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U.S. dumps another $1.7 billion into Ukraine the very same day U.S. national debt reached $35 trillion

31-7-2024 < Natural News 37 658 words

U.S. dumps another $1.7 billion into Ukraine the very same day U.S. national debt reached $35 trillion

America's national debt reached a new high of $35 trillion this week around the same time U.S. politicians threw another $1.7 billion at Ukraine.

Russia's ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov is speaking out against Washington, D.C., gross mismanagement of taxpayer funds, which will eventually flush the entire nation down the economic drain.

"Washington continues to burn colossal money in the furnace of the Ukraine conflict, and it does so in the face of record levels of U.S. government debt," Antonov said.

"One can only imagine what good the resources pumped into the neo-Nazi and terrorist Kiev regime would do if they were spent on peaceful needs, on development, and on addressing the multiple social and economic issues."

Instead of serving the American people as they have been tasked to do, Washington politicians and power brokers are fixated on trying to maintain the nation of Ukraine within its 1991 borders, which "does not exist anymore."

Antonov says D.C. leaders are standing "firmly in the past" with their futile agenda to keep Ukraine the way it was after the former Soviet republic inherited it following the collapse of the USSR.

(Related: Political leaders who speak out against the endless war in Ukraine, including Hungary's Viktor Orban, are getting punished by the European Union for wanting peace.)

Western warmongers are "a bunch of profiteers," says Antonov

The regime of Volodymyr Zelensky along with its Western backers continue to demand that Moscow return territories like Crimea, the Donbass and the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions that voted in referendums to join Russia. These demands are "detached from reality," according to Moscow.

Beyond this, there is simply no way the U.S., Kiev and other Western powers can force their will on the situation because American weapons are simply incapable of defeating Russia's weapons.

The Western power brokers behind the constant dumping of U.S. cash and weapons into Zelensky's hands are nothing more than "a bunch of profiteers" who are clearly taking advantage of the situation to advance their own interests, Antonov added.

Since Joe Biden was installed into the White House in January 2021, the Pentagon has allocated an astounding $56.1 billion in funding to Kiev with more on the way.

"Ultimately it will come to the point where the Treasury bonds, bought by foreign countries, will not be paid and the funds paid for the bonds will be confiscated on the grounds of 'national security,'" one commenter warned about where all this is headed.

"It may happen sooner than we think."

Another noted that the West's constant push for more war is a sign that the powers that be (TPTB) are anticipating a massive devaluation of the dollar in the near future, possibly in the form of hyperinflation followed by a currency collapse.

"Their concept of money is like fruit dangling from a tree," wrote another about the West's fiat currency scam.

"But without a healthy GDP (gross domestic product), they've become a net importer that devalues the $USD. Credible sources mark U.S. inflation at 21% where food can become unaffordable and $ enrichment is saved for a chosen few. But hey, 'stupid is as stupid does.'"

None of the tens of billions of dollars being dumped into Ukraine on a regular basis by the West comes out of the pockets of the "elite," of course. The people paying for it are low- and middle-class workers and taxpayers who fruit of labor is constantly being stolen by their corrupt overlords.

"It's easy to throw away money that belongs to others that you have conned," someone else added.

How much more debt can the U.S. sustain before it collapses? Find out more at

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