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Pole Shift

7-8-2024 < Attack the System 23 834 words

by Karl Richter

Karl Richter argues that Iran’s response to Western blasphemy at the Olympics symbolizes the dying West and the rise of new global powers like Russia, China, and parts of the Islamic world.

The picture shows the response of Shiite Iran to Western blasphemy at the opening of the Olympic Games: in Tehran, Leonardo’s famous Last Supper, which was mocked in Paris with LGBT, pedophile, and Satanic symbolism, was adorned with a Quran verse: “The Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, is the Messenger of God.” (Surah 4, 171) It is strangely touching, but it also confirms an experience I had years ago in Lebanon. In the Shiite communities around Tyre and Kana — the biblical Cana — Christians and Shiites live in good harmony. There is no need for the hostility that Israel and most Western lying media invoke.

The fronts have shifted. The old enemy images no longer hold true. Not just since yesterday. The great shift in values has been taking place over the past thirty years, initially unnoticed, but now the reversal of values is palpable for everyone: Europe, the West, is no longer the beacon of enlightenment, reason, and science — but rather the apocalyptic, Satanic departure from it, an unappetizing cesspool from which “normal” people can only turn away in disgust. It is no coincidence that Turkish President Erdogan also criticized the Paris ceremony as “perverse propaganda.” He emphasized in a phone call with the Pope that such performances offend both Christians and Muslims alike and are a warning signal for the moral decline of the world. In the West, such completely correct assessments are limited to a few upright individuals like Viktor Orbán and Donald Trump.

Overall, the West, with its inverted “values,” today is a cancer that is “metastasizing.” The rest of the world must protect itself from it if it does not want to be infected. Lo and behold: parallel to the increasingly grotesque decline of the West, new centers of growth and resistance have developed: Russia, China, India, parts of the Islamic world, and even Africa. Almost everywhere, the traditional values of coexistence — family, identity, religion — are now better preserved than in the cesspools of the West, which are currently imploding before our eyes. A few weeks ago, I had a long conversation with the Indonesian ambassador to Switzerland. He wanted to know what was happening in Germany. I told him: suicide. A policy of suicide, implemented by the Americans. He saw it similarly.

It is a significant analogy and probably no coincidence that the shift in value worlds and geopolitical weights is occurring parallel to the upcoming pole reversal of the Earth. The associated weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field coincides with an eleven-year maximum in solar activity, resulting in an increased influx of cosmic radiation for our planet (and its inhabitants!). The accompanying turbulence should not be surprising. The turnaround we are witnessing is cosmic in nature.

For each of us, independent judgment, uninfluenced by the mainstream, is now more important and more vital than ever. It will, as it did after 2020, separate the wheat from the chaff. More than ever, I am convinced that everyone gets exactly what they deserve. There is no such thing as coincidence. Thanks to the acceleration of events we are currently experiencing, the great, long-overdue reckoning might be here sooner than most can imagine.

I personally am not willing to be driven by the prevailing insane regime into suicidal and completely unnecessary confrontations with Russia, Islam, China, or anyone else. Only madmen crave war with Russia or US missiles on German soil. Only the completely brainwashed lie about Israel being a part of Germany’s “national interest.” Not me — and not the many thousands of citizens who no longer want anything to do with the regime’s machinations. Go to hell alone. Here too: to each his own. I want to be there when the Federal Republic [of Germany], along with the “values of the West,” is taken out of the game soon. The sooner it departs, the sooner there will be room for Germany again.

(translated from the German)
