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The Abstract episode 41 “The DEDICATED Few”

4-8-2024 < Activist Post 20 2615 words

By Peter A. Kirby

Evidence indicates that there is a proprietary, specialized fleet of aircraft specifically developed and produced to spray chemtrails and otherwise exclusively participate in the ongoing global weather modification program referred to here as the New Manhattan Project. These planes are the work horses of today’s operations and probably number in the hundreds. For the whole story, please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

These planes of the dedicated chemtrail fleet must necessarily be of a certain breed. Any old plane rigged up with some spraying equipment or spiked jet fuel will simply not do and a commercial passenger or freight airliner following a predetermined route is not nearly as effective as a dedicated chemtrail spraying plane. An abundance of chemtrail spray needs to be emitted at specific locations at a moment’s notice. The super high-tech nature and extreme payload requirements of the New Manhattan Project demand specialization. The fuselage of this most-effective type of chemtrail spraying aircraft needs to be loaded up not with passengers and freight, but with chemtrail spray, spraying equipment, communications gear, computers and atmospheric monitoring equipment.

As we are interested in exposing chemtrails, we are interested in the origins, development, and current state of this covert, high-tech, jumbo jet air force routinely contaminating our environment and damaging our health. Not surprisingly, when one looks back in history for large fleets of covertly operating American aircraft, one finds plenty. It all began in 1940s China and, once again, it had everything to do with the CIA.

Many of us have heard of or seen the 1942 war epic starring John Wayne called Flying Tigers. It is a finely crafted propaganda piece based on the real Flying Tigers. The real Flying Tigers were an officially sanctioned mercenary air force operating out of Burma and consisting of former U.S. military personnel fighting for Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese against imperial Japan in 1941 and 1942. They were officially known as the American Volunteer Group. Although they did not operate beyond the purview of your average American (in fact, the media coverage was quite good), strong evidence suggests that the Flying Tigers were the beginnings of what eventually became today’s top-secret, proprietary New Manhattan Project chemtrail fleet. The Flying Tigers were supported by a large network of very powerful people and organizations Stateside as well as in the theatre by Chiang Kai-shek’s Chinese government. Please see my book for extensive details.

Of course, the Flying Tigers, an American air force waging war for China against a foreign power, was totally illegal. It violated the Neutrality Act. But on April 15, 1941, in support of the Flying Tigers, President Roosevelt signed a secret, unlisted executive order which mollified the situation by authorizing a private corporation holding a contract with a foreign government to hire U.S. military officers. The fact that many other ethical and legal issues remained with these U.S. military officers engaging an enemy for a foreign power was hence made irrelevant. Roosevelt supported China and the Flying Tigers and Roosevelt was the President. Henry Luce made it look good in the media, and that was that.

In 1942, the Flying Tigers were disbanded and integrated into the U.S. Army Air Force when the United States armed forces officially entered the ongoing China/Japan conflict in support of Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Chinese. After the dropping of the atomic bombs and the subsequent Japanese surrender in 1945, U.S. troops were pulled out of the theatre. Then, the same people who had brought us the Flying Tigers a few years earlier, along with some new players from both America and China, immediately formed something called Civil Air Transport.

Civil Air Transport (CAT) was a hybrid commercial/paramilitary airline. After Chiang Kai-shek’s defeat at the hands of Mao’s communist forces in 1950, CAT fled to the island of Taiwan where they established their headquarters in Taipei and began operating out of Songshan Airport; more commonly known today as Taipei International Airport. A large maintenance base was also established at Tainan in southwestern Taiwan.

CAT gave rise to what is known as Air America. Air America was a collection of airlines that included CAT as well as a specific airline calling itself ‘Air America.’ It had little to do with the 1990 Mel Gibson box office flop. From the 1950s to the early 1970s, CAT, Air America and about 10 other similar operations collectively became the single biggest airline in the world. By 1973, near the end of their reign, Air America had contracts with the defense department worth 41.4 million dollars.

As far as our investigation goes, the most significant thing about the airlines operating collectively as Air America is that they were all run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This is most significant because there is a staggering amount of evidence implicating the CIA in today’s chemtrail spraying operations. For more, please see the article and video I did some weeks back detailing the CIA’s implications here.

