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The UK Riots: No Way Out But Through

6-8-2024 < Counter Currents 19 2046 words

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The Left, the media, and the political establishment (but I repeat myself) are blaming the ongoing race riots in the UK on the “far Right.” This is largely untrue. I know quite a bit about the far Right. I am a fairly prominent American White Nationalist. Indeed, I wrote The White Nationalist Manifesto. I am also fairly well-networked in the White Nationalist scene around the world, including the UK. Nobody was more taken by surprise by the recent events in the UK than far Rightists like me, including all my far-Right friends in the UK.

Frankly, the UK is the last place I expected this to happen, behind even Germany. There’s a reason why Great Britain is widely referred to in movement circles as “Cuck Isle.” Despite the heroic efforts of British nationalists, the UK has some of the most totalitarian Leftists, supine conservatives, and dispirited ordinary white people in the world.

So once the protests and riots kicked off, I started asking my friends in the UK (who are also extremely well-networked) if they knew who was behind them. To a man (and woman), they did not know. They had speculations, which they were willing to share. But soon it became apparent that they are just as in the dark as I am. If they are in the dark, then it goes without saying that the establishment doesn’t have a clue either.

Thus the most plausible explanation is that these protests are spontaneous, grass-roots, and viral. They are very much like the Yellow Vests in France, which took the French far Right by surprise as well.

Just at a glance, the protests don’t have the marks of organization. For instance, men who should be wearing masks aren’t. Protesters are also sharing footage and photos of one another’s faces. The fact that people are engaged in apparently random vandalism and looting doesn’t indicate a clear sense of mission. Beyond that, the protesters are making no real demands.

Technocrats and the elitist and conspiracy-minded dissidents that think like technocrats (and often work as their press agents by puffing up the technocrats’ power and prescience to God-like levels) have a prejudice towards “top-down” explanations of everything. They believe these protests are happening because someone—or a select few—somewhere made them happen.

As a populist, I think that is naïve. Spontaneous, organic populist protests do happen. They happen because: (1) widely scattered people can draw the same conclusions as we do from the same data, and (2) to the extent that we have any influence at all, it is because our memes have now saturated the popular mind. In such a situation, all a spontaneous protest movement needs is a spark, and given the nature of multiculturalism, sparks are in plentiful supply.

First, there was the butchery of three little girls and the wounding of several more, plus two adults, by a second-generation non-white immigrant. Although it was a monstrous crime, it might have ended with candlelight vigils, heaps of flowers and teddy bears, and tearful parents telling the world not to make this about race.

But the media and political system covered up the identity of the assailant (which usually indicates a nonwhite). This allowed rumors and disinformation to circulate. This led to protests outside a mosque, which may not have happened if the establishment made it clear right away that—in this case at least—the child-stabber was not a Muslim. The protest got heated when someone, an obviously Muslim man, appeared brandishing a knife, and the crowd reacted to what they naturally assumed would be another stabby Muslim.

But it might have ended there as well, were it not for fresh provocations from Muslims and Leftists. Armed mobs of Muslims started roaming the streets, attacking random whites, while Muslims online promoted hate propaganda against whites. Prime Minister Keir Starmer addressed the nation, blamed the protest on “far-Right thugs,” threatened a hard totalitarian crackdown on free speech and assembly, and said nothing about the decades of legitimate grievances that white Britons have against the government and the non-white “communities” that it coddles. Leftists in the media took up Starmer’s message, pouring contempt on white Britons, fawning over non-whites, and demanding censorship and crackdowns. Nick Lowles, head of the odious organization Hope Not Hate, spread wild misinformation when he tweeted that Muslim women were being attacked with acid, and not by their husbands this time, but by those “far-Right thugs.”

Both moves were astonishingly stupid and self-defeating, immediately galvanizing spontaneous white working-class protests around the country. Since the provocations are now coming from two groups who seem genuinely incapable of self-reflection and self-control—namely Muslims and the Left—it seems unlikely that the protests will die down any time soon.

Indeed, because the enemy is doubling down on their provocations, the only rational response from the protesters is to double-down as well. The only chance they have is to escalate, for the more people who protest, the less chance that any particular protester will be harmed by the system. Beyond that, the more people who protest, the more likely the regime will take a knee and placate them.

Already, there are signs that the protests are working. Donna Jones, the UK’s most senior police commissioner, released a statement that the underlying cause of the unrest is uncontrolled illegal immigration and failure to uphold British values. She also argued that the government needs to address the causes of discontent rather than simply repress the symptoms.

Nigel Farage also released a statement arguing that both legal and illegal immigration are to blame and affirmed that Britian does have a two-tier policing problem, wherein white discontent brings repression and non-white discontent brings coddling.

Millions of white Britons are sick of the present situation. If they make their voices heard, and soon, they will get more and more concessions.

