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Top 8 reasons the “establishment” hates Trump so badly

1-8-2024 < Natural News 23 654 words

A survey conducted this past February found that the top concerns for Americans heading into the November elections were inflation, immigration, poor leadership, federal spending, hunger and homelessness, crime reduction, and the fear of terrorist attacks.

Since Resident Biden has (illegally) occupied the Oval Office over the past 3.5 years, we’ve all been decimated by inflation across the board, including for fuel, food, insurances, travel, supplies and other necessities. It’s an ongoing horror story.

Just since Resident Biden took office 3.5 years ago, we’ve watched 15 million illegal immigrants stroll right into the United States, with money, transportation and no vetting, thanks to the Democrats’ open border policy. It’s a complete living nightmare, as many of these illegals have criminal histories, deal drugs, commit new crimes and almost entirely get away with it, thanks to liberal judges and D.A.s (funded by Soros).

Since Dementia Joe snuck into office, trillions of dollars have been printed and gone missing, while the U.S. funds senseless wars overseas, fake “green energy” companies that go bankrupt and the mass-terrorist infiltration from our southern border.

That brings us to the main reasons “Big Brother” hates Donald J. Trump so much, and why the fake news industrial complex has convinced nearly every loyal Democrat and Liberal that Trump is the #1 enemy of the State, an “existential threat” that needs to be “stopped at all costs” or “assassinated” in order to “save democracy.”

Top 8 reasons the “establishment” hates Trump so badly and wishes he had not survived the attempted assassination

#1. Trump is a multi-billionaire, so he’s not interested in embezzling billions of dollars via the Military Industrial Complex (that’s why he’s not a war monger).

#2. Trump calls out the Fake News Industrial Complex, which reveals so many of the government’s scams, plots and unconstitutional control-tripping schemes.

#3. Trump knows that the whole “climate change” movement is a Ponzi scheme, and that “Green Energy” is just a Leftist plot to launder billions in taxpayer funds.

#4. Trump questions the toxicity of vaccines and getting too many too close together as a baby and developing child, suggesting (correctly) this as a cause of autism.

#5. Trump is NOT pushing anything fascist or communist that supports police-state tyranny or depopulation.

#6. Trump is NOT a gun grabber.

#7. Trump aims to expose Deep State prerogatives and corruption, including past, present and future.

#8. Trump actually likes America and its citizens and wants the nation to do well.

Everyone, including Democrats and Liberals who hate Trump so much that they suffer from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome), knows that whatever puppet takes Biden’s place will just inflict MORE of the SAME damage we’ve seen for the past 3.5 years. Inflation will double or triple. World War III is likely to begin under Democrat leadership. 15 million new illegal immigrants will enter America, including thousands of terrorists from China and Iran.

The psychotic leaders in Washington DC want to end all gas-powered vehicle and equipment use. That means the end of farming as we know it, and mass starvation periods coming up very soon, if the Democrats win in November. They have been very clear about this, and there are NO MACHINES ready to farm America that run on electric power, and even if there were, the whole grid is under attack anyway. We must end this “climate change” cultist scam once and for all.

There really is not another choice for saving the Republic, other than voting for Donald Trump and non-RINO Republicans to run Congress. God save the Queen (in this case, it’s King Trump). Remember to bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news about the economy, national security and constitutional rights that need to be upheld, forever.

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