The airlines collectively known as Air America were organized under a CIA front called the Pacific Corporation. While providing freight and passenger services to the general public, pilots of these airlines operating under the Pacific Corporation also smuggled everything from currency to guns to drugs to precious metals to human beings. Air America’s slogan was ‘Anything, anywhere, anytime.’ Of these different contrabands, opium was the most prevalent. One of these Pacific Corporation airlines known as Southern Air Transport was later implicated in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Believe it or not, CAT performed weather modification operations. This is the author’s thesis. Christopher Robbins in his book Air America writes:

“…during a severe drought in Japan, CAT was chartered to carry a group of rainmakers over Osaka in an effort to sow the clouds with silver iodide. A fine sprinkle of rain fell over the countryside as a result, but the skeptical farmers were more inclined to credit nature than CAT for the phenomenon. On the next trip, the pilot took the precaution of mixing a little emerald-colored dye with the other chemicals. Startled Japanese were treated to a chlorophyll cloudburst and CAT collected wherever it rained green.”

In 1973, the secret war in Laos ended and a major portion of Air America’s business operations vanished with it. In 1974, all the airlines of the Pacific Corporation were finally disbanded due to federal legislation passed as a result of congressional hearings conducted by Idaho Senator Frank Church. Shortly before it was broken up, the Agency’s Pacific Corporation and all its proprietary airlines employed about 20,000 people, more people than the CIA itself. The Church Committee Hearings also uncovered that the Pacific Corporation was majority-owned and controlled by Chinese interests.

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One of the airlines of Air America was known as Intermountain Aviation. In 1975, after the Pacific Corporation had been broken up, in a sweetheart deal, a previously unknown outfit called Evergreen International bought Intermountain Aviation. The deal came complete with 12 aircraft as well as Intermountain’s legendary Marana air base at Pinal Air Park in Marana, Arizona which became the Evergreen Air Center and their new headquarters. Among other things, the Marana base at Pinal Air Park had previously been the site where thousands of Chinese pilots had been trained as part of the original deal with the Chinese government for the Flying Tigers operation. Most Intermountain employees and executives stayed on to become Evergreen employees and executives. Most notably, on the board of directors at Evergreen was none other than the former boss of the CIA’s Pacific Corporation, George A. Doole, Jr. (1909-1985). Mr. Doole stayed on Evergreen’s board of directors until his death in 1985.

It appears that, as a result of the Intermountain/Evergreen deal, much of the former Air America became Evergreen. Christopher Robbins writes that shortly after the Intermountain acquisition, “The company [Evergreen] expanded rapidly to own almost 100 aircraft operating on four continents.”

Along with aircraft trading, Evergreen’s specialty became spraying substances from aircraft. They called it ‘application’ work. The Evergreen Story by Bill Yenne states, “…75 percent of its [Evergreen’s] revenue flying hours in the mid-sixties were devoted to application [spraying] work…” Evergreen’s mechanics even designed and patented aircraft spraying equipment.

Evergreen did a lot of work for the United Nations. The operations the UN was bankrolling often involved the spraying of insecticides in locations all over the world. Just as today’s geoengineers say that they will save us from the dreaded global warming, one can rest assured that Evergreen’s global spraying operations were all humanitarian efforts as well. We covered the UN’s implications in today’s spraying operations a few weeks ago.

Evergreen has also worked extensively for the U.S. military. There’s nothing wrong with that per se, but being that today’s New Manhattan Project is military in nature and that our U.S. military has been foundational to its production and development, it is worth mentioning.

In 2011, Evergreen sold their maintenance and repair facilities at Marana, Arizona to a New York based private equity firm called Relativity Capital. The facilities now go by the name Marana Aerospace Solutions. In 2017 Marana Aerospace Solutions merged with Ascent Aviation Services. In 2014 Evergreen Aviation International filed for bankruptcy and the company has since been sold.

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There is evidence indicating that today’s proprietary chemtrail fleet consists of Boeing KC-135s and 707s as well as Lockheed C-141s. These three models of aircraft are known as ‘tanker’ jets or ‘supertankers.’ They are referred to this way due to their sizable fuselages which provide a large cargo carrying capacity. Being that the planes of the New Manhattan Project necessarily need to be loaded up with electronics and lots of chemtrail spray, it makes sense that planes with lots of interior space and hauling capacity are used. There is more evidence for this assertion.

