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2024 Olympics in France – Interpreting the Satanic Olympics Inauguration

3-8-2024 < SGT Report 23 644 words

from 21st Century Wire:

The opening ceremony of the Olympics felt like the closing ceremony of humanity”, posted on “X” (former Twitter) by @KimDotcom.

The Satanic symbolism of the inauguration of the French Olympics on 26 July 2024, raised many questions on interpreting them. Those who are behind these diabolical symbols, of course knew what they were doing.


In brief, as the Dark Satanic Cult, as it did on many occasions before, they showed us, the People, what they have already done with us, how far they have advanced in their evil endeavor, and that we are at the final stage of the apocalypse, as depicted in the Book of Revelation.

With gory details, blasphemous symbolism, a gross display of the United Nations 2030-Woke agenda, transgender, and homosexuality no end, they demonstrated the end phase of the Fourth Horseman of Death.

Is it “coincidence”, or excessive symbolism, that the entire opening ceremony was under alluvial rain, representing the biblical legendary and symbolic Deluge – as perhaps the only event capable of salvaging humanity?

We know, geoengineering can produce, as well as stop rain, wherever its needed – and, of course, much worse.

Each of the horsemen represents a different facet of the apocalypse: conquest, war, famine, and death. The one displayed at the Olympics Opening was the Forth Horseman of Death, portrayed by the devil on a horse, draped in an Olympic flag (see picture).

The other three horsemen represent different facets of the apocalypse: conquest, war, famine; culminating in the last one: death.

Much has been written already about this truly satanic opening ceremony. Certainly, much more than Macron, one of the co-masters of the Diabolical Cult, could have ever imagined. That shows how far removed from humanity, from those whom “they” say elected them, they really are.

One of the recent articles trying to explain and analyze the stranger than strange Opening of the French Olympic Games, is this one: France – The Satanic Olympics. The Macron Government Belongs to a Diabolical Cult .

However, more analysis of the displayed dismal allegories may be of the order.

The symbolism is almost perfect. What do we expect?

They are telling us that our last hour has wrung. The three initial phases of the Apocalypse have come and gone and some are being executed in parallel with each other – Conquest, War, Famine… while we are indeed entering the Forth – meaning Death. This, the Fourth Horseman, is meant to tell us.

Conquest – almost without humanity noticing, we have been taken over – by the Globalists, those who are pretending to be at the point of establishing a One World Government and a One World digital currency – exerting full control. No kidding. We are not far from this moment – Wake up People!!!

War – there is no need even to talk about wars. They are all over. All of them initiated in one way or another by the same elitist Dark Satanic Cult.

First, create unrest by terrorism, infiltrated into a country by the Satanic Cultists, then invade, create an endless war, never to win – and so the industry that fuels it, will earn trillions of fake money, we, the People, work hard for – while the Zuckerbergs et al – buy yachts worth half a billion dollars, irrespective of the CO2 emissions they tell us, the People, to reduce to zero. – Zuckerberg is founder, chairman and CEO of Meta, former Facebook, one of the tech-giants.

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