A Machiavellian like Tony Blair would have given the protesters a way to retreat. The bumbling ideologue Starmer has backed them into a corner. Now they must fight.

Imagine if the January 6th protesters were told what awaited them before the protest. Most of them would have stayed home. Imagine, however, if they were told what awaited them in the middle of the protest, when they couldn’t back out? Obviously, they would have had every incentive to make it into an actual insurrection. This, in effect, is what Starmer has created in the UK.

Our Message

What should be our movement’s message on these protests?

First, we don’t deserve any credit for organizing them. These are not our people. These are not, for instance, members of Patriotic Alternative. I seriously doubt that these protesters follow Morgoth, Millennial Woes, or Edward Dutton either.

Second, we may not deserve any credit for inspiring these protests. After all, everyone sees the downsides of multiculturalism and can draw their own conclusions. At best, some of our memes might have gotten through.

Third, if our movement had organized or inspired these protests, they would have happened very differently, since we don’t advocate violence. And, of course, if people had listened to our movement years ago, none of this unrest would be happening. After all, there would be no racial unrest in the UK if the UK were a monoracial society.

Fourth, we should not be disavowing these protests just because they aren’t unfolding as we would prefer. The cause is, after all, just. There are bound to be mistakes and growing pains. If the UK establishment wants the opposition to stop throwing rocks, maybe they shouldn’t have imprisoned people like Sam Melia for putting up stickers. If there are some things we can’t condone, at least we can say that we understand. Or we could just shut up. Since the last thing these protests need is de-escalation, I will say nothing that might deescalate them. But I do have some constructive advice later on.

Fifth, to those on the Right whose first instincts are to disavow and denigrate these protests, I must ask: What did you think this was going to look like? Did you think this was all an online game? Did you have the hubris to think that history would unfold according to your preferences?

Sixth, we must put the blame where it belongs: on the multicultural policies imposed by the British elites. Multiculturalism is an inherently violent ideology. Diversity increases alienation, resource competition, distrust, resentment, and violence. Moreover, the establishment has routinely covered up heinous multicultural violence against whites, including the mass rape of British girls by foreigners. The British establishment is not actually trying to foster many races and cultures, which is what multiculturalism sounds like. Instead, it is working to replace the white race and white culture with non-white peoples and cultures. There is systematic anti-white discrimination on all levels of the British system, not just “two tier” policing.

Did these fools think they could get away with this forever? A backlash was inevitable.

Seventh, as far as I am concerned, none of the protesters should be held responsible, even for violence and looting. They have been put in an intolerable situation. They have been betrayed. They have been lied to. And they are fighting back the only way they know how. All blame must be placed on the multicultural system, not its white British victims. In main, the protesters deserve the gratitude of the nation, plus a blanket amnesty for any regrettable blunders and excesses. Since the government’s policies made these protests inevitable, the government should make good all property losses.

Finally, since the establishment is determined to blame the UK’s “far Right” rather than themselves, actual British far-Right groups, activists, and commentators should probably sit this one out. Even if you try to prevail upon the protesters to take a less violent and more effective path, no good deed will go unpunished. Let your friends in freer countries dispense advice and encouragement for you.

This is my advice to the protesters.

First and foremost, avoid loss of life. Don’t be sparing of your own lives but be very careful not to kill your enemies. When the first migrant hotel goes up in flames with people inside, that will be the end of your movement. It is the height of folly to target innocent people, especially when there are so many guilty ones. It is good that there are so few guns in Britain. In America, we could not have gone on this long without gunfire.

Second, you should adapt the “Color Revolution” model for your protest campaign. You can read about it here in Patrick LeBrun’s series “The Color Revolution Cook Book.” You should particularly include calls for mass strikes and economic boycotts.

Third, you need to make demands. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Stop the boats tomorrow and repatriate all recent arrivals. Don’t let the regime fob you off with claims that they are bound by international treaties. Covid showed us what they are capable of when they declare an emergency. This is an emergency.

  2. End two-tier policing. In 2020, Keir Starmer and countless British police took a knee to placate BLM rioters. Until Starmer and the British police kneel to placate white Britons, two-tier justice will be undeniable.

  3. Stop all non-white immigration and institute a voluntary repatriation program.

  4. End multiculturalism by declaring that the UK is the homeland of the original white peoples of the Islands (English, Scots, Welsh, Irish), that their cultures are normative, that any outsiders must accept that, and that the British peoples will not be replaced in their own homeland.

  5. Demand a blanket amnesty for the protesters and an acknowledgement that the system and its policies are to blame.

Finally, don’t de-escalate. Don’t lose momentum. The only way to prevent the system from crushing you is to make the protests so big that they can’t. The larger the crowds, the safer any individual will be to protest. There is no way out but through. There is no way through but together.
