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Latest email leaks show Big Tech and Biden colluded on COVID narratives, including with CDC and Twitter (now X)

1-8-2024 < Natural News 33 721 words

Latest email leaks show Big Tech and Biden colluded on COVID narratives, including with CDC and Twitter (now X)

The conservative nonprofit America Legal First (AFL) disclosed new documents this week showing that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) colluded with Twitter (now X), Joe Biden and a number of other Big Tech entities to control the online narrative about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic."

Retrieved through ongoing litigation, the documents highlight May 2021 communications covering the Biden regime's plans to collude with Big Tech about setting the tone and "managing" the conversation on the internet about COVID, and specifically about the "vaccines" brought into existence through Operation Warp Speed.

Facebook conversed back and forth with CDC spokesperson Carol Crawford, who just "happened" to also be involved with Twitter's Partner Support Portal. Both Facebook and Twitter were colluding with the White House at the time to censor the online conversation about COVID and COVID "vaccines."

Described as Twitter's "secret superpower," the Partner Support Portal allowed government-affiliated people like Crawford to participate in the flagging of "misinformation" for censorship purposes.

(Related: According to censorship expert Mike Benz, the 2020 election was rigged to produce a Biden "win" at least seven months in advance of Election Day.)

Biden and the CDC lied, and more people died

The email chain in question was led by Crawford and someone named Genelle Adrien who worked on Facebook's Politics and Government Outreach Team. AFL discovered in the chain that the CDC approved of Facebook's official "COVID-19 Information Center FAQ," likely because the CDC wrote it.

"Our content specialist, [sic] recently made copyedits to two CDC questions for our new FAQ modules appearing in the COVID-19 Information Center," Adrien wrote to Crawford in one of the emails, dated May 4, 2021.

"These are fairly minor edits to what you've already provided, but if you have additional edits, could you please let us know by COB if possible?"

Adrien continued in the same email to notify Crawford that Facebook's official launch date for the COVID-19 Information Center FAQ portal was May 17, 2021, just a few weeks after this communication took place.

Adrien expressed concern that some Facebook users might try to warn others about the side effects of COVID jabs, which is why she wanted Crawford and the CDC to create an FAQ section on Facebook that "debunks" this "misinformation."

At first, Facebook was telling the truth to its users about how COVID jabs can cause certain side effects. Then, the list of possible side effects changed to eliminate "joint pain" as one of the possibilities and replaced it with "nausea."

Facebook's softball approach to revealing just the minor side effects of COVID jabs was apparently too much for the CDC which gutted the FAQ of anything that might make the jabs appear dangerous.

"I would suggest deleting everything after the list of side effects," Crawford responded in an email to Adrien about the changes the CDC wanted to be made.

"For that bottom text, the first sentence is duplicative of the bulleted list (fever / chills). We don't have any cleared language, as far as I know, to support the second and third sentences."

In other words, the CDC was proofreading and editing all COVID jab information on Facebook to ensure it complied with the CDC's official narrative of "safe and effective" for all COVID injections.

As all of this was happening, the Biden regime continued to push Americans to get jabbed over and over again, including with the latest "booster" shots. Biden personally started fearmongering that unvaccinated people would "soon overwhelm hospitals" with "a winter (2021 / 22) of severe illness and death" unless more Americans agreed to get jabbed.

"The CDC appears to have admitted that in May of 2021, months after the vaccine had already been rolled out, they could not confirm that the vaccine was safer than contracting COVID-19 itself and developing natural immunity," AFL says.

"Nonetheless, the CDC continued to push the American people to take the vaccine."

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