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Is the controversial election in Venezuela a harbinger of things to come for America in November?

1-8-2024 < Natural News 23 831 words

Is the controversial election in Venezuela a harbinger of things to come for America in November?

The controversial election in Venezuela could be a harbinger of things to come for America in November. With only 80 percent of the ballot boxes accounted for on Monday morning, July 29th, the Venezuelan government has declared sitting President, Nicolás Maduro, the victor of Venezuela’s 2024 presidential election -- a result that has ignited widespread controversy and allegations of electoral fraud. The National Electoral Council announced shortly after midnight that Maduro won a third term with 51 percent of the vote, despite exit polling showing that opposition candidate, Edmundo González, was set to win decisively.

Venezuelan opposition candidate challenges election results

Opposition leader, María Corina Machado, asserts that González won the election by a significant margin, despite what the Maduro regime is reporting. Now, the opposition candidate is challenging the official results of what appears to be a rigged election. González, who was seen as the main challenger to Maduro, is also supported by the United States; however, U.S. officials are hesitant to suggest that there was voter fraud in this foreign election, fearing that the same allegations might be leveled against them in November. According to the opposition party in Venezuela, they have secured voting tallies from around 30 percent of polling stations, which they claim indicate an overwhelming victory for González.

“The Venezuelans and the entire world know what happened,” González stated in his first remarks after the contentious election. Now the opposition party is calling for the military to support González and reject the results announced by the electoral authority, which they argue is controlled by Maduro loyalists.

Argentina’s President Javier Milei has announced that Argentina will not recognize Maduro's victory, echoing sentiments from other regional leaders. Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva also urged Maduro to respect the election results and warned that democratic norms must be upheld.

Will the same scenario play out in the U.S. in November?

One can almost imagine the same scenario playing out in the United States in November. For one, the Democratic Party, whether they like to admit it or not, has operated in the same spirit of Maduro, implementing totalitarian, socialist policies that have undermined the rights of citizens and destroyed the value of the dollar. These failures are being felt by nearly every American, whether that be at the grocery store, at the fuel pump, with electricity bills or with hiked interest rates making housing unaffordable for many.

The failures of the Democratic Party have strengthened a Republican Party that under-performed in the last midterm election and has even given rise to an independent candidate who was formerly a Democrat.

With the ascent of Donald Trump in the aftermath of political persecution, censorship, witch hunts and an assassination attempt on his life, the Democrats do not stand an honest chance in the next Presidential election.

Desperate to control the narrative and retain power, the Democratic Party forced their failed puppet, Joe Biden, out of the race, while propping up a radical, left-wing socialist, the current Vice President of the failed regime, Kamala Harris. Even with the media hyping her up, the Democratic Party doesn’t stand a chance in the next election, and the Republican Party is projected to win decisively, as former Democratic voters either stay home, give their vote to the independent candidate, or switch their vote to Donald Trump.

However, the Democratic Party will do everything in their power to flood the electoral system with chaos -- mail-in-ballots that belong to dead people and illegals, while utilizing “mules” and drop boxes in the inner cities to flood the electoral system with fraud. Republicans and Independents have been trying to make the public aware of this cheating for years, but the party in power has gone after many of them, much like a Maduro regime would. With the help of the corporate media, the Democratic Party will announce themselves the victor, and prepare to crackdown on anyone who questions the election or provides evidence of election interference and maleficence.

Right now, the Maduro government has ramped up security in Caracas. Reports indicate that Maduro’s security forces have deployed a substantial number of armored vehicles and heavily armed police to the streets, preparing for potential unrest. The government’s preemptive measures come as concerns grow over possible violent clashes between supporters of the two camps. In November, expect the Democratic Party in the U.S. to heavily influence exit polling, to make it appear that they have more support than they do, and so the Republican Party opposition has no grounds to contest any cheating. Also, expect Democrats to use force and political persecution against anyone who finds evidence of election fraud. The events currently taking place in Venezuela portend what is to come in the U.S.

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