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Man-made global warming was mentioned in the 1960s in U.S. government documents on weather modification

31-7-2024 < Natural News 32 659 words

Man-made global warming was mentioned in the 1960s in U.S. government documents on weather modification

Chemtrails expert Peter Kirby has identified one of the earliest known mentions of manmade global warming, and not surprisingly, the reference was found in a government document about weather modification.

Kirby, who penned the book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project, addressed some common questions about chemtrails in an interview with James Corbett, including whether the government would be involved in something like this and whether they would be able to pull it off.

He said the answer to both questions is yes, pointing to a pair of books that explain how hundreds of experiments in open-air testing were secretly carried out during the past seven decades over the skies of the U.S. The books in question are Dr. Leonard A. Cole’s Clouds of Secrecy and Andrew Goliszek’s In the Name of Science.

Kirby explained how the idea of weather modification can be traced to the original Manhattan Project in World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons and its follow-up, the New Manhattan Project, which sees the use of chemicals to electrify the atmosphere by dispersing particles sprayed from planes with electromagnetic energy.

The CIA, Kirby says, was heavily involved in the project, and this is supported by a 1965 document entitled "Restoring the Quality of Our Environment" from the office of President Lyndon B. Johnson.

“This document was the earliest top-level document that I have been able to find. It states both the theory of man-made global warming and what John Brennan was just talking about the SRM – the solar radiation management – spraying of particles, otherwise commonly known as geoengineering,” he said, referring to a speech by CIA Director John Brennan in 2016 before the Council on Foreign Relations about stratospheric aerosol injection.

He explained how the head of the CIA at the time, Vice Admiral William Raborn, appeared to be a key figure in developing technologies for the New Manhattan Project.

Then, in 1974, a document released by the CIA entitled “A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems” put forth the notion that global warming could bring an end to humanity, something that Kirby says has been used ever since to justify spraying our skies.

However, the very first mention of human-caused global warming cited by Kirby goes all the way back to 1958 in the form of an article in the magazine Popular Science written by presidential science advisor Captain Howard T. Orville entitled “Weather as a Weapon."

The same year, an article by Bernard Vonnegut, who was involved in developing technology for the New Manhattan Project, and other scientists noted: “The radiation properties of the atmosphere can be altered by the introduction of gases or aerosols and by cloud seeding.”

Kirby said: “So, the whole idea of the theory of man-made global warming comes from weather modification. All the earliest documents are related to weather modification.”

It wasn’t until the 1960s and 1970s that the conversation shifted from the weather to the climate, paving the way for the global warming hysteria seen today.

Controlling the weather would give governments and organizations immense power

Why would the CIA and other entities be so interested in manipulating the weather? It’s hard to overstate the power that can be gained by controlling the weather. Kirby explained what is at stake, including everything from playing financial markets like weather derivatives to energy and agricultural commodities.

“With foreknowledge of the weather, so many scams could be concocted that it boggles the mind. Weather routinely changes the course of Human history. It determines what we do every day. It determines the outcomes of wars and influences elections. Control of the weather is God-like power. Money and power junkies want it,” he warned.

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