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Two-Tiered Policing as Wheels Come Loose in UK

9-8-2024 < SGT Report 17 256 words

from Moonbattery:

On behalf of leftist globalism, the British government has been waging a war of extirpation against its own people through demographic displacement. The worm is inevitably beginning to turn.

Since the media has chosen not to keep us informed, let’s turn to the esteemed countermoonbat Sarah Cain for an overview of the situation:


The government has responded to pushback against cultural genocide by carting people off to prison for expressing disallowed opinions online:

As Sarah Cain mentions, Muslims have been taking to the streets too, but this not seen as a problem by the government that imported them. That’s why they call Starmer “Two-Tier Keir”:

[T]he Prime Minister has been quick to come down hard on the riots of the past week while reacting equanimously, even with professed compassion, to other riots involving ethnic minorities rather than ethnic majority activists.

In contrast to the current selective police state crackdown,

[Starmer] knelt for BLM rioters in 2020…

As Nigel Farage observes,

“Ever since the soft policing of the Black Lives Matter protests, the impression of two-tier policing has become widespread. The Prime Minister’s faltering attempts to address the current crisis have only added to that sense of injustice.”

This injustice combined with the natural instinct of self-preservation is fueling the unrest.

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