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From French Revolution To Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

9-8-2024 < Activist Post 23 1686 words

By Neenah Payne

Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Decoded! explains why the very woke Opening Ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Paris were not just offensive to millions of Christians, but may also have been a wake-up call for humanity. In featuring the bloody anti-Christian French Revolution which Karl Marx celebrated, the Ceremonies seemed to be calling for a globalist/Communist revolution.

The mascot of the French Olympics was the Phrygian Cap worn by revolutionary mobs when France descended into civil war for 20 years and Republicans were murdered. France banned Christianity and 40,000 people were killed from 1792-1794. Jacobins called for mass decapitations including of the king and queen. The Opening Ceremony featured the bloody talking decapitated head of Queen Marie Antoinette.

The French Revolution was a war against Christianity. The attempt to de-Christianize France was a stated goal of the revolution. Churches were closed and church properties confiscated, and thousands of priests were killed. A new revolutionary calendar replaced the old Christian Gregorian calendar.

Perhaps France’s strange Opening Ceremony made sense in terms of the globalist agenda of the World Economic Forum. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, has called for The Great Reset. The WEF told us that by 2030, “You will own nothing and will be happy”. Karl Marx defined communism as the abolition of private property. Schwab bragged that he has “penetrated the cabinets” of many nations with his WEF “Young Global Leaders. French President Emmanuel Macron is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader.

Strange Paris Olympics Imagery

Why a hat is the mascot for the 2024 Paris Olympics says French revolutionaries saw the Phrygian Cap as a symbol of freedom. However, In the video below, Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire explains that the hat represents rebellion against government, science, and religion which revolutionaries waged without much understanding. So, wearing the cap encourages people to identify with and support a mindless, bloody global coup.

Matthew Ehret, Canadian historian, geopolitical analyst, journalist, author, and lecturer, provides a deep analysis in the video below. Ehret is co-author of Clash of the Two Americas volume 4: The Anglo-Venetian Roots of the Deep State.

An Olympics Of The Occult | The Highwire with Del Bigtree (video)

Ehret said one of the goals of the Opening Ceremonies was to divide and conquer humanity by offending many people. Ehret said globalists are trying to push humanity in a very dystopic direction with a mass culling of the population. He showed a slideshow which begins with “The French Revolution Revival: Precursor to the Great Reset” and includes Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.

When Dell asks “What is the path forward?”, Ehret reminds people that the oligarchs want us to believe they are gods, but they failed twice in the 19th century and three times in the 20th century. Patriots in America provided an alternative in 1776 and Lincoln revived it. Ehret explains that Franklin Roosevelt derailed the eugenics-run dictatorship twice in the 1930’s and 1940’s, but that has been erased from our history books. Napoleon Bonaparte restored France when he became Emperor.

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte

The French Revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) overthrew the French government. Eleven years after Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their heads, Napoleon was crowned Emperor, ushering in the period of the First French Empire. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France in one of the most opulent ceremonies ever witnessed. Napoleon moved into the royal estate of Versailles. Napoleon was the architect of France’s recovery before setting out to conquer Europe.

NYT: The Napoleon Legend—A New Look; How can we know the man whose transformation into a myth began long before his death?; Napoleonic Legend

A Short History of Napoleon, the Ambitious, Charismatic Emperor of France 6/7/24

The Rise & Fall Of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte | The Man Who Would Rule Europe:

This detailed documentary digs into the private life of the nineteenth century’s most extraordinary character – Napoleon Bonaparte.

The Simple Reason Why Nobody Could Defeat Napoleon says, “Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influential people in the history of mankind.”

How Napoleon Revolutionized France and America

Napoleon is considered the world’s greatest general because he had more victories in battle than anyone in history. He was one of the most influential military leaders – greater than Julius Caesar or Alexander The Great.

Napoleon also excelled as a civilian leader. He revolutionized every aspect of French society. The Napoleonic institutions were designed to stabilize France. Their fundamental structure remains the same to this day, over 200 years later.

Napoleon brought religion back to France through a pact with the Pope. Not only did France recognize Catholics, but welcomed Protestants and Jews. Napoleon introduced the Napoleonic Code to codify civil law throughout France. It gave post-revolutionary France its first coherent set of laws concerning property, colonial affairs, the family, and individual rights.

Napoleon greatly improved the number and quality of schools. He created the Bank of France and reworked the tax system to allow the economy to recover from the revolution. The franc was introduced, and taxes were collected in a fair and timely manner. Napoleon modernized Paris almost beyond belief. Many of his reforms were replicated all over the world.

Napoleon’s Historic Egyptian Excursion

When Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798, he took 150 scientists including engineers, mathematicians, and naturalists who made what are considered the greatest archeological finds in history. The Rosetta Stone was discovered and allowed the world to finally understand Egyptian hieroglyphics. 7 scientific breakthroughs that resulted from Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt.

The Napoleonic Invasion of Egypt explains:

On July 1, 1798, Napoleon landed in Egypt with 400 ships and 54,000 men and proceeded to invade the country, as he had recently invaded Italy. But this Egyptian invasion was to be different. For, in addition to soldiers and sailors, Napoleon brought along 150 savants — scientists, engineers, and scholars whose responsibility was to capture, not Egyptian soil, but Egyptian culture and history. And while the military invasion was an ultimate failure, the scholarly one was successful beyond anyone’s expectations.

Meticulous topographical surveys were made, native animals and plants were studied, minerals were collected and classified, local trades and industry were scrutinized. Most famously, ancient Egypt was discovered — the temples and tombs of Luxor, Philae, Dendera, and the Valley of the Kings. Each of these sites was measured, mapped, and drawn, recording in meticulous detail a pharaonic Egypt never before glimpsed by the outside world. But how was the outside world to see what the scientists had discovered?

Fortunately, the savants decided, before they had been in Egypt for even six months, that their discoveries had to be published…. After their return to France in 1801, they continued to organize materials, and finally, in 1809, the first volumes of the Description de l’Égypte were published. Over the years, concluding in 1828, a total of 23 volumes would appear.

Three of these were the largest books that had ever been printed, standing over 43 inches tall. The total set contained 837 engravings, many of them of unprecedented size, which captured Egyptian culture from every possible vantage point.” It was a massive undertaking and considered to be the most ambitious work of France in the early 19th Century.

This website is an online version of an exhibition that was on display at the Linda Hall Library from October 2006 through April 2007. It features illustrations from the Library’s copy of the Description de l’Égypte, along with other rare books that document the French Expedition to Egypt.

Napoleon’s Impact on America

Egyptomania Comes to America says that among the most influential books in the rise of American Egyptomania was The Ruins of Empires (1787) by Count Constantine Francis Volney. Oscar Is Based on Egyptian God Ptah shows it would be hard to overstate the impact of Egyptian culture on Europe and America.

The Washington Monument which honors our first president in the nation’s capital is based on an Egyptian obelisk. There is a pyramid and the Eye of Horus is on the back of the dollar. Nine of the 56 signers the Declaration of Independence and 13 of the 39 who signed the US Constitutions were Masons. In addition, 14 of the 44 US presidents were Masons – dressing up in Egyptian aprons and performing Egyptian rites.

When Napoleon sold 800,000 square miles in The Louisiana Purchase to President Thomas Jefferson in 1803, it was the largest real estate transaction in history. It almost doubled the size of the United States and later allowed America to extend from sea to shining sea which changed the course of world history.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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