Hi there! Are you a paid member of The Corbett Report (whether via Substack or credit card or PayPal or check or money order or crypto or bank transfer or any other means)?
If so, then you’re invited to take part in the August Open Thread and Subscriber Video (2024).
As you know by now, I’m not going to be posting any new material to the site this month as I’m working on some other projects behind the scenes. In the meantime, The Corbett Report community is still active and functioning and the August Open Thread is the place where all Corbett Report members are invited to log in and continue the discussion themselves. Whether you want to discuss the news, swap gardening tips, discuss summer activities, share summer reading suggestions with like-minded truthseekers or anything else, the Open Thread is the place to do it.
Here’s the direct link:
Also, as an added bonus, I’m sharing this month’s subscriber exclusive video in the open thread post. When you log in to corbettreport.com, you’ll be able to see a video of me pontificating on the inherent creepiness of media and how that has been lost in the Age of the Media Matrix.
As usual, please do NOT subscribe to The Corbett Report for the Subscriber Exclusive Video, which is a slice-of-life video with no original research and no vital information.
Please DO subscribe to The Corbett Report if you want to keep this independent media going and/or if you’d like to join in the open thread discussion.
If you’re not a member, you can sign up today and join the conversation.
If you are a member and you don’t know how to sign in to corbettreport.com, just contact me. I’ll be happy to help.