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Democrats and Double Voters

3-8-2024 < SGT Report 31 396 words

from Moonbattery:

The liberal establishment has turned the dial all the way up on its gaslighting in an attempt to convince us that we have suddenly stopped detesting Kamala Harris. The idea is to stampede the herd by tricking everyone into thinking that everyone else wants her to be president. Polling analyst Nate Silver still considers it overwhelmingly likely that Trump will win. But the media doesn’t have to dupe enough people for Cackala to actually get more votes. They just need to make it seem plausible that she could win, despite her record (and Biden’s, which she owns). Election fraud will take it from there:


A new report by Fight Voter Fraud, a nonpartisan election integrity organization formed in 2018, has uncovered just under 298,000 double-registered voters across numerous states between 2016 and 2022—including thousands who double-voted as much as four times and were registered in four different states.

Worryingly, that includes critical battleground states whose voters will determine the winner of the Nov. 2024 presidential election.

Large numbers of double voters were found in swing states Wisconsin, Arizona, Michigan, and Georgia.

Yet the figures are unsurprisingly highest in blue states where Democrats have dominated for decades—like New York, with 10,500 double registrations and 222 double-voters, and California, with over 36,000 double-registrations and a stunning 732 double-voters.

Democrats are barely hiding the ball regarding their intention to cheat. They have greenlit voting by the illegal aliens they import. Michigan’s dorky but frightening Gretchen Whitmer recently signed alarming laws preventing election oversight. Arrogant Senate Democrats even reintroduced the outrageous John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which is clearly intended to facilitate fraud. As Trump might put it, they will cheat bigly.

As with the attempt on Trump’s life, they can justify this to themselves with their absurd article of faith that a man who has already been president constitutes an Existential Threat to Democracy if he is elected again. Being based on nothing more than adherence to a depraved ideology, their moral vanity will remain intact after stealing the election, even if they have to cheat and kill to do it.

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