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Study of 125 countries reveals inconvenient truth: Excess mortality was caused by democide and vaccine mandates, not “covid”

9-8-2024 < Natural News 23 678 words

Study of 125 countries reveals inconvenient truth: Excess mortality was caused by democide and vaccine mandates, not “covid”

In a bombshell revelation that should reshape the narrative around the “COVID-19 pandemic,” a groundbreaking study involving researchers from Correlation Research in the Public Interest has found that COVID-19 vaccines had little to no beneficial impact on mortality rates, but instead contributed to 17 million deaths globally! The comprehensive global analysis scrutinized excess deaths across 125 countries, challenging the long-held belief that vaccines were pivotal in controlling an alleged pandemic.

Dr. Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., president of Correlation and co-author of the study, discussed these startling results on “The Defender In-Depth.” According to the research — which evaluated mortality data from 2015 to 2023 — patterns of excess death do not align with the spread of the virus or long COVID but instead correlate closely with government-imposed restrictions and the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines!

Bio-terror, isolation, biological stress and compliance with restrictions caused 30 million global deaths

Hickey and his team used the “P-score” methodology to adjust for variables like age and health status. Their analysis revealed a significant correlation between excess mortality and socioeconomic factors such as poverty. They argue that the restrictive measures — particularly lockdowns — exacerbated biological stress, adversely affecting the most vulnerable populations. That biological stress includes mandating the isolation of mildly ill individuals and putting them on sedatives and ventilators. Biological stress also includes the intentional harms caused by vaccine mandates and lockdowns that destroyed people's careers and ability to eat.

The study revealed that pandemic-related restrictions are linked to an estimated 30 million global deaths, while the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with 17 million deaths. Hickey and his team argue that these findings suggest the pandemic declaration and subsequent isolation measures had a far more significant impact on global mortality than some virus construct. Living in perpetual fear, isolation and constant stress due to government tyranny and societal upheaval has far reaching mental and physical health effects that lead to death and worse outcomes in the face of chronic and infectious disease.

Hickey reiterated that the data does not support the theory of a particularly virulent pathogen that remained characteristically dangerous for months and years. Instead, the findings point to totalitarian national policies, medical fraud and hysterical public health measures as the main drivers of excess deaths over time. The study challenges the assumption that the virus was the primary cause of increased mortality, suggesting that the impact of political and public health interventions, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates, are more detrimental.

Democide and vaccine mandates caused excess deaths, not a pandemic

The research highlights that the observed excess mortality rates during the pandemic were not uniform. Some countries saw sharp spikes in excess deaths coinciding with the implementation of restrictions or the initiation of vaccine roll-outs. In stark contrast, other nations experienced no excess mortality until vaccines were introduced. In fact, countries with higher vaccine uptake experienced persistent excess deaths into 2023. Hickey pointed to potential issues with the vaccine, like vaccine-related immunosuppression and adverse reactions. Instead of addressing these serious public health issues, further booster doses were recommended, with no beneficial impact on society. Australia, for one, saw an abnormal spike in all-cause mortality at the same time they mandated a COVID-19 booster vaccine. Now there is a class action lawsuit to fight back.

The world suffered, not from a pandemic, but from a DEMOCIDE that was fueled by medical fraud, bio-terror propaganda, germaphobia psychological programming, mass hysteria and compliance, vaccine worship, and a lack of knowledge on how immune systems work and what can be done to treat people for disease, or treat people humanely for that matter. The COVID-19 scandal exposed the corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industry and elucidated the proclivity of modern governments to act maliciously against individuals, with no remorse.

Sources include: [PDF]
