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Sun, Sea and Slaughter: Leftists Lie, Schoolgirls Die, by Tobias Langdon

3-8-2024 < UNZ 27 2295 words

“Hideously white.” That was the phrase used by the BBC apparatchik Greg Dyke to describe his own organization in 2001. But the phrase also applies to the crowd that held a vigil in 2024 for the victims of a mass stabbing in the English town of Southport. The victims, the three dead and the others critically injured, are also hideously white. In fact, everything about the tragedy is hideously white, from the victims to the mourners to the music being played before the stabber got to work. Well, everything is hideously white except for the stabber who created the tragedy.

The hideously white crowd of mourners (image from The Independent)

Yes, the 17-year-old stabber is 100% British, but he isn’t White. At least, he’s 100% British in leftist eyes, because he was born to Black Rwandan parents on the magic dirt of Cardiff in Wales. He then moved to Southport in England and turned a patch of ground there into tragic dirt. A group of little girls were attending a “Taylor-Swift-themed holiday club” at a dance school. The vibrant Black invaded the premises and began vibrating with a large knife.

Axel Rudakubana. Above: as a Child (as depicted in much of the media, such as the BBC which, along with PM Starmer, are far more concerned about rioting by the right than the dead children). He is often shown as a “choir boy” who starred in a BBC charity video. Below: as he is now, including an image by a court sketch artist.

The Guardian has responded to his vibrancy under the handwringing headline “‘Why? Why? These parents need that answer’: Southport reels from stabbings”:

How does a community come to terms with an attack that hits with such ferocity, such barbarity, such searing horror that it is beyond even the stuff of nightmares?

What sort of society do we live in when a highlight of the summer holidays, in the middle of a sunny day at the seaside, turns into what witnesses likened to “a scene from a horror movie”?

And perhaps the most pressing question being asked by families in Southport and beyond: why? (“‘Why? Why? These parents need that answer’: Southport reels from stabbings,” The Guardian, 30th July 2024)

The Guardian says that the most pressing question is “Why?” But it isn’t interested in the very simple answer. That’s because the answer destroys the Guardian’s entire ideology and raison d’etre. Why was there “such ferocity, such barbarity, such searing horror” in Southport? Because lying leftists have opened Britain’s borders to the Third World and imposed dangerous non-Whites on the unwilling White majority. “Import the Third World, become the Third World.” Those eight words contain more wisdom and truth than all the many millions of words the Guardian has published in support of mass immigration and non-White colonization.

Meet Mbembe and Misho: Gates of Vienna mocks leftist lies (N.B. the Black in the image is not the Southport stabber)
Meet Mbembe and Misho: Gates of Vienna mocks leftist lies (N.B. the Black in the image is not the Southport stabber)

But it’s very easy to be wiser and more truthful than the Guardian, because the Guardian exists to pump out leftist lies. Here’s another wise and truthful slogan that demolishes those leftist lies: “If a dog is born in a stable, that doesn’t make it a horse.” The stabber in Southport was born in Britain, but that didn’t make him British. He is Black and Blacks can only be British in leftist fantasy, not in stark reality. Leftist fantasy collapsed and racial reality emerged when that Rwandan Black began stabbing little girls in Southport, which is still a hideously white place despite the best efforts of lying leftists. It’s a seaside resort in north-western England, like Bournemouth in the south. Whites have gone to such resorts for many decades to enjoy sun, sea and sand. In Southport a Black turned that into sun, sea and slaughter. They’ve had slaughter in Bournemouth too. A White woman was stabbed to death on the beach there in May this year. The man arrested for the murder is called Nasen Saadi and seems to be an Arab or similar non-White immivader. Leftists lie, women die.

The narcissistic Labour politicians Angela Rayner and Yvette Cooper, lying leftists who promote violence against women and girls by supporting non-White migration and “anti-racism”

The narcissistic Labour politicians Angela Rayner and Yvette Cooper, lying leftists who promote violence against women and girls by supporting non-White migration and “anti-racism”

White women and girls also died when a Libyan Arab called Salman Abedi detonated a suicide-bomb at a pop concert in Manchester in 2018. Like the Rwandan Black in Southport, Abedi was born in Britain and was therefore 100% British in leftist eyes. But leftist fantasy collapsed and racial reality emerged when Abedi blew himself up. Leftists claim to care passionately about the welfare of women and girls. So why do leftist policies lead directly to the hideous deaths of women and girls? Because leftism is an ideology of lies, that’s why. Leftist policies also lead directly to the rape of women and girls. Southport in Lancashire is like Rotherham in Yorkshire. Both of them are once obscure places that have become infamous around the world thanks to non-Whites. Southport has hit the headlines thanks to a Rwandan Black. Rotherham hit the headlines thanks to the Pakistani Muslims who have been raping and prostituting White women and girls there for decades.

A bus-trip in Birmingham

But please don’t think that Pakistani Muslims confine themselves to raping and prostituting White females. Like Rwandan Blacks, they can wield knives against White females with great efficiency:

Groomed for sex at 12, stabbed to death at 17

A white teenage mother was stabbed to death and her body dumped in a canal after her married Asian lover rejected her child, a court heard yesterday.

Student Laura Wilson, 17, was killed by 18-year-old Ashtiaq Asghar, having allegedly been lured alone to the canal by his friend and her former lover Ishaq Hussain, Sheffield Crown Court heard. …

In the language used by terrorists in the Four Lions film Asghar is said to have sent a text to Hussain the day before Laura died which read: “I’m gonna send that kaffir b**** straight to hell.”

