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The Gods of Hypocrisy Are Angry But the Pope and Patriarch Are Shtum, by John Helmer

29-7-2024 < UNZ 42 1224 words

On Mount Olympus, the ancient Greek one, there was no god of Hypocrisy. That’s because all of the gods were, starting with Zeus himself, the king of the gods.

It is the same in Paris, as the organiser of the state ceremony of the Olympic Games has claimed the performance of a caricature of the Christian Last Supper was a “big pagan party linked to the gods of Olympus…a ceremony that brings people together, that reconciles, but also a ceremony that affirms our Republican values of liberty, equality and fraternity.”

In Moscow, the Russian government was represented by Maria Zakharova, spokesman of the Foreign Ministry, who telegrammed that what the French had done was “the LGBT mockery of the holy scene for Christians – the Last Supper — the last supper of Christ. The apostles were portrayed by transvestites. Apparently, Paris decided that since the Olympic rings are multicoloured, everything can be turned into one continuous gay parade.” It was not the end of the world, the state representative added, but the end of French civilization — “the bottom of the river Seine.”

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church has issued no public statement since July 18 at the celebration of St Sergius of Radonezh. Founder of the monastic movement in Russia in the 14th century, his blessing for Dmitry Donskoy, on his way to fight the Tatars and defeat them at the Battle of Kulikovo, required Donskoy to exhaust all negotiation of peace terms first.

In Russian law, propaganda and public promotion of gender transformation and sex preference of the Olympic ceremony kind is unlawful. Read to understand the Russian position.

The only senior Orthodox clergyman to address the Paris spectacle was Metropolitan Nektarios of Corfu, Paxos and the Diapontia Islands. In his Sunday sermon, he didn’t mince words. “Our country is suffering in particular, as is Christian Europe. Although we have been merciful by God, we are in danger from this demonic state. There was an uproar at the opening of the Olympic Games in France, where we were presented with the antichrist as an abuser of the divine, and an unnatural praiser, in front of the leaders of all the Member States, and unfortunately also before our own.”


Nektarios continued: “The [leaders of the Member states] seemed to enjoy with great ease this shame and hubris, the like of which had never been seen before in the history of these glorious Olympic Games, which have their beginning in Ancient Olympia, and whose spirit was based on the teaching of the philosophers and the Stoics, as in ‘mind is healthy in the body of health’. We have a special responsibility, at least as Greeks, who have left to the nations this spiritual legacy of our homeland and the Olympic spirit, both as an institution and as a cultural heritage. Unfortunately, the representatives of this disgrace belong to the LGBTQI communities and all kinds of sodomitic lobbies, who consciously wanted, with the blessings of the heads of member states, to humiliate and vilify Christ and Hellenism. That is why they chose such a world-class festival, that of the ancient Greek institution, to promote their unnatural and abnormal appetites, in order to convince the crowd of people of their normality.”

Pope Francis II, primate of the Roman Catholic Church, publicly acknowledged that the Olympic Games were opening in a tweet issued on the afternoon of last Friday, July 26. But by the end of the evening, after the opening ceremony, the Pope had nothing to say of it.

On Sunday morning, however, the Pope remembered the Last Supper, the Christian one, that is.

The French Church’s Bishops Conference was upset, as it announced at paragraph five of the 7-paragraph statement issued on Saturday evening. “We believe that the values and principles expressed and disseminated by sport and Olympism contribute to the need for unity and fraternity that our world so desperately needs, while respecting everyone’s convictions, around the sport that brings us together and promotes peace among nations and hearts. Last night’s opening ceremony, organized by the French COJOP, offered the world a marvelous display of beauty and joy, rich in emotion and universally acclaimed.”

“This ceremony unfortunately included scenes of mockery and derision of Christianity, which we deeply regret. We would like to thank the members of other religious denominations who have expressed their solidarity with us. This morning, we are thinking of all the Christians on every continent who have been hurt by the outrageousness and provocation of certain scenes. We want them to understand that the Olympic celebration goes far beyond the ideological biases of a few artists.”


The head of the Church of England, Archbishop Justin Welby, has been urged by English churchmen to condemn the French performance. To date, the Archbishop has said nothing. Welby’s permanent home is in Normandy, France. For that, he’s been rebuked by a member of parliament who has announced: “He should practise what he preaches.”

The head of the Jewish state, President Isaac Herzog, was present for the opening ceremony in Paris and attended a reception with the French president, Emmanuel Macron. “I appreciate your work in the fight against antisemitism and your contribution to ensuring the ability of the excellent Israeli delegation to compete with respect and fairness in the Olympic Games,” Herzog said.

The French government has set up a system of laws, regulations, and special police units for hate crimes, including thought crimes targeting races, genders, and Jews. This system does not acknowledge as hate crimes the Macron regime’s war against Russians, Arabs, and Iranians.

Israeli and French presidents Isaac Herzog and Emmanuel Macron meet at the Olympics opening ceremony.

No statement on the religious significance of the Olympics ceremony or solidarity with the Christian community appears to have been issued either by the Chief Rabbi of the Grand Synagogue of Paris or the Chief Rabbi of France. The former did announce on July 1: “It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France. I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country.”

The Muslim community of France has condemned the French government’s ban of French women athletes wearing the hijab in the Olympic competition. The Christian and Jewish communities have said nothing.
