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Anti-Mass Migration Protestors Get Two YEARS in Prison for Shouting at Police

11-8-2024 < SGT Report 22 343 words

by Christopher Tomlinson, The National Pulse:

Two men who took part in anti-mass migration protests in Hartlepool, England, have been sentenced to two years in prison because they shouted at riot police.

Former postmaster and school governor Steven Mailen, 54, and his homosexual partner Ryan Sheers, 28, were each sentenced to two years and two months for violent disorder. The pair were seen in video footage during a protest in the North-East of England shouting at riot police.


Police reacted violently to their remarks, which included “I pay your wages,” striking Mailen in the leg with a baton and then setting a police dog on Sheers, who was bitten on the hip.

Neither man physically touched officers or threw any projectiles at them, but they were convicted after officers claimed they encouraged others to be violent.

The pair, who have no prior criminal convictions, first claimed they had only been “cheeky” to the officers, but later broke down crying in the courtroom and blamed alcohol for their behavior.

The aggressive behavior of the police in Hartlepool contrasts with their response to mobs of Muslim counter-demonstrators in Stoke and Birmingham. In the former, police politely requested that armed Muslims deposit their weapons at a nearby mosque to avoid arrest; in the latter, police essentially surrendered the streets to a violent mob after Muslim “community leaders” told them their demonstration would be “policed within themselves.”

This has led to accusations of two-tier policing from many observers, including tech leader Elon Musk.

The protests and counter-protests in the United Kingdom were sparked by the murder of three young girls and the wounding of several others by an alleged mass stabber born to two African migrants.

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