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First Dogs, Then Humans

5-8-2024 < SGT Report 28 648 words

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

A few weeks ago I emailed my bulldog breeder, from whom I recently acquired a puppy, the following: “The CDC is normalizing mandatory draconian rabies vaccines and microchipping of dogs so that their owners follow suit — this represents nothing more than the tightening of the dystopian technocratic screws for ever growing surveillance and deadly vaccine uptake for humans and their pets alike…”

Unsurprisingly, the breeder never replied to that email.


Vets are increasingly administering vaccines into K9 tails and legs knowing full well that these are the limbs that may be amputated when the animal eventually develops vaccine-induced tumors at said injection sites. That is anything but “safe and effective.” I recently spoke with a woman who was forced by her county every few years to inject her dog with the rabies vaccine, and her beloved pet developed a tumor in the neck (not so easy to amputate an entire neck); she explained that her astute vet contacted the vaccine manufacturer, who in turn sent their reps to diagnose the dog and concluded that they were responsible such that they ended up paying in full for all of the vet bills associated with the tumor removal.

How a state, county and Center for Disease Crimes (CDC) have the power to force pet owners to inject their animals with various vaccines is truly an affront to freedom, and to add insult to injury there are around 2 human rabies deaths per year, and 1-3 human rabies cases reported in the US each year. The vaccine manufacturers and the CDC will argue that these exceedingly low numbers are due to their injections, but, just like with the entire childhood vaccine schedule as well as the flu and Modified mRNA slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” they will be unable to produce a single quality research study supporting their specious claims.

What a strange and happy coincidence then that my new pal Huxley happens to be such a vehement “anti-vaxxer” bully:

by Jeffrey A. Tucker

First Dogs, Then Humans

Ruby, a two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier, has a micro-chip implanted by Vet Amy Jennett at the PDSA Pet Hospital in Wolverhampton, England, on April 4, 2016. (Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)

Quietly and without press attention, in the last ten years most governments of the world have started requiring that dogs be microchipped. The chip contains information on vaccine records and health generally, along with owner information including phone number. Most people have complied and there is no organized movement against it. It has become a common practice over 10 years, and enforcement is constantly tightening.

In July of this year, the CDC implemented a new rule that all dogs entering the United States had to be microchipped, even if you were traveling and you are a U.S. citizen. There was a great deal of blowback on that idea, especially from Canada. The CDC then tweaked its rule to exempt people traveling in the last six months from “low-risk” nations among which there are only a few. In effect, the rule applies in most cases, and the upshot is the same: all dogs are going to be microchipped whether the owner wants it or not.

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