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Ireland Rising: When “Come Out Ye Black and Tans” Takes On a New Meaning

29-7-2024 < Counter Currents 25 1531 words

1,359 words

The uprising is organic, local, and working class. As far as militant street activism goes, the Irish are leading the way: thousands of natives marching against their replacement, families protesting at the hotels full of economic infiltrators, disused factories set aside for fake refugees made uninhabitable, rental properties boldly spray painted with “Irish Only,” and the mass chanting of “Come Out Ye Black and Tans” against the unwanted, foreign throngs thrust upon an enduring nation.

For those not in the know, “Come Out Ye Black and Tans” is an Irish nationalist song. Black and Tans refers to the Royal Irish Constabulary. The British Crown used them to suppress Irish nationalists, often brutally, during the 1919-1921 Irish War of Independence. These militarized police and other auxiliaries were often veterans who had been psychologically fashioned by the horrors of The Great War.

The chorus of the song is telling:

Come out ye’ Black and Tans!
Come out and fight me like a man!
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders!
Tell her how the IRA,
made you run like hell away . . .

The original Black and Tans were so named because of the khaki-and-black colors of their uniforms. The new Black and Tans are aptly named because of their vast ethnic distance from the population they have been forced on. Now it’s the Somalis, the Pakistanis, the Turks, the Nigerians, the Bangladeshis, and the rest who are being used to overwhelm the Irish nation in yet another attempted destruction of a European people. Considering their sheer quantity, criminality, and that they are near all young males, the intent is to finish off the Gaels for good this time around.

Black and Tans has a newer meaning as well. Seeing how universally despised they were, the current Irish police, the Gardai, are referred to by the same name. They have become the thuggish lackeys of Dublin’s puppet globalist regime that is destroying the very nation it is supposed to protect.

The recycling of “Black and Tans” isn’t the only recent reference to Ireland’s patriotic past, either. This tsunami of unwanted third worlders is being called the New Plantation. The original Plantation was the movement of British Protestants into Ireland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The intent of the Tudor monarchs was to assist in the subjugation of Irish Catholic areas, making the island more amenable to the English Crown. Aside from their religion, symbols, and related cultural practices, there’s no way you could tell the difference between a Protestant and a Catholic. Not so with the new Black and Tans.

Over time European peoples can find common ground, as will hopefully be the case in Ireland. Despite the centuries of conflict, Europeans all share the same deep past: the native paganisms, Greco-Roman civilization, Europeanized Christianity, and their ancestral, customary, and linguistic foundations. Europeans are related extending back for millennia. Not so the Sudanese, Chinese, or the Arabs. The Asian, the African, and the Semite are not Irish now, nor will they ever be, while in reasonable numbers Danes, Italians, Poles, or any other European will meld into the greater Irish nation over generations.

Why Ireland?

Most nationalists predicted that a grassroots uprising was most likely to occur in Continental Europe, with nations such as France, Germany, and Greece being prime candidates. This was not the to be the case, however. But the organic response we are seeing in Ireland can be explained.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Even if tepid and heavily infiltrated by organized Jewry, the current range of electorally successful populists provide the Irish with a sense they have someone advocating for them, even if they prove to be traitors of the worst kind, such as Giorgia Meloni.

Because of Ireland’s small population, enduring homogeneity, and strong communities, the truly monstrous, accelerated attempt to replace the indigenous Irish cannot be ignored, while in most of Western Europe there was an attempt to boil the white frog slowly.

There’s also a hangover from the Cold War anti-colonial movements. Suppressed European peoples sometimes came under the influence of Marxists and were supported by third-worldists such as Muammar Gaddafi. This influence led to a strong sympathy for the Palestinians, just as some militant Ulster Protestants express an affiliation with Zionists. For contemporary patriots these associations are preposterous, seeing as the Jews were the ones who opened the gates to Europe and it is the Muslims who are doing the replacing. Despite events in the Middle East, Jews and Muslims work in tandem — and always have — against Europe, whether during the Moroccan invasion of Spain, the Turkish invasions of Eastern Europe, or the current Great Replacement of white nations. Though old habits die hard, any European displaying a Palestinian flag or Star of David is engaged in redundant, ultimately self-defeating politics.

The Jew in the Crown

A basic investigation into Communism, cultural Marxism, neoconservatism, finance capitalism, mass immigration, sexual degradation, pornography, libertarianism, liberalism, psychologism, usury, media control, and near every other anti-Europeanism reveals a vast overrepresentation of organized Jewry intent on eliminating whites on their home Continent as well as in the nations they settled. Ireland is no exception.

The Jew Emmanuel Celler was the driving force behind the American 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, while it was Tony Blair’s Jewish immigration minister, Barbara Roche, who opened the floodgates because she despised the coherent English nation. Thus, it is no surprise that it was the Jewish Fine Gael politician, Alan Shatter, who did what he could to begin the destruction of the Irish nation in full.

The aptly-named Shatter’s efforts included supporting the liberalization of abortion, forming the Ireland/Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group, creating the anti-Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, relaxing citizenship laws, and clearing the backlog of foreigners who wanted to become paper Irish, among his other efforts to dissolve and degrade his host nation.

Even though his parents were resident in England and met on a holiday in Ireland, the fact that the Irish didn’t let in Jews in during the Second World War was his vengeful motivation for destroying the people he lived among. In 2012 he scolded the Irish for not taking in all and sundry with the following comment:

. . . only an indefensibly small number [of Jews] who survived the concentration camps were allowed to settle permanently in Ireland, whilst entry and permanent residence was refused to many more. . . . I would hope that as a State we’ve learnt an awful lot from that experience and [that] the manner in which people were treated in the 1930s and 1940s in very difficult circumstances would not again be repeated in the future . . .

Then there’s the cluster of Jewish academics who are aggressively eating away at Irish identity. Key among them is the Israeli-born Ronit Lentin, a sociologist doing everything she can to destroy the Irish sense of self so those like her can open the borders and overwhelm the country with the new Black and Tans.

For further discussion of Jewish hostility toward the Irish nation, look into the work of the brilliant Andrew Joyce, whose essays are published at the Occidental Observer. Another writer of quality at the same publication is Marshall Yeats, who has picked up Joyce’s mantle.

Gael Force

Perhaps this rising of the Irish, from the youngfellas on scooters to those engaged in electoral politics, will serve a similar, though bloodless, purpose as did Pelayo and his band of men in the year 732, when they shrewdly and bravely defeated an army of North African Muslims in Spain after the Muslims and Jews had nearly completely occupied it. This seemingly small victory inspired the 700-year-long Reconquista, which saw the invaders finally purged from Spain — a remarkable example of the steadfastness, courage, and capacity of European people. What better place to start a new Reconquista than Europe’s far West, the beautiful island home of a people with remarkable endurance and determination?

The words of Renaud Camus, the French author who originally described and highlighted the Great Replacement, ring true:

I was hoping France might show the way of the European revolt against the genocide by replacement, but it seems it might be Ireland instead. Never mind, what matters is to revolt before it’s too late.
