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Did Jeffrey Epstein & William Barr Attend Interlochen in 1967?

1-8-2024 < SGT Report 23 914 words

by Nick Bryant, Nick Bryant:

Interlochen is a prestigious fine arts preparatory school in northern Michigan, and Jeffrey Epstein attended Interlochen “camp” in 1967 as a teenager. But the school disavows that two-time Attorney General William Barr also attended the camp in 1967, despite pictorial evidence that appears to tell a different story.

At the top of the page, the picture shows teenage Epstein standing in front of his respective lodge at Interlochen in 1967 and a boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to a miniature William Barr kneeling before his respective lodge. In fact, he could be a doppelganger for William Barr if he isn’t William Barr.


Interlochen cannot possibly deny that Epstein attended the camp, because he became a major booster for the school, donating $500,000 that financed construction of the Jeffrey Epstein Scholarship Lodge on the school’s campus. He also held soirees for Interlochen alumni at his New York townhouse, and, of course, he preyed on Interlochen minors. “Jane,” an Interlochen camp alumni, was one of four women who testified at Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial. She testified that she met Maxwell and Epstein at Interlochen’s summer camp in the summer of 1994, when she was 13, and they groomed her for sexual abuse that lasted more than five years.

On July 6, 2019, Epstein was arrested at the Teterboro Airport in New Jersey. Two days later Barr seemingly recused himself from all things Epstein. “I’m recused from that matter because one of the law firms that represented Epstein long ago was a firm I subsequently joined for a period of time,” Barr told reporters. Barr was referring to his tenure at Kirkland and Ellis whose Jay Leftkowitz colluded with Assistant US Attorney Ann Marie Villlafana to work out Epstein’s corrupt, “sweetheart” deal in 2007, which landed Epstein in a county jail for 13 months, even though the Justice Department was aware of more than 30 underage victims of Epstein.

Barr had additional reasons to recuse himself from all things Epstein in addition to the conflict of interest engendered by his employment at Kirkland and Ellis. Alex Acosta, who oversaw Epstein’s sweetheart deal when he was the US attorney for Southern Florida, served in Donald Trump’s cabinet as Secretary of Labor alongside Barr. Moreover, Barr’s father, Donald, was the headmaster Dalton School, one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in the United States, when he hired an extremely unqualified, college dropout, Jeffrey Epstein, to teach math and physics at the school—seven years after the above picture was taken. (Interestingly, Donald Barr would resign from Dalton the same year he hired Epstein.) So, Barr had three solid reasons to recuse himself from all things Epstein.

But the day following Barr’s recusal, Tuesday July 9th, 2019, a Justice Department official announced that Barr consulted with career “ethics officials” at the Justice Department, and came to the conclusion that he didn’t have to recuse himself from Epstein’s 2019 prosecution in Manhattan. However, Barr said he would recuse himself from an internal investigation that delved into Epstein’s sweetheart deal in 2008 in which Epstein was sentenced to 18 months in jail and served 13 months, even though the Justice Department had an extensive list of Epstein’s underage victims. Unbelievably, the Department of Justice ultimately ruled that Epstein’s sweetheart deal, which covered up his crimes against numerous underage victims, was “poor judgement.”

Throughout the 1980s, Barr bounced between government service and a prestigious Washington law firm. In the wake of the 1988 election, Bush the Elder installed Barr as first assistant attorney general. In 1990, Barr became the deputy attorney general, which is the second most powerful position in the Justice Department.

Barr’s boss at the Justice Department was Attorney General Richard Thornburgh, and the Department of Justice under Thorburgh played an integral role in covering up the interstate pedophile network run by Lawrence King of Omaha and Craig Spence of Washington, DC, which is discussed in The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse, and Betrayal. Thornburgh was also a close friend of pedophilic pimp Craig Spence.

The “Franklin” child trafficking network was massive, and it required three hijacked grand juries to cover-up: a state grand jury in Nebraska, a federal grand jury in Nebraska, and a federal grand jury in Washington, DC. Thornburgh and Barr were at the helm of the Justice Department when their minions in Nebraska and Washington, DC perpetrated the egregious cover-ups. Thornburgh relinquished his position as attorney general in 1991 to run for the US Senate, and Barr became the attorney general. Barr then put the finishing touches on covering up the Franklin child trafficking network.

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