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Why We Need a Weak President

8-8-2024 < SGT Report 18 734 words

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Since the so-called presidential “debate,” it has been impossible for people to ignore what was already sufficiently evident. Biden is indeed brain-dead. But people are asking the wrong questions in response to this. They want to know, “If a president becomes incapacitated, how can he be removed? How can we make sure that presidential candidates are mentally fit for office? Should candidates be required to pass cognitive tests?”


These aren’t bad questions in themselves, but they neglect a much more important question. Why should we have a powerful president at all? We see the salience of this question in the Ukraine war. Biden insists on an aggressive policy toward Russia that risks nuclear war. As the great Dr. Ron Paul has put it, “Decades of US sanctions placed on any country that fails to do what Washington demands have backfired and led to the emergence of a block of countries united in their resistance to American dictates. Being ‘tough’ on less-powerful countries may work…until it doesn’t. That’s where we are today.”

Would Trump be better? Dr. Paul does not think so: “Despite Donald Trump’s sober and accurate warning that Joe Biden has taken us to the brink of World War III, his solution to the problem is doing more of the same. His stated foreign policy seems to be that were he in office the rest of the world would not dare do anything against his will. . . He would have been so tough that Russian president Vladimir Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine, he claimed. He would have been so tough that Hamas would never have dared attack Israel on October 7th. It’s only Joe Biden’s ‘weakness’ that leads to these disastrous foreign policy outcomes.”

What we need to ask is, “Why should the fate of the world depend on the decisions of one man, competent or not? Why should anyone’s finger be on the nuclear button?”

There’s an “obvious” answer to this question that we need to reject.  This answer is that America may be confronted with an extreme emergency that calls for an immediate response. What if Russia or China launched a nuclear attack on America? Wouldn’t the president have to respond? And if not the president, who else?

The answer to this is that only an aggressive policy of nuclear confrontation would get us into this situation. If America followed a policy of complete non-intervention, if we didn’t have a “foreign policy” at all, why would other nations attack us? If the answer to this is that these nations want to conquer our territory, they would find this a difficult undertaking—-if in fact the residents of a particular territory wanted to fight.

But what if other countries do launch a nuclear attack on us? Don’t “we” have to respond? Why do we? Wouldn’t a counterattack just raise the danger of the complete annihilation of life on earth?

But, you may say, even if this is right, what has this got to do with whether we have a strong president? Shouldn’t we just say that the president should follow a non-interventionist policy? This misses the point. It shouldn’t be up to one individual, however well-intentioned, to determine whether we are on a course for nuclear extinction, even if that person chooses the right way. And someone who chooses correctly can always change his mind.

The choice between war and peace is the most important issue, but it isn’t the only one. It shouldn’t be up to the president to decide whether we have a sound monetary system, based on the gold standard and no fractional reserve banking. And it shouldn’t be up to the Fed or any group of so-called “experts.” There should be a fixed policy that can’t be overridden by anybody.

But it isn’t enough to get rid of the strong president. The “deep state” has to go too. It’s especially important to eliminate the “security” agencies, like the CIA and the FBI. These get us into wars. As Ron Paul has said, “We do not need the FBI and CIA and other federal agencies viewing us as the enemy and attacking our Constitution. End the Fed…and End the Federal Bureau of Investigation!”

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