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RCMP Constable Dudley Do-Left Calls for the Book Burning of “Much Ado About Corona”

6-8-2024 < Activist Post 19 748 words


By John C.A. Manley

The EMF Guy, author Dr. E. Michael Jones, a retired NHL hockey player, the CEO of The Atlas Society and other big-name influencers are receiving the following postcard in the mail, from a “Constable Dudley Do-Left” of the RCMP (or so he claims), demanding the recipients burn their copies of my novel, Much Ado About Corona:

Here’s what the fascist postcard says:

“Dear Ms. Grossman, The RCMP has gathered intelligence that John C.A. Manley — a dangerous right-handed author — sent you a copy of his dissident novel, Much Ado About Corona. Immediately burn the book. It’s racist against meese moose. Constable Dudley Do-Left”

Those receiving this intimidating postcard are all VIPs to whom I’d already sent a copy of the novel. Yes, there is a lot about moose (even meese) in the book, but nothing belittling. Instead, the RCMP is probably unhappy about how I portrayed the Mounties in the novel. (Hey, when you started arresting people for possibly having the common cold, you damaged your credibility.)

Okay, confession time: Yes, of course, Constable Dudley Do-Left is a fictitious left-wing parody of Rocky & Bullwinkle’s Constable Dudley Do-Right — with no official connection to the RCMP. In fact, I know exactly who was responsible for sending these postcards out — committing the federal crime of impersonating a cartoon parody of a police officer — as you can see in the incriminating photo below:

Yes, the adorable three-year-old daughter of my assistant had a hand in these. I paid her (with Mommy’s help) 50 cents a postcard to duplicate the book-burning orders for influencers to whom I’d already sent my novel. You might call it reverse psychology marketing. Instead of asking them to read the book, I’m telling them to burn the book.

And burn it they should! It’s a dangerous story that illustrates the power and courage of the individual to oppose collective tyrannies. If you haven’t purchased a copy yet, you should do so immediately — but don’t read it! As soon as it arrives… burn it! You’ll be helping Big Brother rid the world of every copy ever printed.

Of course, it is a print-on-demand indie production — so the copy you’d be burning wouldn’t have existed if you hadn’t ordered. There’s really no logic to what I’m suggesting.

Now, if you want to be logical (and highly entertained) then you should buy and read the book. Outwit Constable Dudley Do-Left by immersing your mind in this fun and horrific story about the power of love over fear and courage over conformity.

Instead of burning the book, many readers report they end up burning the midnight oil because they can’t put the novel down. If you’re willing to risk a little sleep deprivation, click here to get your copy of Much Ado About Corona before the Mounties really do Fahrenheit 451 it.

Photo of burning book used with permission by Learning Lark. Photo of my assistant’s daughter used with mommy’s permission. Mountie postcard is partially obstructed and falls under fair use (and may even help Canada Post sell more postcards).

John C. A. Manley is the author of Much Ado About Corona: A Dystopian Love Story, the forthcoming All The Humans Are Sleeping and other works of speculative fiction. Get free samples of his stories by becoming a Blazing Pine Cone email subscriber at:

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