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Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. The IDF’s “Spotters” in the Forefront? Why Are So Many of Them Dead or Taken Hostage in Gaza?

1-8-2024 < Global Research 26 2338 words

Read Part I:

Netanyahu Pretends to be Dumb. He’s Not

By Prof. Anthony J. Hall, July 31, 2024

In recent weeks calls for a proper investigation have risen yet another notch in intensity. This development has resulted from reports of a meeting between Netanyahu and the parents of so-called spotters. The spotters are coming to be seen as primary eye witnesses who fed vital information to Israeli Military Intelligence over a prolonged period leading up to October 7.

The core aspect of that vital information is that Hamas officials were training for many weeks for their breaches of the Gaza Wall and their military actions that followed throughout Southern Israel.

The spotters came to the conclusion that Hamas were conducting themselves in ways that pretty much anticipated what was about to happen on Oct. 7. Israeli security services must have the digital evidence of what the spotters observed. If that digital evidence has been made to disappear, some officials will have a lot of explaining to do.

The spotters themselves had memories to call upon, a fact that might help explain why so many of them are now dead or held hostage in Gaza. No doubt there is also a large body of written evidence produced by the spotters describing exactly what they saw. As reported,

“In November [of 2023], female spotters from Nahal Oz and the neighboring Kissufim revealed to Haaretz that their numerous attempts to warn the army about unusual activity along the border fence were largely ignored in the days and weeks before Hamas’ infiltration. These included reports about Hamas’ preparations near the fence, its drone activity, its efforts to knock out cameras, the extensive use of vans and motorcycles, and even rehearsals for the shelling of tanks.”

The spotters were uniformly young women in the IDF, all aged in the 18-25 range. Their job was to watch computer screens linked to cameras recording everything that happened in the area of the Gaza Wall. Many of the young women were posted outside the Wall in the military base beside the Nahal Oz Kibbutz.

Many of the women who worked on this base were killed on October 7. An official of the IDF later acknowledged this suspicious outcome. While 15 spotters are reported as having been killed by Hamas fighters, another six are now reportedly being held by Hamas as Israeli hostages in Gaza.

Is it possible that Netanyahu has been resisting the return of the hostages because the surviving spotters are eye witnesses to very damning evidence with major implications for the future of his government and of himself?

That evidence, which has been kept on the sidelines until recently, suggests that the elements of the Israeli government may have been involved with elements of Hamas in mutual preparations for the events of October 7. Constant references to “intelligence failures” has diverted attention from this kind of possibility.

It is perfectly possible that the events of October 7 as they unfolded involved complex networks of collusion. Those networks of collusion might have intertwined some elements of the Netanyahu government with parts of the deeply-involved intelligence agencies, and with factions within Hamas, but especially those factions residing in Doha under the protection of Emir Al-Thani.

See this.

Haaretz reported that Daniel Hagari on behalf of the IDF acknowledged that Israeli soldiers failed to protect their colleagues at the Nahal Oz military base on Oct. 7. Might that failure of protection been purposeful rather than inadvertent?

The parents of the spotters have become organized and they are bringing their views to the Israeli Prime Minister. From a Haaretz report we learn,

“At the meeting, the parents told Netanyahu about how their daughters had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion. The mother of one of the soldiers said that her daughter, who had just finished her training and had only served at the Nahal Oz base for a week, predicted what was about to happen.

“She came home to us and said: There’s going to be an invasion,” the mother said. “When did she tell you that?” Netanyahu asked, and the mother replied: “During the time she was there. She said it several times, in fact.”

Another woman at the meeting said, “For a month, they were telling us every day: ‘It’s trouble, they [Hamas] keep training.'” The prime minister asked her: “They told you that?” And another participant answered: “They told us, and we demand answers about this, immediately, not when the war ends.”

Netanyahu made sure to “play dumb.” He distanced himself from the damning information by pretending that the whole matter was all previously unknown to him. How convenient!

Netanyahu is reported to have said in response to the parents,

“All of this information, I’m stunned by what I’m hearing. I didn’t know they told you these things,” the prime minister said. “All of this material was supposed to have reached someplace that operates the systems, and it didn’t happen.”

It seems that many in government studiously avoided any exchanges at all with the families of the spotters. Haaretz reports

“The families went on to tell Netanyahu about how hurt they are because the government has ignored them. “I’ve been sitting at home for nine months,” said one person there. “No one has come to us – no one for the government, or from the Knesset. Nobody has come to ask forgiveness, to say, ‘We’re thinking of you, we’re aware of your existence.'”

Another person added: “Not one person can come see us at home? For nine months, not one person can come and knock on the door and say: ‘We erred, we’re sorry’? Where’s the respect?”

