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Resident Biden claims we’re not at war anywhere in the world, while the U.S. is funding two wars, providing billions of dollars in weapons and instigating World War III

2-8-2024 < Natural News 29 680 words

Resident Biden claims we’re not at war anywhere in the world, while the U.S. is funding two wars, providing billions of dollars in weapons and instigating World War III

Yes, Ukraine and Israel are currently using U.S. weapons, U.S. funding, U.S. service members and U.S. government lies to fuel two wars that are bankrupting our nation, decimating our own military defenses and propagating massive loss of innocent lives around the globe. It’s all part of the depopulation, destabilization, military industrial complex embezzlement scheme and the Democrats in DC are 100 percent behind it. This will get multiplicatively worse if the Democrats win the elections in November.

Resident Biden seems to have somehow rewritten the definition of “war” to mean that if there are no boots on the ground, or Congress doesn't "declare it," then there is no war going on. Never mind if the USA funds a war overseas, gives terrorists our missiles to launch into another country, uses our personnel to train militants how to use our weapons (munitions, tanks, jets, and missiles with nuclear warheads) and justifies it all as a means to cover up our own aggression and biological weapons of mass destruction, which are being created in labs right next to that nation. None of that matters, right?

Here’s the quote from Dementia Joe himself, "I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.” Sure Joe. No war. And we heard you also beat Medicaid, are best friends with President Putin who runs Ukraine, and that you chose Vice President Trump to back you up if you got so sick and senile that you had to “drop out” of the 2024 election race.

Under Biden’s new definition of “not at war” the U.S. could give Iran nuclear bombs and biological weapons to use on Israel or Russia, but the U.S. would not be “at war”

The Democrats are the party of “say anything.” Nearly every platform they ran on and say they support, they betray, destroy, demolish. Just last week, Resident Biden claimed, in his address to the nation, that the United States is not at war. He said, "I’m the first president in this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.”

To make matters worse, just 30 minutes prior to this wonderful speech about no war, just pure unnecessary destruction and billions of dollars wasted, U.S. Central Command launched NEW strikes trying to wipe out Houthis in Yemen. This is just another among hundreds of U.S.-backed offensives, most of which kill innocent civilians and none of which have been approved by Congress.

If you don’t like war and know that this kind of battling is a complete waste of energy, resources, money, lives and liberty, then you must try to ignore the fact that Biden’s “non-war” in the Red Sea is the LARGEST NAVAL BATTLE in U.S. history since World War II.

Meanwhile, U.S. troops are also deployed in Syria and Iraq, currently fighting through our own illegal military occupation, ISIS remnants and Shia militias. Why? Get this; because they were targeting U.S. bases in response to the U.S. support of Israeli-led genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, many of whom are trapped and wounded civilians. The U.S. also bombs Somalia periodically, including multiple times THIS YEAR. Didn’t you know? More ISIS (that Obama funded religiously, pun intended).

Still wondering why the sneaky Demoncrats set up for a full-on DRAFT of male and FEMALE Americans for 2025? It's called depopulation by genocide and the infertility clot shots (bird flu mRNA coming soon). Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving and thriving through the four wars overseas the U.S. is currently fighting in, even though our senile commander-in-chief says they don’t exist.

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