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Meet Ur Jaddou, Ultimate American, by Jared Taylor

9-8-2024 < UNZ 24 2669 words

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She runs the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. It’s the part of the Department of Homeland Security that decides who can come to America and who can become a citizen.

Miss Jaddou looks white, but her father is an immigrant Iraqi and her mother is Mexican.

She is married to the dark-skinned man sitting behind her in this photo.

I couldn’t learn his name or nationality. The two girls are her children. Yes, someone named Ur Jaddou decides who gets to be American.

USCIS, her agency, is in the news because one of her pet schemes – an underhanded way to get hundreds of thousands of the most undesirable people on earth into the country – turned out to be a giant swindle.

We shouldn’t be surprised. Miss Jaddou has spent her career trying to turn our country into dumping ground for anyone from anywhere. She shouldn’t be a citizen, much less have a job in immigration.

Miss Jaddou’s splash page at USCIS makes no secret that before she became the boss, she ran DHS Watch, an America’s Voice-led project – and what’s that?

As its X account proclaims, it wants “full labor, civil and political rights for immigrants and their families.”

Its website makes clear that “immigrants” means anyone who is here, legal or not.

“Full political rights” would mean voting, running for office, serving on juries..

If you disagree, guess what you are? On X, it’s top post is “Stand against white supremacy, hate, and xenophobia.”

There is also a pinned tweet urging you to follow 14 groups, all dedicating opening the border, including Unidos, which used to be La Raza or “the race,” and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

It has some nerve, calling itself America’s Voice.

Half the website is in Spanish – speaking in America’s voice, you see.

Here’s a typical article in English: “3 Startling Facts Behind the Brutal and Deadly 1950’s Era Mass Deportation Program Repeatedly Praised By Trump.”

You can be sure that the author, Mr. Ortiz, is scrupulously fair and factual.

When Ur Jaddou was in charge of America’s Voice, she had a Twitter account. In 2021, when Joe Biden appointed her to USCIS and she learned she would have to be confirmed by the Senate, she suddenly made her account private.

She had only 61 tweets but hid them all.

Her confirmation hearing was a master class in evasion, buck-passing, and – probably – outright lying. A few senators dug up some of her past comments. She had called the Border Patrol “the personal militia” of President Trump.

She said that keeping out immigrants who might be a “public charge” – meaning that you’d have to support them – “was only meant as the exception, not the rule.”

Let them feed at the public trough. As for “birth tourism” – that’s when pregnant women come to the US so they can have an anchor baby – she had said trying to stop that was “a clear attack on women and their bodies just because they can have babies.”

People who worked for her at America’s Voice called ICE a “rogue agency,” because it actually deported people.

Not one Republican senator voted to confirm Miss Jaddou.

Under Donald Trump, USCIS’s mission statement said its main job was to “secure the homeland.” Miss Jaddou changed that. Now, it “upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.”

Whom does USCIS serve? Not you. It doesn’t serve a single American – only foreigners, many of them lawbreakers, but she’ll make America a nation of welcome and possibility for them.

So, what’s the sleazy scheme that just blew up in her face? It’s called the CHNV program, and those letters stand for Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela – four miserable countries from which Miss Jaddou wants to fly people in, so they won’t have to bother with hopping the border.

It’s complicated, but the Center for Immigration Studies has a good article on it called “What Is ‘CHNV Parole’ — and Why Should You Care?”

It began out of embarrassment. The last year under Trump, FY 2020, the border patrol caught a total of 17,531 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezelans. After two years with Border Czarina Kamala Harris in charge, that number had grown to 600,000 – which looked bad.

Credit Image: © Juan Manuel Blanco/EFE via ZUMA Press

Credit Image: © Juan Manuel Blanco/EFE via ZUMA Press

There were three ways to discourage more from coming: arrest and hold them – as the law requires – deport them to their home countries, or bounce them back to Mexico.

Instead, Czarina Harris turned them loose into the US, along with millions more illegals. Naturally, they kept coming. So, in January 2023 we got this: “Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Border Enforcement Actions.”

In fact, it was the very opposite of “border enforcement,” but it was going to “Limit Disorderly and Unsafe Migration.”

How do you do that?

You make illegals legal. And you do it with so little fanfare that you probably never heard of CHNV. It uses “parole,” a gimmick that lets inadmissible foreigners into the country for “urgent humanitarian or significant public benefit reasons.”

I can’t think of a single group parole that was for people so wonderful they would be a “significant public benefit.” It’s always “urgent humanitarianism,” such as the 125,000 Cubans who came to Florida in 1980 in the Mariel Boatlift when Fidel Castro emptied his prisons and insane asylums.

Credit Image: Mario Ruiz/ZUMA Press Wire

Credit Image: Mario Ruiz/ZUMA Press Wire

Parole is supposed to be for individuals, case by case, but presidents issue orders to let in whole classes of people. Under CHNV, anyone in those four wretched countries gets in on parole if: (1) He paid his own airfare – no undignified fence climbing.

Credit Image: © Bob Daemmrich/ZUMA Press Wire

Credit Image: © Bob Daemmrich/ZUMA Press Wire

(2) Passed a background check, and (3) someone in the United States promised to support him.

