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Dems Pick Hardcore Leftist Tim Walz for VP

7-8-2024 < SGT Report 17 431 words

from Moonbattery:

Many thought Democrats would play it smart by going with the relatively moderate Josh Shapiro for VP, if only because a Jew from Pennsylvania would help deliver a crucial swing state and signal to sane people that the pro-Hamas wing of the party is not calling the shots. But being too arrogant to acknowledge public concerns, they doubled down on leftism by going with a hardcore moonbat, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.


Walz is best known for presiding over the Black Lives Matter riots that put an end to the term “Minnesota nice,” waiting for days to call in the National Guard even as Minneapolis burned. Even the city’s moonbat mayor was outraged.

Daily Wire offers a taste of Walz’s radicalism:

Walz signed a bill allowing illegal migrants to get driver’s licenses, and gave more than 55,000 formerly incarcerated people the ability to vote again. He also signed legislation legalizing recreational marijuana, tightening gun laws, making abortion a “fundamental right,” and preserving legal transgender medical interventions for children. …

During the COVID pandemic, Walz declared a peacetime state of emergency, forcing schools and restaurants to close and mandating masks indoors.

Walz issued a decree proclaiming Minnesota into a sanctuary state for fiends who want to chemically castrate or surgically mutilate children on behalf of LGBTism. He even signed a bill requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ restrooms. Yet he sings along with the leftist borg that Trump and Vance are “weird.”

Walz is not the kind of guy you could trust with other people’s money. Via Breitbart:

June report from Minnesota’s legislative auditor found that Walz’s administration “failed miserably in its duty to properly oversee millions of federal dollars it administered to nonprofits to feed children.” The report said that Walz’s alleged incompetence “created opportunities for fraud.” Axios reported: “The report highlighted several ways in which the Walz administration failed to rein in the fraud, undercutting the governor’s longstanding claims that his agency staff deserve credit, not criticism, for their efforts to catch and stop it.”

Minnesota is home to the massive Somali colony that produced ultra-left pro-terrorist congresscritter Ilhan Omar. This apparently inspired a change to the state flag, which now resembles a Somali flag. Walz proudly endorses it.

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