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UK in Grip of Top-Down Starvation Policy

29-7-2024 < Activist Post 24 2056 words

By Julian Rose

After three months of relentless rain from March to the end of May 2024 covering much of the productive land in the UK, farmers found themselves months behind getting their spring crops in the soil.

Many of these farms are already suffering a dangerous nutrient deficit; soils depleted after four to five decades of agrichemically dependent monocultural mining operations that have reduced the top six inches of soils – normally alive with microscopic insects and worms – to little more than dead matter entirely dependent on synthetic nitrate fertilisers and toxic pesticides to grow anything other than weeds.

But these chemical inputs are becoming increasingly expensive and coupled with yields that are no longer sufficient to bring in profits, a large proportion of commercial UK arable farmers are on the edge of bankruptcy.

Government subsidies have kept them afloat up till now, but that is changing. Now the payment emphasis is on ‘increasing biodiversity’ by introducing nature friendly schemes on farms largely devoid of such features.

A good thing, you might say, but land taken out of food production means more food has to be imported from somewhere else in the world.

A food security issue is looming. ‘Food security’ means following an agricultural policy which ensures that a nation state is broadly capable of feeding its own people.

The UK was running at 60% self-sufficiency home production figure for most of the past two to three decades. It dropped to around 45% five years ago and this year (2024) that figure has fallen to just 32%.

The implications of this are serious indeed. A leading world nation state relying on close to a 70% import position in order to feed a population of some sixty million is a massive no, no.

Add to this some six decades of government backed agribusiness land management policies based on pharmaceutical inputs replacing soil nourishing crop rotations, farm yard manures and diverse mixed cropping regimes – and a huge crisis looms just around the corner.

The foods that appear in the nation’s supermarkets and hypermarkets all come from soil deficient practices, whether home produced or imported. Many also come from hydroponic systems that drip soluble nutrients into vast water containers in which the plants are grown. No soil involved at all.

Overcoming the Robotic Mind: Why Humanity Must Come Through

The modern consumer is therefore ingesting – and attempting to digest – a toxic, vitamin depleted and largely lifeless diet, thus storing up a dangerous cocktail of health problems both now and for the future.

The red lights should be flashing for all those dependent upon such a disastrous food and farming policy to continue to feed themselves and their families.

Denatured, depleted and highly processed foods have become the daily norm for the great majority of convenience corrupted consumers of the British Isles and for much of the post-industrial modern world. A regime which has also deeply infiltrated Southern hemisphere countries, undermining their traditional diets and ways of life.

But it’s not just poor-quality vitamin-deficient foods that are degrading the health and welfare of consumers. Due to various purposefully inflated international conflicts and politically motivated power play using the fake green ‘zero carbon’ agenda to divert resources away from agricultural production, major supermarket chains such as Tesco now hold 60% less reserve food in their systems than they did five years ago.

This translates into no more than a week or two of available food, should a crisis cause supplies to dry up.

You can plainly see the tightening squeeze that both farmers and consumers are facing. Any existing ‘comfort zone’ is rapidly eroding, like the soil on the increasingly barren arable fields.

There is very little time left to act in order to avert a full-scale food/farming crisis. As a British farmer put it recently “Is the government going to change the agenda or let us starve?”

Well, that should be the question on the minds of all those still able to think; because the latter choice is not mere fantasy, but an integral part of the global shadow government’s agenda.

The director the Sainsbury supermarket chain seems to have the answer. He is quoted as stating “We will not need any farmers by 2030.”

Sainsbury is simply echoing the Agenda 2030 doctrine of the World Economic Forum (WEF). This central platform of The Great Reset, Green New Deal and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is using the excuse of achieving Net Zero by 2045, to pull the plug on food and farming as we know it, globally.

The WEF, The United Nations and The World Health Organisation plus the great majority of global banking magnates/institutions and global investment companies like BlackRock and Vanguard, are, with the tacit support of billionaires like Bill Gates, Elon Musk and the King of England, in lockstep with the great global warming scam.

They conform with the plan that agricultural production and particularly traditional farm animals – must go. Because they give off methane and CO2 which paid-off government ‘computer modelling scientists’ claim to be causatory agents of global warming/climate change.

In the meantime, Bill Gates is buying up precious heritage seed reserves, the only source of non-DNA altered/non-GMO modified indigenous seeds, only to immediately close them down after purchase. A blatant and repugnant act of ecocide.

Gates is right at the heart of the elite global cult’s drive to starve the majority of humanity out of the picture. He, along with Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari and their indoctrinated ‘young global leaders’ are working to ensure that an entirely synthetic, GM laboratory based fake food will replace soil grown plants and grass-fed animals within the next ten years.

