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The Anti-White, Anti-British UK Police Commissioner Now Threatens Elon Musk with Extradition and Imprisonment, by Paul Craig Roberts

11-8-2024 < UNZ 28 583 words

Washington’s practice of declaring the extra-territoriality of its laws has spread to the UK. The woke white British commissioner of police threatens to extradite American citizens from the US for exercising their free speech rights and jailing them in the UK for violating UK rules about political speech that criminalize protests against immigrant invasion as a hate crime.

“We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you,” Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News on Friday.

Asked whether the Metropolitan Police planned on charging people posting on social media from other countries, Rowley replied: “Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law,” and named “the likes of Elon Musk” as potential targets for investigation.

According to the police commissioner it is not immigrant-invaders stirring up hate by murdering young white children, it is the people who protest or permit people to protest via social media, such as Elon Musk who keeps X open instead of using it as a censor for the British police commissioner.

What every white person in the Western world needs to understand is that your governments hate you and intend to destroy you. White people have no greater enemies than their own governments. “Their” governments have already marginalized them in their own countries. In the UK the police response to the murder of three little white girls and stabbings of many others is to go after the protesters.

In the US, who counts? The immigrant-invaders. Not the homeless and abandoned veterans living on the streets. In the UK, who counts. The immigrant-invaders who murder and rape. Not the British who are murdered and raped.

It is extraordinary that white people are so beaten and defeated that they have not destroyed the evil governments that are destroying them.

If you think about it, what explains that all of the political leaders of Europe are allied against their own people in favor of immigrant-invaders. The hostility toward white ethnic nationalities goes all the way down to police commissioners. To get such uniformity, someone must be paying them. In all of Europe those who speak out against the ethnic and cultural transformation of their countries, such as Nigel Farage, Marine Le Pen, and Tommy Robinson are harassed as criminals. Simplicius offers this explanation:


“There are always multiple layers to the conspiracy in each country: the first veil was the lie about boosting the economy; the second was the lie about mass-migration being merely a way to rib Conservatives. But the true reason lays buried even beneath this hidden layer: mass-migration is the final weapon to destroy any ideological resistance to the globalist plan of centralizing power, to create, effectively, one world governance. By overrunning society with migrants and relegating native Brits to second class citizens, you disenfranchise and disinherit them to the point of torpor and impotence, clearing the way for total ideological subjugation which will allow such madness as currently unfolding in the UK to reign.”
