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Kansas legally charges Pfizer for misleading the public about its so-called “COVID-19 vaccine”

31-7-2024 < Natural News 34 776 words

Kansas legally charges Pfizer for misleading the public about its so-called “COVID-19 vaccine”

Any person who objected to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines was slandered, censored and de-platformed for spreading deadly “misinformation.” Doctors who warned about the COVID-19 vaccine were stripped of their medical license and ostracized by the medical community. Only one narrative was allowed: that vaccines are "safe and effective."

During this time of great deception, pharmaceutical giants were openly allowed to exploit the population with their genetic experiments that replicate bioweapons in human cells. Now, after three years of plundering the world with their narratives of fear and control, pharmaceutical companies are facing enormous backlash. Entire states are taking action against the pharmaceutical companies that lied to the American people and the rest of the world.

Case in point, the state of Kansas is now charging Pfizer for making multiple false claims and misleading the public about its COVID-19 vaccine. The legal action, submitted to the District Court of Thomas County, accuses Pfizer of breaching the Kansas Consumer Protection Act by misrepresenting the vaccine's effectiveness and hiding known risks. The lawsuit seeks unspecified monetary damages from Pfizer, a company that has a felonious record and a history of succumbing to major settlements for perpetrating fraud.

Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach stated, "Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth."

Vaccines "are safe and effective" narrative is crumbling

As the vaccine narrative begins the crumble, the world is learning that the “misinformation” about COVID-19 vaccines was perpetrated by the pharmaceutical companies -- not concerned citizens, not watchdog groups and not medical freedom advocates. The companies behind this global experiment knowingly made false claims about a product that had serious, life-threatening risks and no evidence of efficacy. These charges are just the beginning of health freedom advocates being vindicated.

First off, Pfizer claims that their product is a “vaccine.” During the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines,” the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) changed the definition of “vaccine” to accommodate the failures of the mRNA experiment. The CDC's 2018 definition stated that a vaccine is "a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease." By September of 2021, the CDC changed that definition to “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”

Not only does the COVID-19 vaccine fail to produce immunity to a specific disease, but it also fails to protect the individual from the advertised disease and fails to stimulate an enduring immune response against any disease.

Kansas charges Pfizer on four counts of misinformation and false claims

The concealment of pregnancy risks: Shortly after Pfizer rolled out their product, they hid evidence that linked their vaccine to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage risks and shedding risks that put unvaccinated, pregnant mothers at risk if they are in close quarters with people who were recently vaccinated.

Dismissing the risk of heart inflammation: Kansas provides evidence that Pfizer concealed the link between their product and myocarditis and pericarditis (inflammation in and around the heart). The initial Pfizer documents detailed these serious risks, and mentioned the risk of antibody dependent enhancement, which causes vaccinated individuals to experience more severe disease when they are exposed to the causative agent later on.

Overstating vaccine effectiveness against new coronavirus strains: Kansas also accuses Pfizer of falsely advertising its vaccine as a preventative for future strains of coronavirus. Because coronaviruses rapidly mutate and eventually develop new characteristics, there is no scientific precedent for a vaccine to work definitively against future variants. However, Pfizer maintained that their vaccine was effective against all mutations of the original strain.

Misleading the public about preventing transmission: Kansas calls out Pfizer for falsely claiming that their vaccine would prevent a specific disease and stop the transmission of that disease. This falsehood was debunked early on, as “breakthrough cases” became the norm and immunity to infection waned within two months, if it ever existed in the first place. This led to recurrent infections for the vaccinated and severe outcomes that were deceptively and unanimously reported (without evidence) as “milder” compared to an infection in the unvaccinated.

With these credible charges now looming, Pfizer must face repercussions for lying, manipulating and deceiving the public about a dangerous and deadly experiment that was coerced onto the world population.

Sources include: [PDF]