… The teenager went missing from her home in Holmes, Rotherham in October last year and her body, which had been stabbed repeatedly, was found in the Sheffield and Keadby Canal near Rotherham. The prosecution say it is likely Asghar killed her when he had a ‘golden opportunity’ while she was alone, after Hussain lured her friend away. (“White teenage mother stabbed to death and dumped in canal ‘after her married Asian lover rejected her child’,” The Daily Mail, 16th November 2011)

Leftists lied, Laura Wilson died (image from The Daily Mail)

Leftists lie, teenaged girls die. Christina Edkins was another White teenaged girl who died thanks to leftist lies. She was sixteen when she got on a bus in the once hideously white city of Birmingham, central England. Thanks to mass immigration from the Third World, Birmingham isn’t hideously white any more. That’s why Christina Edkins never reached either her destination or her seventeenth birthday:

A man who killed 16-year-old Christina Edkins on a rush-hour bus in Birmingham has been detained indefinitely under the Mental Health Act. Phillip Simelane, from Walsall, stabbed the teenager in a random attack as she made her way to school in March [2013]. He had been released from prison, unsupervised, three months before the attack — despite warning signs over the state of his mental health. … Christina had been travelling to Leasowes High School in Halesowen on the number 9 bus, two weeks after her 16th birthday, when she was attacked. Simelane, who was sitting behind her on the upper deck, stabbed her in the chest as he walked past to get off. He was arrested a few hours after the attack following an extensive manhunt. (“Christina Edkins killing: Phillip Simelane detained,” BBC News, 2nd October 2013)

Leftists lied, Christina Edkins died

Leftists lied, Christina Edkins died

According to the BBC, Phillip Simelane was “from Walsall,” a town near Birmingham. In fact, he was from Swaziland in Africa. He was Black like the Southport stabber and slew with a knife like the Southport stabber. And I predict that he’ll foreshadow the Southport stabber in another way: the slaughter in Southport will also be blamed on “mental illness,” indeed he has been described as having autism spectrum disorder. There’s already been this headline in the Guardian: “Police searching for motive for Southport stabbings focus on suspect’s mental health.” It may well emerge that the Southport stabber is a drug-abusing schizophrenic, like so many Blacks who have “randomly” murdered Whites down the decades. Blacks are much more likely to suffer from schizophrenia, which is yet another reason that they do not belong in White nations. I looked at one of those schizophrenic Blacks in a previous article at the Occidental Observer. This is what I said:

In January 2019, a happy, healthy 51-year-old White man called Lee Pomeroy boarded a train for London with his 14-year-old son. He never reached his destination, because en route he got into an argument with a 36-year-old Black man called Darren Pencille. This was a very unwise thing to do, because Pencille won the argument by murdering Pomeroy in a “frenzied attack,” stabbing him “18 times in 25 seconds.” (“The Stars at Stake: How the Fight for ‘Equality’ Could Mean the Death of Humanity,” The Occidental Observer, 22nd July 2019)

Leftists lied, Lee Pomeroy died

Leftists lied, Lee Pomeroy died

The Black Southport stabber also launched a frenzied attack. So did these Blacks in Norway:

The man accused of stabbing to death a woman and two men on an express bus in western Norway was an asylum seeker from South Sudan who was due to be deported from Norway on Tuesday. … The 31-year-old, who was living at an asylum reception centre in Årdal, was due to be deported to Spain on Tuesday, after having his application rejected in June. “This person had applied for asylum, and come to Norway in April,” a spokesman for Norway’s immigration directorate said. “He was rejected in June, and was supposed to be returned to Spain under the so-called Dublin Regulation.”

The man is accused of killing the bus driver, Arve Haug Bagn (55) and Margaret Molland Sanden, a 19-year-old biotechnology student at the Oslo and Akerhus University College of Applied Sciences. The third victim, a Swedish man in his 50s, has not been named. Police believe that the three victims were the only people on the bus when the man attacked. … The attack marks the second time the Valdres Express has been hijacked. In 2003, it was hijacked by a mentally disturbed 26-year-old Ethiopian man who stabbed the driver to death. (“Failed asylum seeker kills three on bus,” The Local, Norway, 4th November 2013)

Leftists lied, Margaret Sanden died

Leftists lied, Margaret Sanden died

As in Britain, so in Norway. Is a pattern emerging? Of course there is: a pattern of Blacks and other non-Whites inflicting hideous death and suffering on Whites. But that pattern won’t be discussed anywhere in the mainstream media after the slaughter in Southport. Here again is one of the questions from that handwringing article in the Guardian:

What sort of society do we live in when a highlight of the summer holidays, in the middle of a sunny day at the seaside, turns into what witnesses likened to “a scene from a horror movie”? (“‘Why? Why? These parents need that answer’: Southport reels from stabbings.”)

The answer is both very simple and utterly unmentionable. It’s very simple for racial realists and utterly unmentionable for lying leftists. We live in a leftist society whose hostile elite have imported dangerous non-Whites against the clearly expressed opposition of the White majority. That’s why, in the Guardian’s words, we have “such ferocity, such barbarity, such searing horror.” And we won’t stop having them until leftists are removed from power and non-Whites are removed from Western soil.
