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Young man suffers month-long debilitation and death after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

29-7-2024 < Natural News 38 821 words

Young man suffers month-long debilitation and death after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

A 23-year-old college student from Nashville, Tennessee suffered an agonizing death after taking the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. His parents, Andy Lieffring and Kimberly Aveyah have decided to speak out. Their full story is published at Children's Health Defense "The People's Study."

Trent Lieffring, a promising young student with a bright future, received two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in 2022, as recommended by his biology professor. His professor claimed that getting the vaccine is a civic responsibility. Despite his family's reservations and their own concerns about the rapid development of the vaccine, and despite the shots being completely unnecessary, Trent chose to get the two doses anyway, spaced two and half months apart.

Young man suffers blood clots, cardiac arrest, brain damage that put him in a vegetative state

Initially, Trent appeared to be in good health. However, about eight to nine months after the initial dose, he suffered a cardiac arrest caused by the sudden development of blood clots. The medical event led to brain damage and severe debilitation that could not be remedied by doctors. His condition rapidly deteriorated, resulting in him spending the remainder of his life in a vegetative state before passing away on August 24, 2023.

In an emotional interview with CHD.TV’s “The People’s Study,” Trent’s parents detailed the tragic sequence of events. “Trent didn’t need it, but he took that speech [from his biology professor] to heart and went and got the vaccine,” Kimberly said. Afterward, the Lieffring family described a sudden and shocking decline in Trent’s health. According to Trent’s girlfriend, one night Trent came home with a high fever and serious agitation. By the next morning, he had passed out.

When Trent went into cardiac arrest, paramedics were able to revive him, but not before significant brain damage occurred due to a lack of oxygen. Despite extensive testing, doctors were unable to definitively determine the cause of his sudden health crisis, though blood clots were found in his leg.

When his parent’s arrived to the hospital, their previously health son was on a ventilator, with “tubes everywhere” and “his head wrapped up,” Kimberly recalled. Andy and Kimberly criticized the medical community for initially failing to acknowledge any link between Trent’s condition and the COVID-19 vaccine. “Anytime we brought up vaccination, COVID… everybody just kind of shut up,” Andy noted. Doctors focused on treating Trent’s symptoms without addressing the vaccine connection.

Trent spent nearly a month in the hospital before being transferred to a state-run nursing home due to his uninsured status. Despite the challenging conditions, his family remained by his side, advocating for better care. Later, when Medicaid coverage was approved, Trent was able to return to the hospital and then spend his final months at home, receiving physical and speech therapy.

Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine recognized as cause of death on Trent's death certificate

In his final days, Trent was placed under hospice care. His family struggled with the decision, but didn’t have many options as his gallbladder shut down. “He could respond to pain and sounds and things like that that are coming from your brain stem, those basic functions,” Kimberly said. “But it’s hard to say if someone in the vegetative state is aware of you or not. Sometimes we thought he was. And then as things progressed … I didn’t feel like he knew we were there.”

He rapidly declined from there, as he faded away over the next nine days. After he had passed, the family was surprised to see the COVID-19 vaccine as a contributing factor on Trent’s death certificate. They believe that the hospice nurses, having witnessed similar cases, decided to list it as a cause of death based on their observations. The death certificate specifically read "anoxic brain injury due to cardiopulmonary arrest with resuscitation due to COVID vaccination reaction."

Vaccine side effects are not rare when they happen to your own family. They become a very real experience of trauma and grief. With eleven months since Trent’s passing, his father said, "There’s not a single day … where it doesn’t hit you like a ton of bricks. Sometimes, you feel like your heart’s going to explode. He would have been a fantastic father."

As medical communities start to acknowledge vaccine side effects and deaths, there is a cold realization that the vaccine industry is getting away with murder. As of July 2024, the COVID-19 vaccine boosters remain on the market in the United States. The jab is still included on the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule, despite links to epilepsy, myocarditis, severe allergic shock, appendicitis and death. State health department databases continue to include vaccination status for the COVID-19 vaccine in their databases, recommending that children continue to receive them.

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