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MEET OBAMALA HARRIS: Get ready for Kamala Harris to announce her Vice President pick from the swamp while Obama attempts to serve his 4th term

30-7-2024 < Natural News 26 741 words

MEET OBAMALA HARRIS: Get ready for Kamala Harris to announce her Vice President pick from the swamp while Obama attempts to serve his 4th term

In case you are not familiar with how socialism works, it’s just communism in sheep’s clothing. Try it on and you can never take it off. That’s what Obama began installing in America 16 years ago, and he’s now running for his 4th term as Commie-in-Chief, and it’s all to “save democracy,” if you believe that pathetic cover story. First, Biden was Obama’s hand puppet for four years, but since that puppet has withered away, up pops Obamala Harris.

Yes, TDS-suffering Liberals and Demoncrats across America have “united” and decided that the candidate they voted for must drop out to save democracy. Remember, it’s always opposite day when the Democrats speak, and Kamala said, "As we move forward to formally select our Party’s nominee, our values as Democrats remain the same — lowering costs, restoring freedom, protecting the rights of all people, and saving our democracy from the threat of dictatorship.”

Really, Obamala, your goal is lowering costs?

Obamala Harris wants to lower the costs of everything that skyrocketed by design when the Democrats began dismantling America’s supply chain, closing businesses for the China Flu and installing their Green Energy scams. What Obamala really means, as he/she speaks her rhetoric, is lowering the skyrocketing inflation rate just a little, so that it doesn’t keep skyrocketing as fast as it has been the past 4 years. Then he/she can say, with a straight face, “We lowered inflation by (fill in any number) percent!” Remember, the main goal of the tyrants in charge in DC right now is to wipe out the middle class and replace us all with illegal immigrants.

Really, Obamala, your goal is restoring freedom?

So, would that be the constitutional freedoms that Obama and Biden took away? With the help of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Media, the O’Biden Regime took away Americans’ freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom to peacefully protest, freedom to question government narratives and the freedom to vote in a fair and secure election. So, is the goal to restore what you purposely took away from Americans, or is it really to inflict more damage in the name of socialism? Read “It’s the communism stupid” and you will understand.

Really, Obamala, your goal is protecting the rights of all people?

During the Covid scamdemic, most American’s medical freedom of choice rights were utterly decimated. People were forced to take dangerous, deadly experimental gene therapy injections (mRNA jabs) or face losing their job and having their children kicked out of schools and daycare centers. What about those rights? What about protecting the rights of Americans being assaulted, robbed, molested, raped and killed by illegal immigrants who are never even prosecuted for the crimes?

Really, Obamala, your goal is saving our democracy from dictatorship?

Why are the dictators in charge now promoting the assassination of the political opponent running for office in a democracy? How is that democratic? Kill all opposition, and if you can’t kill them, bankrupt them, censor them and put them in prison (where they are then suicided). Talk about fascism.

Secret Service Director Cheatle said snipers did not get on the killer’s rooftop because it was TOO STEEP, and they might slip and fall and get hurt. Well then why are the snipers up there after they shot the murderer? They could slip and fall and get hurt. What changed? Slightly-sloped roofs are the toughest obstacle facing secret service and snipers today, putting them in extreme danger of slipping off, according to the United States Secret Service Director Cheatle.

Lastly, will all the crazed liberals who are denying the Trump assassination attempt, and calling it a conspiracy, will they be dragged through the court system and fined millions of dollars by the families of the deceased from the shooting, just like Info Wars' Alex Jones was censored and bankrupted for questioning the "official narrative" of the Sandy Hook massacre? Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat assault on democracy and the Republic we love.

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