Gates has already purchased vast acreages of US farmland in which to grow experimental DNA altered GM crops and ‘vaccine ready’ ingredients for combatting future plandemics – which he is also involved in planning and instigating.

While around the corner in cyber valley (ex-Silicon Valley) under the title ‘Project 20451’, fifty scientists are working out a strategy for the dystopian ‘development’ of mankind: to transfer human consciousness into an artificial carrier in order to create a man-made form of immortality. An AI cybernetic creation called ‘The Transhuman’.

As King Charles announced on launching the most recent phase of the Great Reset in Davos “We have to put ourselves on a war footing.” Yes, by declaring a Davos inspired ‘global emergency plan’ any and all distortions of life can be prescribed as our genocidal medicine to speed-up the coming of the cyborg’s promised land.

This brings me back to the most immediate issue: our one- or two-year window of opportunity to either get this ship turned around – nation state by nation state most probably – or find a way to join together in building arks of pro-ecological agriculture robust enough to support land based and village/small town communities. An action in which all become involved in mutually supportive efforts to ensure a practical way forward.

All the evidence points to a planned democide – in which we the people are the target zone – already under 24/7 CCTV, digital and satellite surveillance and subject to mind-controlling EMF radiation increasingly coupled to the all-pervasive electromagnetic computing matrix known as The Cloud.

Additionally, we are asphyxiated, almost daily, by the atmospheric geoengineering (chemtrails) program indiscriminately dumping aluminium, barium and strontium nanoparticles on all and sundry. The list goes on, and many of you already know it by now.

As the dark agents of central control assure us ‘this is to prevent global warming/climate change.’ Ha, ha. No. This is to block a rising global awareness and higher spiritual consciousness which will completely undo them and change the course of history.

Subject to this permanent and largely invisible attack on its very foundations, mankind must develop a practical response now, because tomorrow is too late.

As with all things that reach their zenith of opposition to what is real and true, the excessively heavy anti-life paraphernalia which blocks the essential simplicity of common sense based honest action, has to be done away with – in order to get back to something solid, real and supportive of human, animal and environmental life.

It is a stripping away of all excesses to the bare bones of necessity from which to make a fresh start.

So, we return to soil, food, water and shelter. This is our bottom line from which to begin again. Soil, food and water all need to regain the characteristic of being ‘living’. And so do we.

To achieve this, the large monocultural, agrichemically dependent commercial farms I cite at the beginning of this article, will need to be broken down into many smaller units, each treated as a pro-ecological project in the making.

One by one the soil diversity of these units will be replenished, using the techniques common to practitioners of organic and pro-ecological farming. Yields will return to their optimal levels and a symbiosis will be achieved between the revival of natural diversity and the cultivation of food crops. To the ecologically attuned, this is common sense.

By necessity, the new energy of a new generation is needed to take up this challenge and recognise that the fresh quality foods they grow on replenished land must find their destiny in the most immediate geographic locations – and no longer be dumped on dying global markets for the mass produced sterile and synthetic foods that line the plastic shelves of soul numbing ‘stupor-markets’.

I describe the re-localisation of food, fibre and fuel requirements in my first book ‘Creative Solutions to a World in Crisis’ under the heading ‘The Proximity Principle’.

Suffice it to say that a whole new dynamic, based around a rejuvenated rural economy and self-sufficiency instinct, will ultimately replace the agricultural deserts that have denatured and destroyed our food chain.

A strongly united and consumer supported effort will be essential, as this is completely outside the shadow government agenda, as articulated by the director of Sainsbury’s.

The trend towards taking back control of our destinies is already observable in the steadily growing rejection of the EU Supranational behemoth and in defence of the basic values of nation states. Also increasingly visible is the growing movement for independent states in North America to free themselves from the central control of Washington DC.

Our future is in our hands, or we the people have no future. It’s time to stop imagining that one will somehow muddle through and come out on dry land. Such an attitude represents a suicidal retreat into a well-prepared prison of slavery – and yes, of allowing one’s self to be the victim of a protracted process of starvation.

Life moves forwards, not backwards. At this dramatic confluence of deeply conflicting energies, some remarkable challenges lie immediately ahead, offering us the unique opportunity to express that innate creativity and courage with which we humans have been blessed, yet which many have failed to put into practice.

You don’t have to be a farmer to plant the seeds of that which becomes the source of essential nourishment for body, mind and spirit. But you do need to realise that it is from this level of practical simplicity that the future we want will need to be built.

Julian Rose is an organic farmer, writer, broadcaster and international activist. He is author of four books of which the latest ‘Overcoming the Robotic Mind’ is a clarion call to resist the despotic New World Order takeover of our lives. Do visit his website for further information

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