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The Top 3 Proxy Wars To Determine WW3 And Reshape The World Order

31-7-2024 < Activist Post 35 1280 words

Authored by Nick Giambruno via

Today, I will closely examine the most important proxy wars of World War 3, which I believe will be decisive in determining who wins the overall conflict and gets to shape the new world order.

Proxy wars are a method by which major powers fight their battles indirectly, using smaller nations or groups as stand-ins rather than confronting each other directly.

Major powers support, equip, and finance smaller groups or nations in a proxy war to fight against a common adversary. This support can include military training, weapons, funding, and other resources. The critical point is that the major powers do not engage directly in combat.

There are numerous ongoing proxy wars in World War 3.

However, the ones I believe will prove decisive will be in Taiwan, Ukraine, and the Middle East. The other proxy wars are peripheral in comparison.

Proxy War #1: Taiwan

Recently, China performed a two-day military exercise around Taiwan, named Joint Sharp Sword-2024A, as a response to what it calls Taiwan’s separatist acts.

This drill involved the Chinese air force and navy completely surrounding the island of Taiwan with ships and warplanes. It aimed at testing their combat readiness for a full-scale attack.

Many believe the drills are practice for an invasion.

This show of force comes just after Taiwan’s new President, Lai Ching-te, took office. Lai once expressed support for Taiwan’s independence.

If Taiwan officially declared independence, it would be tantamount to declaring war with China.

The unofficial status quo maintains an ambiguous stance on Taiwan’s sovereignty; they aren’t declaring independence (yet), nor are they committing to reunifying with China.

Lai’s presidency is significant in the context of the already strained China-Taiwan relations. A new president with pro-independence sympathies could be the tipping point that causes China to act.

However, I am skeptical that the US military would directly intervene.

That’s because China (and Russia) are the only countries with sophisticated enough nuclear arsenals to go toe-to-toe with the US up to the top of the military escalation ladder, a concept that describes how the severity of a military conflict can increase.

In other words, the US military can’t attack China with impunity because Beijing can match each move up to all-out nuclear war—the very top of the military escalation ladder.

The operative question is, will the US risk nuclear Armageddon over Taiwan?

I don’t think it will.

Considering everything, China seems to have the advantage and will reunify Taiwan in the not-so-distant future.

I think China—and thus BRICS+ —will prevail in this crucial proxy war of World War 3. If that happens, it will likely permanently alter the geopolitical landscape of East Asia.

Proxy War #2: Ukraine

Ukraine has been the arena of choice for NATO & Friends to confront Russia for many years.

To briefly summarize, the US has been spending many billions meddling in Ukraine long before the current conflict broke out in February of 2022.

It has been estimated that the US spent around $5 billion on “democratization” in Ukraine before 2022. What that means is covert mischief executed through nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which are simply fronts for the CIA.

A partial list of the culprits includes USAID, the National Democratic Institute, and the International Republican Institute, as well as nominally nongovernmental organizations like Freedom House, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, and the National Endowment for Democracy.

It all culminated in the violent overthrow of Ukraine’s corrupt pro-Russia government in 2014, which a corrupt pro-US government replaced. It sowed the seeds for the current conflict.

As I write this, in mid-2024, the conflict in Ukraine appears to be reaching a tipping point.

Ukraine has suffered serious battlefield setbacks as Russia has steadily gained territory. The Russians now have the momentum and initiative.

US funding is also drying up. American and European voters are increasingly tired of the war as regular people struggle with a sputtering economy and rising inflation.

In short, there’s not much more that NATO & Friends can do to turn things around for Ukraine.

They can’t intervene directly; the Russians have been clear they would view that as a declaration of direct and open war, which could lead to nuclear exchanges.

About all NATO & Friends can do is send more weapons shipments to Kiev.

However, that is unlikely to deliver victory to Ukraine. At best, it will only prolong the conflict without changing the ultimate outcome.

Further, it seems Russian patience is wearing thin on this issue.

In response to NATO & Friends supplying arms to Ukraine, Putin recently announced that Russia will start supplying arms to countries in conflict with the US and other NATO countries.

Dmitry Medvedev is a former Russian president and prime minister. He is now the deputy chairman of the Security Council and recently said this regarding the new policy:

“Now, may the United States and its allies experience firsthand the direct use of Russian weapons by third parties.

These persons or regions have been intentionally left unnamed, but they can include all those who consider Yankeeland & Co. their enemy, regardless of their political outlook and international recognition.

Their enemy is the US, which means they are friends to us.”

There is little doubt that the countries and groups to receive Russian arms that Medvedev was referring to would include those in the Middle East, which is the third key proxy war of World War 3. An influx of Russian arms in the Middle East could tip the balance in this crucial region.

When you consider everything regarding Ukraine, it seems that a negotiated settlement that is mainly favorable to Russia will eventually be reached.

Absent that, I expect the Russians to continue to make steady gains.

Either way, I believe the Russians will win through battlefield gains or a favorable negotiated settlement.

Here’s the bottom line.

All signs point to an eventual Russian victory in Ukraine and another critical World War 3 proxy war that will end in favor of BRICS+ . If that happens, it will likely permanently alter the geopolitical landscape of Europe.

Proxy War #3: The Middle East

I think it’s clear the proxy wars in Ukraine and Taiwan are likely to end in favor of BRICS+ .

That’s why I expect NATO & Friends will make their last stand to scuttle the emergence of a multipolar world order and preserve the US-led world order in the Middle East.

In my next article, I’ll examine the Middle East in-depth and how I think it will play out.

Here’s the bottom line.

I think the Middle East will be the decisive battleground that determines who wins WW3 and gets to shape the new world order.

The stakes could not be higher.

Countless millions throughout history were wiped out financially—or worse—during the previous world wars because they failed to see the correct Big Picture and take appropriate action.

Fortunately, WW3 doesn’t have to blindside you, your family, or your portfolio.

Quite the contrary.

That’s exactly why I just released an urgent new report with all the details, including what you must do to prepare. Click here to download the PDF now.

Sourced from ZeroHedge

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