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House Committee: Biden Has Released Almost 100 Terror Suspects Into U.S. Since 2021

6-8-2024 < SGT Report 18 199 words

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

President Joe Biden and border czar Vice President Kamala Harris have released at least 99 illegal aliens on the FBI’s terror watchlist into the United States since 2021.

And border agents at the southwest frontier with Mexico have encountered almost 400 terror watchlist suspects since then.

The latest on the Biden-Harris-sponsored illegal-alien invasion comes in a report released today by the House Judiciary Committee. It details the administration’s turning a blind eye to the major security threat those illegals pose to American national security in general, and American citizens in particular.


Such is the administration’s indifference to the threat that it permitted one illegal on the terror watchlist to board a plane. It released another because he was obese and might have contracted the China Virus if detained. Immigration judges granted bond to almost 30 terror suspects.

The report mirrors concerns of 10 retired FBI agents, who told top elected officials on Capitol Hill in January that Biden was setting up the nation for a major terror strike.