Through yet another failed vote on the subject in the Knesset, Netanyahu narrowly escaped the calling of a Commission of Investigations into the Events of October 7. As Allison Kaplan Sommer reported,

“The vote came a day after reports that Netanyahu claimed he was “stunned” by accounts from bereaved family members that their relatives – women IDF soldiers surveying the Gaza border – had warned repeatedly of a Hamas invasion and were ignored. The parents, like the rest of the country, urged their leader that a full and complete investigation take place now – and not in another 20 years. One parent confronted Netanyahu on his avoidance, saying: “You’re the head. You are responsible. You command the army. You command the defense minister. The responsibility is on you. Accept responsibility.”

How Extensive Are the Lies and Crimes of the Israeli Prime Minister? How Can He Get Away with Such Monumental Violations of International Law?

The evidence strongly suggests the existence of some measure of collusion between elements of the Netanyahu government and elements of Hamas in the run up to October 7. This evidence was of course mostly ignored by the media and the well-bribed politicians when the Israeli Prime Minister visited the US capital.

It would be naive at best to think that episode involving the neglect of the spotters and their role in the run up to October 7 was inadvertent rather than deliberate.

There are especially significant questions yet to be answered about the disappearance of the spotters themselves. Given the importance of these matters at the very core of what has been referred to as “the most severe disaster in the history of the Israeli state,” the obsessive avoidance by officials of anything to do with prior knowledge of the events of October 7 has become very conspicuous.

To some very serious Israel watchers like Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, former CIA official Philip Giraldi, and former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, it has become pretty clear that October 7 was a planned false flag with the object of creating the pretext for the elaborate and prolonged genocide which continues to this day. With the the weight of much evidence behind him, Prof. Chossudovsky has asserted

Everything Points to Massive Fraud and Criminality by Netanhayu and his IDF-Mossad apparatus. [Oct. 7] is a criminal “False Flag” operation against Israeli civilians engineered by the Netanyahu government, which controls Hamas.

See also this and this.

Well documented is the deep and elaborate history of close relations between Hamas and Prime Minister Netanyahu. The same is true of the relationship between Hamas and the whole line of Likudnik leaders from Menachem Begin, to Yitzhak Shamir, to Ariel Sharon, to Netanyahu. A small inkling of the extent of this collaboration was put on record by Netanyahu in the following comment he made in 2019 to the Likud caucus,

“Whoever opposes a Palestinian state must support delivery of funds to Gaza because maintaining separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Netanyahu is cited in Haaretz on 20 Oct. 2023.

Who benefits? Netanyahu is a major beneficiary of the Oct. 7 debacle. The so-called “war” has enabled him to avoid further criminal charges and convictions within Israel. The conflict enables Netanyahu to retain his job of Prime Minister with all the added emergency measure powers connected to his wartime tenure in office. As Israel’s top General, Netanyahu has pushed forward the genocidal objectives he shares with many of his cabinet ministers including prominently Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich.

The good work of several news groups on the web including Grayzone, Electronic Intifada and Mondoweiss, has exposed much of the fraud connected to how the events of October 7 were initially reported. The journalists at these sites exposed much of the false reporting on allegations of mass Hamas rapes as well as of the supposedly roasted and beheaded Israeli babies.

The journalists have helped bring out how many of the supposed murders of Israeli citizens, especially at the Nova Music Festival, were actually carried out by the IDF. The journalist have been less enthusiastic when it comes to exploring the complexities of prior knowledge of October 7. I have explored key aspect of this issue but it is a huge topic that should be carefully investigated if and when the Commission of Inquiry takes place.

A group of conscientious Israeli citizens have described as follows the importance of some fundamental reckoning with what rally happened on Oct. 7, 2023.

“Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza now will haunt Israelis for decades. Now is the time to make sure all Israelis understand this. And this understanding should start with full disclosure about the events of October 7, 2023.”

See this video:

Tragically it has become basically self-evident that we can never expect honest explanations from official sources about almost everything and anything of consequence when the issues at stake involve powerful lobbies with major interest in blocking the truth.

This understanding is especially relevant when we are dealing with issues that have a direct bearing on the political career of Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the notorious bare-faced liars in elected office.

Most of Netanyahu’s AIPAC-financed audience in Congress shared many lucrative incentives to go along with the lies giving cover to the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. The only individual who was visibly not going along with the war crimes was Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian member of the House of Representatives.

Especially on the part of the International Criminal Court, its proceedings to date on the Gaza-Israel fiasco take the events of October 7 at face value in ways that may obstruct a proper and thorough investigation into the hidden aspects of the larger topic. Chief Prosector Karim Khan posits that Hamas officials and Israeli government officials share roughly equal amounts of criminal responsibility. The former is said to bear full responsibility for what transpired in Israel on October 7 and the latter as assigned responsibility for what transpired in Gaza after October 7.

What if it was demonstrated that Netanyahu or others around him have been instrumental in the genesis of the war crimes faced by Israeli citizens on October 7 as well as causing the ongoing genocide in Gaza underway since October 7? Could it be that Netanyahu is facing double jeopardy as a major culprit in intertwined aspects of the war crimes infolding in the Middle East?

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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

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