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Walz the COVID Tyrant

9-8-2024 < SGT Report 21 391 words

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

A few people wrote in from Minnesota to remind me that their state had some of the harshest COVID restrictions in the US, thanks to Governor Tim Walz. There were state-level mandates on masking, social distancing, and vaccinations. Walz declared a state of emergency on March 13, 2020, and did not lift restrictions until May 28, 2021, far past when the “science” recommended. COVID provided politicians with more power than ever before, and how they handled that power tells us everything we need to know about their integrity as leaders.


Tim Walz aimed to force at least 70% of the state to undergo vaccination. The unvaccinated were not permitted to participate in society. Tim Walz created a COVID-19 hotline for citizens to report neighbors who they suspected were violating his COVID laws. Walz threatened the public with a $1,000 fine or up to 90 days in jail if they spent time with someone who did not reside in their household during the “shelter in place” period. He threatened people with a $25,000 fine if they dared to meet as a group in public, such as a church, but riots for Black Lives Matter were encouraged.

Around 10,000 incidents were reported to the COVID hotline as neighbors began to turn on each other. “It is being used, and we simply want to let people be able to call and let folks know,” he said. “It’s for their own good. If we see people that may not be as informed on this, it’s an educational piece,” Walz claimed. He later told Politico: “I got to the point where I was saying, ‘Please, just wear the mask so you live long enough to vote against me.” When government says they’re squeezing our freedoms for our own good, there is always a self-serving motive.

The Upper Midwest Law Center attempted to sue the governor for his blatant overreach, but the Minnesota Supreme Court sided with Walz. Former President Trump stated that Minnesota needed to be liberated from Walz’s rule, but Walz managed to grasp onto power for as long as possible to keep the people of Minnesota under his thumb.

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