In congressional testimony, geoengineer Alan Robock suggested retrofitting existing U.S. Air Force planes for use as proprietary sprayers. Also, Aurora Flight Sciences published a 2010 study titled “Geoengineering Cost Analysis.” In this report, the authors write about utilizing different kinds of aircraft, including blimps, to spray stuff into the atmosphere. Of readily available solutions, it was found that retrofitting old jumbo jet airplanes would be the most cost effective choice.

Further, the specific models of chemtrail fleet planes mentioned here have been expertly identified. Allan Buckmann is a former United States Air Force weather observer who worked on the Tiros III weather satellite system with NASA, RCA and the U.S. Navy. He wrote that he has repeatedly witnessed Boeing KC-135s, Boeing 707s and Lockheed C-141s spraying chemtrails. The KC-135 has also been identified by an air traffic controller as being a plane that regularly sprays chemtrails. The KC-135 would be particularly suitable as an experimental ‘test bed’ aircraft due to its extensive history of modifications performed for weather-related ops.

These KC-135s, 707s and C-141s could be either used or new. The used ones would be overhauled and refurbished originals. New planes based on old plans could also be fashioned from scratch due to the widespread use and knowledge of the particular models as well as the widespread availability of parts and services. There are a few locations that have most probably been involved in the overhauling and refurbishing of original planes and/or the fashioning of new ones. These locations include: the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tinker Air Force Base, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, the aforementioned Tainan Airport as well as the Evergreen Maintenance Center in Marana, AZ. For details, please see my book.

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Circumstances and evidence suggest that aircraft of our proprietary fleet of chemtrail sprayers have a great number of peculiarities about them. Aircraft of today’s proprietary chemtrail fleet may very well be remotely powered drones and the airfields upon which they land may be utilizing an array of automated aircraft handling systems. These are things that could greatly improve operations. These highly specialized planes were most probably developed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. There’s much more about all of this in my book.

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Evidence indicates that Tainan Airport in southwestern Taiwan serves as the global headquarters of today’s proprietary chemtrail fleet. A global headquarters is required. A fleet of anything, be it bicycles, boats, cars, airplanes or any type of vehicles needs a home base. In order to run a fleet of vehicles, there needs to be at least one location where vehicles and drivers can always get everything they need and from where administrators can effectively manage the operation. Tainan is most probably that location.

As noted in the first section, in 1950 CAT fled to the island of Taiwan and established a large maintenance facility at Tainan. This facility was to become known as Tainan Airport and it was established as Air Asia’s maintenance center. Air Asia was another CIA proprietary airline organized under the Pacific Corporation. These extremely extensive maintenance facilities at Tainan Airport continued operating long after the 1975 breakup of Air America though and they have had the capability to not only overhaul and refurbish large airplanes, but also (with a little help from the CIA) to produce untraceable aircraft from scratch. There are extensive details in Chemtrails Exposed.

In their book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence Marchetti and Marks write, “It not only services the CIA’s own planes, it also repairs private and military aircraft. The U.S. air force makes heavy use of Air Asia and consequently has not had to build a major maintenance facility of its own in East Asia, as would have been necessary if the CIA proprietary had not been available.”

Although Marchetti and Marks casually refer to these facilities as ‘Air Asia,’ in 1975, these vast, world class maintenance facilities were actually purchased from Air Asia by a company called E-Systems. E-Systems built the world’s first large-scale ionospheric heater known as HAARP. HAARP has undeniable connections to today’s New Manhattan Project as it is known to be able to modify or control the weather with electromagnetic energy. E-systems has an extensive history with the CIA and has had at least three CIA agents among its senior executives. There’s an entire chapter of my book about an E-systems board member by the name of William Raborn and all of his connections to today’s chemtrail spraying operations.

So in E-Systems there is a company that has only the most significant implications for both the dedicated chemtrail fleet as well as for electromagnetic energy capable of weather control. Substances sprayed from aircraft and electromagnetic energy are the two main components of today’s New Manhattan Project. In 1987 E-Systems sold their Tainan Airport aircraft maintenance facilities to Precision Airmotive Corp., of Everett, Washington. We will have more about E-systems next week as they also have a lot to do with the production of the larger, multi-purpose chemtrail fleet. Please stay tuned.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website

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