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In Gaza, the Casualty Rate Is a Mere Fraction of the Death Rate. Starvation. No Food or Medical Supplies are Entering Gaza

31-7-2024 < Global Research 27 667 words

As planned, the people of Gaza are now dying in much larger numbers from starvation and disease than from Israeli weaponry. For all practical purposes, no food or medical supplies are getting into Gaza. Even the handcarried supplies that outside medical personnel used to carry in are now prohibited and confiscated. The relief agencies now warehouse their supplies outside Gaza, waiting in vain for permission to enter.

How much of the population of Gaza has died from the weaponization of food, water, sewage, sanitation and other requirements for life that have been removed and prohibited by Israel?

We don’t have – and may never have – those statistics. The population of Gaza has always grown in the past. Now it is shrinking. By how much? Surely hundreds of thousands, perhaps half a million or more. The casualty figures from weapons of war are meaningless. And the living skeletons of Gaza will drop in number as the existing supply of food inside the Strip drops toward zero.

As planned. What is the purpose of denying the means of life to an entire population, other than to eradicate that population? And what is the point of attempting to preserve a nation whose population willingly participates in such slaughter? If it has a future at all, it is only as a monstrous pariah. What impels such actions?

The young die faster and more frequently, first as fetuses, then as newborns, then as infants, then young, growing bodies that have no means to grow. But the adults also die faster, and especially the old. And if the plan works, they will all die.

Whose plan? Those who conceived it as part of the Zionist project, of course, but also those who willingly and enthusiastically provided the means. These are not merely the figureheads and functionaries that approve the tools of genocide, but the ones who buy and sell and profit from them, and those whom we elect to do our will.

Our will? Are we also complicit in a system for which we are responsible? Perhaps, but I suspect that we are in fact mostly not responsible for creating the system, in which we are more like pawns, moved by much larger hands, whose fingers are the media and educational systems, and whose arms are the agencies who implement the plans conceived by minds who consider themselves divine beings like the pharoahs, but with little or no perception that they rule in the interest of their subjects.

Of course, every society relies upon the compliance of the governed, in a system that is to varying degrees both consent and coercion. No doubt, Machiavelli would approve. What the Gaza genocide shows is that our overlords will do what they like, regardless of what we think or do. Didn’t Citizens United remove citizen agency from government? Nevertheless, the authors of the letter below suggest calling your electeds every day, to put as much pressure on them as possible. It wouldn’t hurt, but the pressure from a single AIPAC minder may be more than all of us can muster short of violent overthrow. A conscience is not a requirement of office, and highly discouraged.


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Paul Larudee is a retired academic and current administrator of a nonprofit human rights and humanitarian aid organization. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: The bodies of 30 Palestinians were were discovered under a mound of rubble at the grounds of the Khalifa bin Zayed elementary school in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip on 31 January 2024 (Supplied to MEE)