At the time, there was an agreement with Mexico that if we caught illegals from these countries, Mexico would take them back. So, applying for “parole” was a bother, but the idea was they would go through the paperwork rather than pay coyotes $10,000 a head and risk being bounced back to Mexico if they were caught.

From the start, this was pure eye wash: Sneak in these illegals “legally” and cut those embarrassing arrest numbers at the border.

I didn’t hear about CHNV in 2023, but the rest of the world sure did. In just the first 15 months, Miss Jaddou’s agency got 2,622,076 online applications.

She has 21,000 people working for her – average salary: $74,000 a year, by the way – but, naturally, they rubber stamped the applications, and in just 18 months, more than 460,000 of these lovely people flew to America, and were immediately eligible for Medicare, Food Stamps, you name it. Parole admissions, by the way, are not counted in immigration limits set by Congress. Money from heaven for the people who hate America.

The ever-watchful Center for Immigration Studies not only pegged this as a massive welfare giveaway, it predicted disaster.

First, the background check. The only info Miss Jaddou is likely to get on parole applicants is what their governments tells her. Haiti doesn’t have a government, and the three countries that do, hate us. They would love to unload undesirables.

And, what do you know: “Haitian CHNV Parole Migrant Arrested for Aggravated Rape in Massachusetts.”

And he’s one of very few we even know about because, as the Center for Immigration Studies will tell you, Miss Jaddou fights like a tiger to keep CHNV data under wraps.

But just last week the whole flimflam exploded in her face: “Biden-Harris-Mayorkas CHNV Parole Program Loaded with Fraud.” The Federation for American Immigration Reform was able to report this, only because it got hold of an internal, confidential report we weren’t supposed to see.

Remember those sponsors who promised online to keep parolees off the dole – even though they’re eligible for welfare? “100 IP addresses accounted for 51,133 of the . . . applications. . . . [A]n IP address located in Tijuana, Mexico, was used 1,328 times.”

“[A] total of 100,948 forms had been filed by 3,218 different serial sponsors.” That’s about 30 each. “24 of the 1,000 most used sponsor [social security numbers] belong to a deceased individual.”

“One sponsor phone number was reported on over 2,000 forms submitted by 200 different sponsors.” Further, “[o]ne parolee phone number was reported on 626 different forms and was associated with 238 different parolee last names and 142 different parolee addresses.”

There were about 3,000 non-existent zip codes, and more than 3,000 made-up phone numbers. There were 100 physical addresses that were used at least 124 times, and in one case, the same address was used 739 times. Several thousand addresses were warehouses, storage units, or trailer parks. Many replies to complicated questions were identical.

As I said, rubber-stamped.

About the same time, after a heroic effort, the Center for Immigration Studies finally got Miss Jaddou to cough up where these desperate, suffering Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans were coming from: “Safe Countries and Vacation Wonderlands.”

Here is a table from CIS showing the 77 countries from which nearly half a million sanitized illegals flew in: holiday destinations like Antigua, Jamaica, or St. Kitts, and not-very-terrifying places like Iceland, Switzerland or Taiwan.

These fakers got to perfectly safe countries, but they’d rather be here, where they can get all the benefits of “refugees,” and can climb aboard the gravy train to US citizenship.

Now we learn that even the brazen Miss Jaddou has “paused” CHNV “out of an abundance of caution” because of the fraud.

What a paragon of prudence she is!

Congressman Mark Green, chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, issued a statement that was ignored by just about every media organization you can think of: This is exactly what happens when you create an unlawful mass-parole program in order to spare your administration the political embarrassment and bad optics of overrun borders. The Biden-Harris administration should terminate the CHNV program immediately.”

And fire anyone who had anything to do with it.

Two final details about this tale of treachery. First, Mexico has stopped taking back border-hoppers from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. That means, if they don’t want to bother with a fake application, they can go back to joining the crowds at the border.

Credit Image: © Adam Davis/EFE via ZUMA Press

Credit Image: © Adam Davis/EFE via ZUMA Press

Second, parolees are supposed to be here for just two years. After that, if they haven’t tricked their way into some other status, they’re supposed to bugger off – or be deported if they don’t. If the czarina becomes President, she won’t even try to find them.

If her opponent wins and tries to boot these frauds, he will find that Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela don’t take their criminals back. They’re attitude is: “They’re yours now, sucker.” And Haiti probably still won’t have a government.

Miss Jaddou should resign in tears of shame. She won’t. She’ll just keep on smiling, and keep on giving our country away to cheats and liars.

May 26, 2021, Washington, District of Columbia, USA: Ur Mendoza Jaddou, appears before a Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing for her nomination to be Director of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Credit: Rod Lamkey / CNP (Credit Image: © Rod Lamkey – Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire)

May 26, 2021, Washington, District of Columbia, USA: Ur Mendoza Jaddou, appears before a Senate Committee on the Judiciary hearing for her nomination to be Director of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Justice, in the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, DC, Wednesday, May 26, 2021. Credit: Rod Lamkey / CNP (Credit Image: © Rod Lamkey – Cnp/CNP via ZUMA Press Wire)
