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Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Decoded!

7-8-2024 < Activist Post 19 1615 words

By Neenah Payne

The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics is an opportunity for the host nation to showcase its culture. In the 2024 Summer Olympics, France could have celebrated its great cuisine, wines, and perfumes, its beautiful art in the Louvre, its music, that it is the fashion capital of the world, etc.

Instead France chose very woke ceremonies that offended billions of Christians and others. Paris Olympics 2024: Global controversy on drag-themed depictions of historical and religious figures shows that the ceremonies caused a global uproar, particularly because of what seemed to be a depiction of The Last Supper in which Jesus was replaced by a drag queen. The highly sexualized displays had nothing to do with sports. So, what were they really about?

France decided that what best represents it in the 21st century is the French Revolution in 1789 with its bloody Reign of Terror. It was a time when Christianity was banned and France descended into a murderous bloodbath. Did France choose that horrible turning point in European history because it is calling for a globalist coup now?

The mascot of the French Olympics was the Phrygian Cap worn by revolutionary mobs when France descended into civil war for 20 years and Republicans were murdered. France banned Christianity for a number of years and 40,000 people were killed from 1792-1794. Jacobins called for mass decapitations including of the king and queen. The Opening Ceremony featured the gruesome talking decapitated head of Queen Marie Antoinette.

The French Revolution was a war against Christianity. The attempt to fully de-Christianize France was a major goal of the revolution. It looked forward to Karl Marx and Mao Zedong.  Countless churches were closed; thousands of priests were killed; a new revolutionary calendar replaced the old Christian Gregorian calendar.

French Revolution Inspired Communism

Historian Paul Johnson said when the French Revolution erupted in 1789, it boiled over into the murderous Reign of Terror. Church historian H.W. Crocker said:

In all this, the French Revolution presaged the state religions of Nazism and Communism, and, indeed, in its mass murders, nationalist uniformity, militarism, and lootings in the name of the state and of equality.

The French Revolution and The Reign of Terror were the inspiration for Karl Marx’s Das Capital on which communism was founded. Karl Marx: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte explains:

The German philosopher and founder of international communism, Karl Marx (1818–83), wrote on many occasions about the French Revolution, which he considered the first stage in an eventual worldwide proletarian revolution….Marx considered the French Revolution the classic example of the “bourgeois revolution”.

Karl Marx saw the French Revolution as the precursor to communism. During the Communist revolutions in Russia, China, and Spain, the national governments were overturned, Christianity was banned, and tens of millions of people were killed. See The Marxist Inheritance of the French Revolution and Karl Marx and the Paris Commune. Karl Marx Meets the Devil: A Conversation with Historian Paul Kengor: Paul Kengor is a professor of political science, and he’s also Senior Director of the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. His most recent book is The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception and Infiltration.

Did France Call For “The Great Reset”?

Perhaps France’s strange Opening Ceremony made sense in terms of the globalist agenda. Globalist Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, bragged that he has “penetrated the cabinets” of many nations with WEF “Young Global Leaders”. French President Emmanuel Macron is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader.  Schwab has called for The Great Reset. The WEF told us that by 2030, “You will own nothing and will be happy”. Karl Marx defined communism as the abolition of private property.

Why Was David Icke Banned From 26 European Nations? shows that in 2022, legendary British author David Icke called out former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, another WEF Young Global Leader, who was forcing 3,000 Dutch farmers off their lands. Dutch Farmers’ Surprising HUGE Victory! explained in 2023 that The Netherlands is the world’s second largest food exporter.  So, forcing 3,000 farmers out of business affects the food supply of much of the world.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte announced that Holland was the HQ of the “Global Food Hub”. Rutte was the Global Coordinating Secretary to Transform Food Systems and Land Use .Henry Kissinger was Schwab’s mentor at Harvard and was a frequent honored guest at WEF meetings. Kissinger is known for his statement, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”

The Growing Revolution Against Globalists shows that “Teflon Mark” and several other WEF Young Global Leaders were defeated by nationalists in the 2023 elections. However, he was promoted: NATO Allies select Mark Rutte as next Secretary General.

Globalists’ War on Nations

The Opening Ceremony serves a wake-up call for humanity as nations fight against globalization. Globalists insist on open borders which are destroying the US and European nations.

Nationalists are fighting back – putting their lives on the line! Former US President Donald Trump is a nationalist, famous for his “Make America Great Again” slogan. MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism! shows that European nationalists adopted the slogan for the “Make Europe Great Again” (MEGA) conference in Romania in April. The Growing Revolution Against Globalists shows that nationalists are winning in Europe and elsewhere.

However, nationalist leaders are under attack. Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt on July 13. See Biblical Meanings of Trump Assassination Attempt?  Robert Fico, Slovakia’s Prime Minister, was seriously injured when he was shot five times in May. There have been attempts to kill Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán.

France’s Olympic Message Decoded

The Olympics are a time for nations to come together so the world’s best athletes can compete online in peace. The Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics was portrayed as an inclusive event. However, in featuring the bloody French Revolution, France seemed to be calling for a globalist Communist coup to destroy all nations and religions and murder millions of people – as was done in France, Russia, China, and Spain. That becomes very exclusive – excluding all religions, nations, and political freedom.

The message of the French Olympics was designed to be received subliminally where it wouldn’t be consciously understood and rejected. It’s a Trojan Horse, an attack on our minds and souls calling for an attack on our nations, rights, freedoms, and religions – on humanity.  France used the Olympics to call for a globalist/communist war against humanity. France thought people would not decode and reject that insidious message. It was wrong.

David Icke Explains Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

David Icke explains in the video below that the Paris Olympics delivered a subliminal message to get people to accept ideas unconsciously. Icke links to a video that explains that the Olympics Ceremony showed all nations following the Pale Horse of the Apocalypse which depicts death in the Book of Revelation. Icke’s latest book The Reveal: The Next Stage of Human Awareness can be pre-ordered on Amazon.

Paris 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony – Symbolism & Subliminal Messaging – David Icke (video) 8/6/24

Growing Woke Agenda

The Woke display was not unique to the Paris Olympics  John Rich’s “Revelation” Explains The Real War shows that Rich plays the video of his latest song “Revelation” and contrasts that message with the satanic performances at some Grammy Awards and Super Bowls.

Rich says, “I hope this song brings strength to the saved, conviction to the lost, and fear to the truly wicked. The real war is not between left and right, it’s between good and evil, and God wins in the end.” “The real war is not Trump and Biden. The real war is not culture war.”  Rich quotes Ephesians: “We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers and the rulers of spiritual darkness of this Earth.” He says,  “That is the real battle.”

Woke, satanic performances should be rejected at all public events. MEI – Merit, Excellence, Intelligence shows that more companies are adopting meritocracy and abandoning the Woke DEI, ESG agenda that doesn’t work.

Explosive Documentary: What Is A Woman?
Explosive Documentary: The War on Children
Woke: Chinese Communist Attack on America
Parent Revolution: Rescuing Kids From Radicals
AG Letitia James to host ‘Drag Story Hour’ for kids in NYC — sparking outrage

Note: An upcoming article further decodes the strange Olympic images.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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