 ISR Systems. L3 ISR Systems claims their lineage as such: Temco Aircraft Corporation 1951-1960, Ling-Temco-Vought 1961-1971, E-Systems 1972-1994, Raytheon E-Systems 1995-2001, L3 Communications, Integrated Systems 2002-2011.

L3 ISR Greenville’s history is filled with connections to the New Manhattan Project. On their website they write that starting in 1961 their Majors Field location (then under Ling-Temco-Vought) worked on Boeing KC-135s. They write that after E-Systems took over in 1972, they worked on Boeing 707s – another aircraft that has been expertly identified as a common chemtrail sprayer. They proceed to write about how they do work for the Department of Defense and ‘select U.S. government intelligence agencies.’ L3 ISR Systems Greenville describes itself as, “The world’s premier SIGINT [signals intelligence] systems developer and integrator of airborne reconnaissance platforms.” They also write that their core capabilities consist of ‘specialized aircraft, maintenance and modification’ along with many other specialized and highly technical capabilities which would be necessary to retrofit and otherwise produce aircraft for use in the New Manhattan Project. From their website they write:

L3 ISR Systems Greenville is an internationally recognized systems integration organization specializing in the modernization and maintenance of aircraft of all sizes, and the study, design, development and integration of special mission systems for military and commercial applications. L3 Greenvilles expertise spans the design, development and integration of advanced avionics, special purpose airborne systems and aircraft maintenance and modernization for government and military customers worldwide. L3 Greenville specializes in the modification, modernization and maintenance of a diverse group of mission aircraft. The division is a leader in advanced technologies for complete systems integration, signal processing, electronic countermeasures, sensor development and aircraft self-protection. With more than 6,500 employees, it has the capability to support programs from initial development through total life-cycle management.”

L3 recently merged with a company named Harris to form L3 Harris. Harris also comes from a background with relevance to the New Manhattan Project as they have produced components for weather satellites and missile systems. Today they describe themselves as, “a proven leader in tactical communications, electronic warfare, avionics, air traffic management, space and intelligence, and weather systems.” One can read all about them on their website

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his bookChemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website 

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