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Chemicals found in rocket fuel and fireworks make their way into U.S. food supplies, especially baby foods

10-8-2024 < SGT Report 15 497 words

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

This has been part of the globalist depopulation agenda for years. What other reason could there possibly be for allowing industrial chemicals into our food supplies?

A key ingredient in rocket fuel can be found in a wide array of foods we eat, especially baby food, fast food and fresh fruits and vegetables, according to an explosive new investigation from Consumer Reports.

Perchlorate, a chemical used in the production of rocket fuel and fireworks, has been linked to thyroid problems in adults and brain damage in fetuses and newborns, according to the report.


Consumer Reports found the chemical in about 67% of the nearly 200 samples of supermarket and fast-food items it tested.

The consumer-advocate publication wrote in its August 7 report:

“We found the highest perchlorate levels in certain fast foods and produce items, but concerningly, the category with the highest average level of perchlorate was baby and kid foods. Some of the baby and kid foods we tested that had the highest levels of perchlorate could quickly add up to a concerning amount.”

The levels ranged from just over 2 to 79 parts per billion. They say this is not enough to be “immediately hazardous,” but when added up over a period of years they are dangerous to one’s health.

The question is this: Why would the U.S. Food and Drug Administration allow industrial-grade chemicals to be placed in our food that, if the same chemicals were handled in a factory they would require workers to use protective gear?

Foods in plastic containers clocked the highest levels (nearly 54 parts per billion on average) while children’s food came in at 19.4 ppb, followed by fruits and vegetables, fast food, baked goods, dairy, meats, seafood and beverages.

In short, these chemicals are in just about everything you eat, unless you’re buying organic or growing the food yourself.

Consumer Reports said these tests did not reveal why certain foods had higher levels of perchlorate, but researchers believe plastic packaging could be the culprit. Fresh produce, meanwhile, may become contaminated with perchlorate if it is irrigated with contaminated water.

Disturbingly, the chemical perchlorate is even found in many foods and water marketed as “organic,” likely because of the packaging.

Some medical experts suggest that if you do eat a lot of fresh vegetables, you should make sure they are cleaned and then thoroughly cooked.

Bottom line: The globalist eugenicists seeking global depopulation are going to do their best to poison us, whether that be through toxic injections and pharmaceuticals given under the guise of “protecting your health” or from poisons infused into the water (chlorine and industrial-waste products like flouride), or through poisons inserted into processed food. Now, we learn just how toxic are the so-called “fresh” vegetables, fruits and produce.

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